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SETTINGS: Android emulator settings


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z7jPgNL.jpg?1 Tested Emulators -- .ini config settings
Retroarch - Various emulators 
 parameters=<choose one of the emulator cores like below>
Examples of retroarch core parameters
Atari 2600 core:
PSX core:
libretro cores:
Dolphin - Gamecube/Wii/Wiiware
Newer Builds from Dolphin Website:-
IrataJaguar - Atari Jaguar
Real3DOPlayer - 3DO
NES.emu - NES
MSX.emu - Colecovision, MSX, etc.
Mame4Droid - MAME
Mupen64Plus AE
Nightly builds
Play! - Playstation 2
Reicast - Dreamcast
Redream - Dreamcast
Drastic - Nintendo DS
Fpse - PSX
 * change romext=cue in settings.ini, iso did not work for me
PPSSPP (FREE version) - PSP
uoYabause - Sega Saturn


Yaba Sanshiro


Gearoid - Sega Game Gear
Colem - Speccy ZX - fMSX VGBANext
 Emulators from Garage Research
 com.fms.colem.deluxe - Colem - Colecovision
 com.fms.fmsx.deluxe - fMSX
 com.fms.ines - iNES
 com.fms.emu - VGBAnext - GBA/GBC/GB Emulator
 com.fms.vgb - VGBc - Gameboy Color
 com.fms.mg - Master Gear - Sega Game Gear
 com.fms.speccy.deluxe - Spectrum Sinclair ZX
 Set "??" to "com.fms.emulib.MainActivity" for all products but VGBAnext. 
 For VGBAnext:
 ??=com.fms.vgba.MainActivity for opening *.gba files
 ??=com.fms.vgb.MainActivity for opening *.gbc/*.gb files
OpenBOR - 2D Game Engine (Some integration issues with Hyperspin)
Launch android app package names in database.xml
Determine Android game name through Google Play web interface.
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What are the command line arguments to launch and run games for RetroArch. I have an OUYA which unfortunately isn't compatible with HyperSpin due to the Android version it's running, I would however like to set this up using Kodi and Advanced Launcher, there is information out there on how to do this, however I have tried those methods and the games don't launch. Those guides must be out of date as they are a couple of years old. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Don't work for me. In my data folder I've "paulscode.android.mupen64plus". I've try also with this command line: "exe=paulscode.android.mupen64plus/paulscode.android.mupen64plus.MainActivity" but no results, emulator won't launch.


With this it's ok now:



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  • 2 weeks later...

How do I get the find the exe command? I have a rooted device & can explore the system folder but I can't figure out where you got .mainactivity. If you can tell me how, I can get the commands for all the emus I have (both paid & free) & post them here

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Can I get a setting for Garage Games Master gear emulator?


I tried  "exe=com.fms.mg/com.fms.emulib.MainActivity"


but when the emulator loads all I get is a black screen.  Running the roms directly through the emulator works fine.

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Can I get a setting for Garage Games Master gear emulator?

I tried  "exe=com.fms.mg/com.fms.emulib.MainActivity"

but when the emulator loads all I get is a black screen.  Running the roms directly through the emulator works fine.


This should work according to the developer.   I'd consider sending him an email, he's been very responsive to me.

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This should work according to the developer.   I'd consider sending him an email, he's been very responsive to me.


Ok he responded with this




You have to pass the filename (with complete path) as a file:// URL to this activity. If this somehow is not happening, run "adb logcat" on the PC and see what messages MasterGear prints - they will be prepended with the "emulib" tag.



unfortunately that's greek to me, do you know what he means?

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OK, so I still cannot figure out what how to get the exe= command line. How do you coming up with the .BaseActivity/.MainActivity/.DraSticActivity ect?

I've been looking online but not finding anything simple enough for me to understand. I did come accross a page over at XDA that lists emulator arguements for XBMC which I think may be helpfull. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48685020&postcount=3 I'll give a few a try when I get a chance. (May root my shield TV first - the "feature" of not being able too write to the SD card is making this proccess of making minor changes quite a proccess)

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OK, so I still cannot figure out what how to get the exe= command line. How do you coming up with the .BaseActivity/.MainActivity/.DraSticActivity ect?

I've been looking online but not finding anything simple enough for me to understand. I did come accross a page over at XDA that lists emulator arguements for XBMC which I think may be helpfull. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48685020&postcount=3 I'll give a few a try when I get a chance. (May root my shield TV first - the "feature" of not being able too write to the SD card is making this proccess of making minor changes quite a proccess)

So the only way iv'e figured out how to find the ".mainactivity" is to run a logcat on a rooted device.  But from what I'm seeing so far all the emulators that currently work with hyperspin have those arguments here in the forums or on that link you posted.  The only emulators i cant get working right now are the new mupen64 alpha, and the garage games emulators.  I got the launch arguments from a logcat, but for mupen it still returns emulator not found, and for mastergear (a garage game emulator) it finds the emulator and loads it, but does not load the game and leaves you at a black screen. 





If anyone is curious the argument for the mupen alpha is 





but it doesnt work for me

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Ok after messing with master gear some more I found that the argument:






Does in fact work, but you need to pass it roms that have the extension .gg.  Zips do not work when loaded from command line.  I imagine the same is true for other Garage game emulators

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  • 1 month later...

OK, so I still cannot figure out what how to get the exe= command line. How do you coming up with the .BaseActivity/.MainActivity/.DraSticActivity ect?

I've been looking online but not finding anything simple enough for me to understand. I did come accross a page over at XDA that lists emulator arguements for XBMC which I think may be helpfull. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=48685020&postcount=3 I'll give a few a try when I get a chance. (May root my shield TV first - the "feature" of not being able too write to the SD card is making this proccess of making minor changes quite a proccess)

Ok so i found an app today that shows all these arguments for android apks, and it doesnt require root.




Its for making direct shortcuts to specific app functions, but it shows all the "activities" that we use to launch roms through hyperspin.


Run the app look for the emu you want to run then tap on it it will show you all the activities for the apk.  There may be multiples, but it will be one of the activities listed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All you have to do is change the system name on the command line :)






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Umm so this is driving me crazy. I have the nvidia shield TV. Hyperspin launches, shows videos, displays boxart, videos, but when I try to load my Genesis roms i get "warning attempting to launch missing rom". My hyperspin folder and roms are on my external usb drive. I only have genesis media and roms set up so i will not get more systems till i fix this prob. Retroarch plays the roms just fine so will someone please help me figure this out. Thank you.

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