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Sega Saturn... anything worth playing?


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Was just looking at the Sega Saturn and the emulator seems to be the hardest out of all to set up...


Other than Sonic R, is there anything there worth playing? Looking at the lists most seem to be on other consoles, but wondering if there are any gems I'm missing if i leave it off...



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Saturn had and has a lot to offer but it depends on the user, as some of the best games are available for other systems as mentioned. That being said, it supports more consecutive players than any other system, allowing up to 12 players simultaneously. The SSF emu seems to support this, though I've yet to take it that far in my own setup (soon). You can play Saturn Bomberman with 10 players as well, which is a blast. The setup isn't as rough as it seems, from what I recall, so long as your roms are in order. Like everything, it's ultimately a personal choice. For myself, I couldn't imagine not having Saturn in my setup.

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I've been wondering the SAME thing... Like... where are the games for this system that everyone of my fellow sega-fans swears their undying loyalty to? I'm starting to think it's fanboyism denial.

I was a hardcore Genesis and Dreamcast fan, but never had a Saturn as a kid.

Here's some I found to be essential from looking online

Sonic R
NiGHTS into dreams
Burning Rangers
Enemy Zero (Its a sequel to D, but not D2)
Castlevania - Symphony of the night. (Japanese... but it had some extra characters, enemies and areas of the castle)
Virtua Fighter 2 (Though personally I prefer the 2D genesis version)
Fighter's MegaMix

2D Fighting Games (The Saturn versions had way better graphics and more frames of animation)
Sonic Jam (the over-world is a prototype for sonic adventure)
Sonic X-treme Beta (It's horribly broken, but it's there)

I'm sure there are more, (I know I have more on my system at home) but those are the ones I see come up all the time (I'm only recent to Saturn emulation)

You might do a search for "RocketBoy" and essential saturn games. there are a bunch of lists of both "Games that defines" and "Hidden Gems" for *almost* every major system.


Dragonforce is an all time favorite strategy game and has a good replay quality with playing as different heroes. and my all time favorite Sidescroller is Guardian Heroes. So good they added it on xbox arcade.


And the best WarCraft out there. WarCraft 2. But i think that game is more fun to play on PC but its also on the saturn



die hard is awesome. I think its a port from arcade tho. Also I havn't played it yet but im defenately going to check out shining force 3

Keep in mind there are 2 Die Hard games on Saturn. Die Hard - Arcade, and Die Hard - Trilogy.

If memory serves me right, Dynamite Cop on Dreamcast was originally designed as a sequal to Die Hard - Arcade, so if you like Dynamite Cop...

Also Die Hard - Trilogy on the Saturn was the only version (Might have been the PSX...) that allowed you to use a light-gun. Though that's only going to matter if you somehow have this setup on a CRT tv, or have a very nice light-gun setup, or some other option I'm not aware of. (I gave up on light gun games when Duck Hunt only worked with a mouse) lol


Dragonforce is an all time favorite strategy game and has a good replay quality with playing as different heroes. and my all time favorite Sidescroller is Guardian Heroes. So good they added it on xbox arcade.


And the best WarCraft out there. WarCraft 2. But i think that game is more fun to play on PC but its also on the saturn

I haven't seen Dragonforce, but it does pop up all the time.

Also... HOW did I forget Guardian Heroes? I've never played the saturn one, but I have the XBLA version and it's amazing.


die hard is awesome. I think its a port from arcade tho. Also I havn't played it yet but im defenately going to check out shining force 3


Can't believe I forgot Shining Force III was a Saturn exclusive XD It alone makes it worth setting Saturn up!

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Bulk Slash is pretty unique and great mech action game:


I find myself enjoying Shinobi Legions sometimes despite it being a downgrade from the previous games in the series. The FMV is amusing and the melee can be satisfying:

Asuka 120% Burning Fest Limited is the best version of Asuka 120%. It's a fast paced fighter with lots of countering/parrying, the music's great and the movement feels really good. The PSX Asuka games were made by a different dev and are kinda crap. The PCE version of Burning Fest is still good, but Limited is a nice upgrade graphically and mechanically:

I really like Magic Knight Rayearth's soundtrack. It's a good action RPG with somewhat floaty movement based on an anime:

And there's the usual stuff like the Panzer Dragoon series, NiGHTS (the Steam version's analog support feels a bit off...) and Treasure's games. A lot of the games Saturn owners love are arcade ports that are usually easier to play on MAME.

Thanks everyone, I'm sold and will work on adding it!

I think from this thread, one thing that is sorely needed across all platforms is a list of games with definitive/best/stable systems to play them on. It would be great to somehow de dupe my wheels based upon that as I'm sure I have several copies of loads of games...


The ones I immediately thought of have been mentioned.

Shining Force, Guardian Heroes, Dragon Force, Panzer Dragoon games, Nights. Another Treasure game that I can't quite remember.


OH OH! I thought of one more (Maybe it was Sega CD.....But I'm pretty sure it was saturn!)

Policenauts! It's the spiritual successor to snatcher (from the Sega CD) It's only in Japanese, but I was reading there's a translation for at least one of the systems it was ported to, if not the saturn directly.


Yeah, these sites are def useful, but they emphasise the point I made above... e.g. the racketboy list has Die Hard Arcade on it. Now, I don't know for a fact, but I would expect that Die Hard Arcade, arcade version, is going to be better than the Saturn version... some where, some how we could use a list of this kind of information!!


Hell, i might even work on it myself once i'm done with my build!!


Yeah, these sites are def useful, but they emphasise the point I made above... e.g. the racketboy list has Die Hard Arcade on it. Now, I don't know for a fact, but I would expect that Die Hard Arcade, arcade version, is going to be better than the Saturn version... some where, some how we could use a list of this kind of information!!


Hell, i might even work on it myself once i'm done with my build!!

If you want to play the "Best" Die Hard Arcade Version, The PS2 Remake (Sega Ages 2500 vol.26 Dynamite Deka) is a must have, It´s an enhanced versión with extras like play with golden axe characters: . http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/dynamitedeka/dynamitedeka.htm


Managed to get this set up (at least preliminary) and seems to be working... the killer is the extraction time for the 7z...


Is there any way to have these all in the same directory, extracted (so that RL can find them) - the Cue files are all different names, but the bin files are all Track01 so obviously can't live in the same place...

I presume I could go through and rename them all and then tweak the cue so that it references the right file name, but I have no idea if that'll work or break something, and would be a major job too! Must be a better way?


EDIT: NEVERMIND! Realised that I can extract each into their own folder and all is fine... the rompath searches subfolders too clearly


Yeah, these sites are def useful, but they emphasise the point I made above... e.g. the racketboy list has Die Hard Arcade on it. Now, I don't know for a fact, but I would expect that Die Hard Arcade, arcade version, is going to be better than the Saturn version... some where, some how we could use a list of this kind of information!!


Hell, i might even work on it myself once i'm done with my build!!

I've always wanted a list like that... any game that came out on multiple platforms, have it's benefits and downfalls listed per system. Would be amazing, but WHAT a project...


Managed to get this set up (at least preliminary) and seems to be working... the killer is the extraction time for the 7z...


Is there any way to have these all in the same directory, extracted (so that RL can find them) - the Cue files are all different names, but the bin files are all Track01 so obviously can't live in the same place...

I presume I could go through and rename them all and then tweak the cue so that it references the right file name, but I have no idea if that'll work or break something, and would be a major job too! Must be a better way?


EDIT: NEVERMIND! Realised that I can extract each into their own folder and all is fine... the rompath searches subfolders too clearly

Personally I rename all the bin/cue the same thing (i.e. Die Hard - Arcade.bin & Die Hard - Arcade.cue)

Then I open the .cue with notepad (I use notepad for everything) and rename whatever is listed in the binary file line at the top to be (in this case)

blah blah blah "Die Hard - Arcade.bin" BINARY

Then I keep them all in the same E:\Games\Sega Saturn folder.


The ones I immediately thought of have been mentioned.

Shining Force, Guardian Heroes, Dragon Force, Panzer Dragoon games, Nights. Another Treasure game that I can't quite remember.



You and I think alike.


How is the Saturn the hardest to setup? It's not hard at all. The only issue with the Saturn if your are using SSF as your emulator as you should,  is that you can't run it with a bezel unless you are in windowed mode in which case you get a tiny window. 


If you go full screen while keeping the aspect ratio, you may or may not get black bars on the sides because games were made in all sorts of different resolutions. On the plus side you get perfect scanlines.


If you don't like black bars, you make it stretch to fill the csreen but this screws up the scanlines.


I assume the "difficulty" for most people stems from the fact that it's one of the only systems you have to use DT for. Most people are used to just downloading the emulator and having it pretty much ready to go with no extra steps. Having to setup the virtual drive settings, configure the correct drive number, and the fact that disc based roms are troublesome if you get a bad set or have to edit the cue files is probably what gives people more trouble than other emus.


Excactly this. As it happens i didnt seem to need to configure the correct drive number.

And to clarify - it wasnt difficult, but more difficult.


As it happens i didnt seem to need to configure the correct drive number.


This is the case for my setup as well. I've let djvj know on the RL forums so he can ammend the module notes.

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