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Posted (edited)

hypermakemyheadspin installation, here goes nothing.. cant complain for free stuff anyways, thanks. lol

an hour later, fail..

i open hyperspin and it just appears to be a demo? i downloaded and installed git, and the pink turtle thing :)

did it all to a T, aside from my first emulator i didnt install MAME, i installed NES.. simple and easy enough to add the extensions, point to where the emu is, added some roms in a folder, pointed to them.


another edit: figured out how to go fullscreen at least.

i also noticed in my settings folder "nintendo entertainment system.ini" the path is blank, do i need to manually set the path to the rom?

what confuses me is when I launch HyperSpin, and open the NES part.. its loaded with every game you could image.

where is it scraping that database from? i think i need to delete stuff, then re-add stuff, to test if im configured right.

Just dont understand why it comes pre-loaded with the lists.

edit again: Well i deleted the nintendo entertainment system.xml since that had the ENTIRE list, why does the HQ not automatically create an xml file?

Ive added a new xml file since i got the error "no xml file found" LOL.. i tried to manually add one of the ROMS thats in its directory, by copying the xml of that game.. into the xml for the main nes system. It doesnt say xml not found anymore, but it wont enter when i click on nes, so no games.

im also getting some kind of module errors in Hyperlaunch HQ, i believe it was steem and steem sse something i forget, i deleted alot of the systems, but thats still under global.

guess i'll search for a google video, im missing something so little im sure. this def isnt for the average user.

seems like it could be bundled up for easier installation, but maybe not.

It does LOOk cool enough to hassle with though.

problem is this is just a test install on one of my laptops. LOL im hoping the next two installs on my htpcs will go easier, like copy the whole folders over, maybe just need to reinstall git and the pink turtle guy

Edited by eddiejames80
  eddiejames80 said:
hypermakemyheadspin installation, here goes nothing.. cant complain for free stuff anyways, thanks. lol

an hour later, fail..

i open hyperspin and it just appears to be a demo? i downloaded and installed git, and the pink turtle thing :)

did it all to a T, aside from my first emulator i didnt install MAME, i installed NES.. simple and easy enough to add the extensions, point to where the emu is, added some roms in a folder, pointed to them.


another edit: figured out how to go fullscreen at least.

i also noticed in my settings folder "nintendo entertainment system.ini" the path is blank, do i need to manually set the path to the rom?

what confuses me is when I launch HyperSpin, and open the NES part.. its loaded with every game you could image.

where is it scraping that database from? i think i need to delete stuff, then re-add stuff, to test if im configured right.

Just dont understand why it comes pre-loaded with the lists.

Thanks for reading my guide. You most likely have three problems going on here.

problem 1: your rom names do not match the names of the games in the xml database file

problem 2: you do not understand how HyperSpin databases work. Here is a link to an explanation of their contents. http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?29481-How-to-install-HyperSpin&p=292110&viewfull=1#post292110

problem 3: you should get and use HyperTools. Link for HyperTools in the last step.

Posted (edited)
  ghutch92 said:
Thanks for reading my guide. You most likely have three problems going on here.

problem 1: your rom names do not match the names of the games in the xml database file

problem 2: you do not understand how HyperSpin databases work. Here is a link to an explanation of their contents. http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?29481-How-to-install-HyperSpin&p=292110&viewfull=1#post292110

problem 3: you should get and use HyperTools. Link for HyperTools in the last step.

problem 1: you were correct, ive been working on this.. Since deleting the xml file, ive come to realize, it has to be there.. I suppose once im all finished i can edit it to only the games im running?

Ive just matched up a game (was "1943 (us).nes" needed to be "1943 - The Battle of Midway (USA).nes"

I try to launch and i get the error

not word for word but "cannot find c:\hyperspin\hyperlaunch\module extensions\dxwdn\dxwdn.ini

ive just renamed it from dxwdn (example).ini to what it should be, so fingers crossed.

problem 2: yea, pretty much. Im watching a tutorial now, its been a bit rough around the edges but its helping somewhat.

problem 3: hyper tools? i downloaded dons hyperspin tools, i tried the rename program, but it didnt match my nes files, even when naming 1943 correct, i loaded the correct xml (i redownloaded the xml) i pointed to the roms folders, etc

Must the roms be in root, or can they be in folder? i have both right now, assuming they must be in root, mine are in folders, so im testing with 1943 in root. but it doesnt see it.

I figured i might be using an unsupported nes emulator, i tried fceu1 and jnes, i had an autohotkey error after changing the above situation, im currently still stuck.

But ive configured it to use Nestopia now since ive found thats supported, i got v 1.4, which is in the global modules.

Not sure why im still getting an ahk error.. maybe its cached.

I noticed this, not sure if i need to manually set this up c:\hyperspin\settings\nintendo entertainment system.ini

[exe info]











shouldnt path be to my emu .exe, and rom path obviously to my rom directly for nes, and the rom extension?

but not sure why hyperlaunch hq wouldnt have set this up

Edited by eddiejames80
Posted (edited)

Ok, I got it to work for Nintendo Entertainment System.. whew, glad I only like a few systems. LOL

now I guess I can workout how to trouble shoot future issues, it was the emulator, possibly a combination emu/ahk file i had.. the names match and all that now. Had to use Jnes v1.1..

so my only issues left are the XML file, gotta manually just remove all the games i wont be running?

And, the artwork? Im used to front ends that pick up games individual xml file for title description and use a "folder.jpg" for example.

edit: alright, ive figured it out. Was able to use dons tools to edit my xml, figured out how to add artwork.

One, by, one :(

is there no zipped bundles for artwork online?

i gotta say it looks amazing though.. for something i'll rarely use, but still.

thx for the guide/help

Edited by eddiejames80
  eddiejames80 said:
Ok, I got it to work for Nintendo Entertainment System.. whew, glad I only like a few systems. LOL

now I guess I can workout how to trouble shoot future issues, it was the emulator, possibly a combination emu/ahk file i had.. the names match and all that now. Had to use Jnes v1.1..

so my only issues left are the XML file, gotta manually just remove all the games i wont be running?

And, the artwork? Im used to front ends that pick up games individual xml file for title description and use a "folder.jpg" for example.

edit: alright, ive figured it out. Was able to use dons tools to edit my xml, figured out how to add artwork.

One, by, one :(

is there no zipped bundles for artwork online?

i gotta say it looks amazing though.. for something i'll rarely use, but still.

thx for the guide/help

try emumovies to get everything but the wheel art. the wheel art can be found on the hyperspin ftp for gold members.


Thanks for the guide. My question is the download in step 1 (HyperSpin Install Files v1.3.3.0 20150123) once upzipped seems to contain old Hyperlauch and other misc files/folders that are a reason for a bit of my confusion. Are there file/folders I can remove immediately after unzipping or a listing of what should be in there, or maybe a fresh dl without the old Files/folders. Thanks for your help.


Ok, looks like I can remove?





Modules Folder

Is this correct? Anything else to remove? Then proceed to Step 3?

Thanks for the help.

  • 1 month later...

Hi ghutch92

its great that it will work, I have a few questions as I am a complete noob.

I read the first page about installing but im just wondering how I confirm my controls in the script.

im using two of these in a small bartop machine for my nephew


I have the following emulators setup in hyperspin



Sega Genesis - Fusion

Sega Master System - Fusion

Sega 32X - Fusion

Atari 5200 - Fusion

The emulators are configured correctly to the joysticks outside of hypersin, but I didn't want to start messing with settings until I asked a question. I messed around too much earlier and had to re install everything. I used your install guide this time though and it was super smooth.

The bartop has 2 players and 8 buttons " 6 buttons + Start button + Credit/Select Button" is it possible to use these button to navigate hyperspin, enter an emu, exit an emu, enter a diff emu.

Any info is greatly appreciated




if that I/O board is registering the buttons as a Joypad or Gamepad then you'll need to use a program like Xpadder or JoytoKey to navigate the HS menus. But if thats all registering as keyboard strokes, all you need to do is change the menu keys in HyperHQ


Yeah they are registering as a gamepad and I have xpadder, I thought that the script could still work.

I just down no what buttons on my gamepad would register on the script?, Can I change them?

Do I still need xpadder?

  • 4 weeks later...


Step 4 from the install of hyperspin is do not work for me.

Is ther a different instalation of hyperspin.



Ah thank you! Been trying to figure out why everything hasn't linked through..really excited to learn how to install this and get it working! Cheers!

  On 12/20/2013 at 10:13 PM, obeykube said:

Hey Ghutch! Thank you so much for the tutorial. In step number 19, when you say to go to the emulators tab and if installed correctly you will see a long list of emulators, I do not see any, only 1, saying, "ExampleEmu 7z,bin Custom_Module_Name_If_Different_Then_Emu_Name" Do you know where I went wrong?


  • 3 weeks later...



I'm at step 16, but I can't download the media pack. The link always redirects me to the forum main site.  I just registered today. Thanks.

  On 5/5/2015 at 3:21 PM, Kakamingas said:



I'm at step 16, but I can't download the media pack. The link always redirects me to the forum main site.  I just registered today. Thanks.


Welcome to the forum Kakamingas. There have been some big changes recently and people are probably trying the catch up.


HyperLaunch is now called RocketLauncher and the downloads you seek are here.

You will need the RockerLauncher v1.0 full install and the Base Media Pack.


The Transition packs are only for people who have HyperLaunch/RocketLauncher already installed.

  • Upvote 2


  On 5/8/2015 at 7:04 AM, buddy540s said:

quick question, i travel a lot for work, and i want my hyperspin ultra portable. I only play mame and nintendo off of a usb flash drive in my laptop.

MY QUESTION, I Dont want to carry my laptop back and forth. can i install hyperspin in such a way such as labeling it: (.\hyperspin)...without a letter... instead of g:\hyperspin(my flash drive root) so i can just plug and play it at work or a girlfriends house instead of relabeling the drive every time i pop it in?

thank you




I know we have discussed this over pm so if anyone has any thoughts please chime in.


When you plug in any drive it will be assigned a drive letter so choosing one that is rarely used (lower down the alphabet ) would be a good idea.


Have you actually tried HyperSpin on a flash drive if so what happened? 

HyperSpin does have any paths assign to it in any ini file that i know other than maybe RocketLauncher. All emulators can be relative so that shouldn't be a problem.


The only issue i see is HyperSpin being really slow on a flash drive.


  On 5/8/2015 at 7:04 AM, buddy540s said:

quick question, i travel a lot for work, and i want my hyperspin ultra portable. I only play mame and nintendo off of a usb flash drive in my laptop.

MY QUESTION, I Dont want to carry my laptop back and forth. can i install hyperspin in such a way such as labeling it: (.\hyperspin)...without a letter... instead of g:\hyperspin(my flash drive root) so i can just plug and play it at work or a girlfriends house instead of relabeling the drive every time i pop it in?

thank you


It's doable. I'd get a 3.0 usb drive if I were doing this. Run everything through rocketlauncher when using hyperspin. After that it will only depend on the emulators. Some emulators store settings in the registry or in the %appdata% folder.


Fixed the media pack link in step 16.

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