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Koolbrez67's Cab Project


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Well I finally got one. I am so happy it needs a little work and a new monitor but I am happy. I also got it for free which is even better . But what really makes it nice is when I got it home and found 27 dollars in quarters still in it. I was like hell ya. So It is now called my Lucky Cab. I took some pictures of it to show what it looks like I am going to take the free change and part out the rest of the unit on ebay and use that money to fix the unit.







Bin one full of quarters in the front


Bin two in the back full of more quarters


Can't wait to start on it gotta move first.

Thank you Paulstevens for finding me a free cab. I work so hard on HS and stuff for the community it feels like Christmas right now. Thank you so much.

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Update sold the Marquee , Bezel and sound card of the rampage cab. Used the money to by a TrackBall. I've completely gutted the unit now and I've started stripping the siding off. The Control panel has been cleaned up and needs a new piece of sheet metal. I will put up pictures tomarrow of how it is coming along.

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So I got the unit completely Stripped.


I will have to bondo up Some areas.


This side is tore up and i will have to bondo and sand the crap out of it.


I have 2 corners to fix.



I started Bondoing this side yesterday. I will sand and finish it tomorrow.


I will update the pictures in the upcoming days.

I Did get 2 blank metal control panels for 30 bucks.




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Finished the side and kick plate today will my military buddy dave.

The sides are plastic sheets. I got them for 20 bucks each 96inchs X 48inchs. I put heavy duty metal corner protectors on each side and metal covers for the kick plate.






I will be getting new Tee molding soon and I am ready to start on the 28 inch LCD and get some smoked plexi glass from Tap Plastics. I need to have a marquee made. I was hoping to get Billpa to make me a Hyperspin marquee. Other than that I am waiting on the rest of the stuff to get here and I will be ready to rock soon.

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Well I got a little done while the site was down. I got my smoked plexi and it looks great. I cut my control panel it was a pain in the ass. I killed my drill in the process and had to go buy another one. So Here is my update. I will be finishing up the CPO next week. I will wire it this weekend. I am trying to time it with the newest release of HYperspin.



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Well I got the Control Panel almost done. I picked out this really cool Hollowgraphic laminate at Tap Plastics with a Lexen Cover. I think it looks sick I can't wait to finish this. I'm taking my time so I don't mess anything up since this is my first cab.






My racing Spinners need to still be drilled But I will get that this weekend.



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Not finished but getting close got the CP wired but still have to cut the spinner holes . This shit looks bad ass. I am proud to say that this unit will have HS 1.0 as it's first front end. I can't wait for sunday. BBB you really out did yourself. So her are som e more pictures of the progress.

The CP looks great


New Tee molding looks hella good pics are ok it looks great in person


The cp looks dam good. I am so proud of this work I've done




I just want to say that I am proud to be A HS TEAM MEMBER. Thank you everyone. I can't wait to make a video of this cab done.

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Inspirational buddy. Still cannot believe you've provided all that wonderful theme art and stuff but didn't have a cab. That said, your first baby is awesome :)

Looking forward to the video with HS 1.0 installed on it. Sweet!!!

I can't wait either. I am so looking forward to finishing this.

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