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  blur said:
for uvp might be something with keys

esc and joy8 on pbw are forbidden keys for exiting

Unless ofcourse you are using a modified exe with all the hard coded PBW button assignments removed, then joy8 works fine :)


Thanks blur, WIP9 seems to be working fine for my cabinet (with WinXP) althought WIP8 worked quite well with only an occasional hiccup. No hiccups as of yet. YEAH

Posted (edited)

I am having problems with loading in game instructions using new build. I keep getting an error about com file with the following statement, "The Com object may not be a valid dispatch object. First ensure that com Library has been initialized through Com_Init(). () Will continue Y or N ? " Any suggestions ? Flyers work as normal and all else as well. Thanks in advance,

Edited by TTDax

Instructions working fine for me with wip9 and png instruction card(s). tried single and multiple pngs, both worked fine. I'm using a Ipac with Pinball wizard for plunger and nudging, winxp.

Posted (edited)

nothing is changed in instructions code

do you have com.ahk in hyperpin folder? maybe you moved it by mistake with images to media/hyperpin/images.

Edited by blur
Posted (edited)

Yes I have the com.ahk file in hyperpin folder. I copied the files directly from my main pc which I have connected to TV and it works perfectly. Could it possibly be something with Visual Pinball or VPinMame I wonder. Hmm ?? I'm running both the main computer (home pc connected to tv, 1080p) and cabinet with win7 x64 and the cabinet has an ipac controller. Strange cause it works perfectly on main pc. All files are set to run as administrator WinXP SP3. And what is really strange is it all works on cabinet with buttons which I have setup to work on main menu (only not ingame instructions). Very odd....

Edited by TTDax
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Blur, so after using this latest version for awhile (in Win7-64bit), I am getting out of focus issues on occasion after exiting a table. I "see" Hyperpin, but it won't do anything(like it's locked up), but I can also see just the edge of my taskbar. If I connect a mouse and click the screen, the taskbar disappears and Hyperpin works as normal. Just an FYI. It doesn't happen everytime, maybe 1 out of 6 times. I didn't really have this issue in past releases.

Edited by Zablon

set debug mode to file and send me last few lines from log file

something like this:

09:05:21 | Exit Menu Closed - CloseGame p0 m0 f0 i0

09:05:21 | CloseGame Called p0 m0 f0 i0

09:05:24 | exitScript Called p0 m0 f0 i0

09:05:24 | GDI+ Unloaded p0 m0 f0 i0

09:05:24 | COM Unloaded p0 m0 f0 i0

09:05:27 | waithp 1 p0 m0 f0 i0

09:05:32 | waithp 2 p0 m0 f0 i0

09:05:32 | waithp 3 p0 m0 f0 i0

09:05:32 | Exit p0 m0 f0 i0

09:06:41 PM | Quiting program

09:06:41 PM | Exit Program Unvavailable

09:06:41 PM | Bye!

i noticed something similar but different - vp will close, hp will activate (pass all three checks) but then it will not respond to mouse or keys - only to alt-f4

will have to change something in triple check functions


Quoted from VPF : "u" key was taking picture of the DMD screen

  blur said:
you have settings in settings.ini which tells me which monitor is your backglass - so just go there and set your bg monitor number

I changed Backglass_Monitor = Secondary to Third, then the "u" key didn"t take any screen capture.

When closing HP, this setting was back to Secondary, does it need to be changed in the ahk file ?

Stargate Pincab newbie builder :hello:


:laugh::laugh::laugh:, no no, you are looking at hyperpin settings, i don't use any hyperpin settings - all fplaunch settings are on the end in fplaunch section

read fplaunch manual and read ahk script - all options are explained on the beginning of the ahk script and in the manual


Oups sorry, it works much better using fplaunch settings indeed :)

Thx Blur

Stargate Pincab newbie builder :hello:


I have just updated from WIP5 to WIP8 as I've noticed focus issues in an increasing number of tables. Whilst I'm very happy to report that ALL the focus issues appear to have cleared up, I have noticed another problem.

I have opted for useExitMenu = False as I am using this setup in a machine at my local sporting club, so I didin't want people fumbling their way into the Service Menu and screwing things up. I still want then to be able to view Flyers and Instructions though, so I have kept buttons for those functions on the cab.

The problem is, if you hit either Instructions or Flyers whilst the game is running, upon exiting back to the game the flippers are disabled. All other functions work, such as plunger, credit, exit etc but nothing will bring control of the flippers back. THe flipper sounds still happen when pressing the flipper buttons but they don't operate.

If I revert back to the menu (ie useExitMenu = True) then this problem goes away, but i give a bunch of total morons access to the Service Menu! I have also downloaded WIP9 and can confirm that exactly the same thing occurs.

I'm happy to compile my own version of FPLaunch.ahk if someone can point out either how to fix the "broken" flippers, or disable the Service Menu.

For the record I am running my own nLite version of XP.

Looking forward to suggestions........

Posted (edited)

Thanks for this great launcher.

I tried a long time (and read this thread) to get "pause".

When i press "e" or "p" i will get the same "menu".

What do i wrong?












Greetings DrEar

Edited by DrEar

there is no way to make p act different then exit, cause these keys are bound to same procedure no mater what options you choose

so you can have exit button and p button launch exit menu, or have them both launch pause window, or have them both exit out imediatelly out of the table

you have these options explained in fplaunch manual

they all have historical meaning cause lot's of new options came with time, so if i would do them now when i know all that fplaunch can do, they would probably look different

still you can change them very easy by jumping in the code and changing hotkey statement on right place, or changing some if statements

any way, even with existing options code is far to complicate to enable more options, i'm even thinking about removing most of the behaviour options and using menus always

for example exit method if all options are set to true is exitscreen function

this function depending on state of the game, long press, short press, flyer or intr on screen will close all that is on screen or if nothing is on screen it will call pause function or exit321 countdown (on long press).

pausegame will cal exit menu or pause screen depending on useexitmenu variable (so one function does both keys - so no way to change it now unless you change something)

exitmenu shows menu

  OzStick said:
I have just updated from WIP5 to WIP8 as I've noticed focus issues in an increasing number of tables. Whilst I'm very happy to report that ALL the focus issues appear to have cleared up, I have noticed another problem.

I have opted for useExitMenu = False as I am using this setup in a machine at my local sporting club, so I didin't want people fumbling their way into the Service Menu and screwing things up. I still want then to be able to view Flyers and Instructions though, so I have kept buttons for those functions on the cab.

The problem is, if you hit either Instructions or Flyers whilst the game is running, upon exiting back to the game the flippers are disabled. All other functions work, such as plunger, credit, exit etc but nothing will bring control of the flippers back. THe flipper sounds still happen when pressing the flipper buttons but they don't operate.

If I revert back to the menu (ie useExitMenu = True) then this problem goes away, but i give a bunch of total morons access to the Service Menu! I have also downloaded WIP9 and can confirm that exactly the same thing occurs.

I'm happy to compile my own version of FPLaunch.ahk if someone can point out either how to fix the "broken" flippers, or disable the Service Menu.

For the record I am running my own nLite version of XP.

Looking forward to suggestions........

So does no-one have any suggestions on how to resolve either of these issues?


shit, my response disappeared, maybe i forgot to press send

in short service menu is not dangerous - you can enable it - nothing in there

reset table just sends f3 which is just like exit from table

resize fp sends scroll lock

and bring table to front tries to bring table to front which is used on every close of menu screen or launch of table

i've checked the code what could be the problem, didn't find anything, plus as stated in previous post and several posts before soon all these options will be removed

they give like thousands of combinations for testing, what if this is true, and this false and this true and so on

can't have a good code with so many options since most time i test it i test with all options on true


Thanks Blur,

Rather than remove the Service Menu, can I alter the code so those options still appear but they don't do anything? I'm not great at programming but I can see structure in the code so I might have a look and see how involved it is. If I figure it out i can then mod the PNGs and change the labels on those options to "Unused" or something like that.

I don't blame you for wanting to simplify the options - there's a crazy amount of variables to consider in there which would make it very difficult to "balance" the code.

What sort of app do I need to recompile the AHK script?


It's all OK, I managed to work out a solution that will suit my needs.

Instead of disable everything inside the Service Menu, I just disabled the Service Menu itself.

I found the section in the script where it calls the menu and made the following changes:

} Else  If (menuItem = 4) { ; service menu
	SoundPlay alert.wav
	;serviceMenuOn = 1
	;menuItem = 1
	;toLog("Exit Menu Swapped - Service")
	;Gosub MenuSwap

In the end it was a very simply modification, I just commented out all the lines of code that called any action EXCEPT for the line that plays the sound, which I changed to a different WAV file to make it obvious to the user that the "system" won't let them into that menu.

I've tested it with all the settings I'm using and it works perfectly.


I seem to have delayed launching of a table sometimes. I know I hit my start button on the hyperPin screen and nothing seems to happen. I wait a bit and then hit a flipper button and I instantly get the loading animation on the screen and table launches. Any Ideas? Dont remember having this issue with WIP8, only WIP9. Great addition to HP Blur, thanks

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