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Good thinking, no need for pause at all anymore. I also never used the countdown thing. You have my vote for eliminating those "old" features, +1 for simplicity and easier coding!


Can do without pause screen,

I have become attached to Exit 321 as a novelty ,I still use it sometimes ... but that said, whatever make it easier for you guys.

Top work Blur and Samwyze.

All these new features have made a huge difference, and now printscreen as well :beer:

By the way, still haven't copied on to my cab and tested it yet .... maybe on the weekend.


That sounds reasonable. Maybe you should add the word.


I have a Pause Button on my cab.

Also, I havent been home to test latest WIP. Did you guys add the DMD messages when scrolling in HP? I know there is some much to test and going on with this script but I was just curious about this as that was one feature I was really looking forward to.


I had a question just to see if this is possible.

Can you use multiple versions of pinmame and have the fplaunch rename the fplaunch.dll files at table launch.

I know vpman allows you to choose between different versions of pinmame.

I have just found that some games play better on older pinmames, not sure why.

Just wondering if this is possible or if i need to figure a way to do it through the table script

FP TableS: Bad Cats, Schizo, Puzzlebox

VP Table Mods: TOTAN night, Flintstones night

VP Tables: Bad Cats

Cabinet Builder



You know what UW, thats a great idea. I too find certain tables for whatever reason play better with different versions of Pinmame.

Blur, you gotta figure this one out.

Posted (edited)

rename of vpinmame dll is not a problem if that's all that needs to be done

if you have to run vpinmame setup every time - that could be a problem

will have to try

as for dmd - if you mean high scores (pinemhi) i didn't put that in yet - that dmd in swf looks very squeezed - i would prefer high scores written in some dmd like font over upper part of the screen (kinda like fp). This squeezed dmd doesn't look up to the standard of hyperpin

if you thought about utility for third screen - that's not on the way yet

last thing i did is adding gdi plus loading screen with rolling hyperpin sign

i thought changing world rotate with bitmap rotate flip would reduce gdip code very much, but it looks like it won't :) gdi code just for showing image in gui is awfully long - check this:

Gui, 1: -Caption +E0x80000 +LastFound +OwnDialogs +Owner +AlwaysOnTop

Gui, 1: Show, NA

hwnd1 := WinExist()

pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile("background.png")

Width := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap), Height := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)

hbm := CreateDIBSection(Width//2, Height//2)

hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()

obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm)

G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdc)

Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(G, 7)

Gdip_DrawImage(G, pBitmap, 0, 0, Width//2, Height//2, 0, 0, Width, Height)

UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd1, hdc, 0, 0, Width//2, Height//2)

SelectObject(hdc, obm)





rotation just adds few lines more

does any body know a shorter way to do this?

if not i will have to put this in function

Edited by blur

I've been messing with the latest WIP and everything seems to work great. (Except screen printing of FP tables in Win7---which I think you are already aware of.

I also seem to ahve an issue of the visual pinball menu coming up when I bring up the menu in a game, and it does not go away when returning to the game, however I think that is due to that I still use "esc" as my primary button.


here is new release 1.295 wip 6 (or shortly wip 6):


here is change log from this and previous version (in case you missed it), with to do list, all of this you can read from the ahk file also (comment at the beginning of file):

1.295 wip 5

+ save printscreen-a under name taken from description

+ quick launch gui from HL 2.0

+ options do not get overwritten

+ menus

+ show instructions and flyer on pause

+ fix slow down after close (when vp is still closing) - fixed -

you have to wait a little till windows free memory

1.295 wip 6

+ pauseVPinball key changed to pauseKey since it is not just for VP

+ pauseVP acts exactly the same as exitEmulatorKey

so now you can have two keys for opening and exiting menus (Esc and p)

and two keys for menu items activation (1 and enter)

+ instructions are bigger

+ flyer is bigger, and if works with different dimensions images for same table

+ loading menu is merged from sam's version

+ some parts of the code are optimized (draw image by the book), some are not

+ lots of work and testing so that you can always use exit, enter, flyer and instr keys

for example you can press flyer to open flyer directly or go through menus with enter

same with instructions

you can also switch from flyer to instructions

you can close flyer with exit, enter or flyer key, same for instructions

all of this will work in vp and fp

+ ... what else, uhmmmmm let me think - yes loading menu - something was hiding

loading slider (probably vp) and unhiding taskbar - this is both fixed

so taskbar is hidden every few secs and slider is unhiden

+ focus problem with loading screen - while slider is on the screen

every few seconds we try to activate vp (avoiding dmd hack)

also after aprox. 25 secs. we just close loading screen unconditionally

also on exit key (or pause key) we close loading screen unconditionally

and after close of loading screen there is a one sec sleep and

winactivate in a loop so now you should get perfect focus on every vp game

+ debug mode - lot's of things was written to log file, I also added tool tip

on top of the screen - but nothing is written anywhere by default

only if you enable it with this option in settings.ini


- change key names to exitkey exitkey1 and startkey startkey1 for simlicity

- remove usepause useexitasapuse useexitmenu options for simplicitiy

- use prerotated menu images for simplicity

- always use draw image by the book function for simplicity

- put every repeating code to subroutines for simplicity

- change instruction card menu item to instructions

- enable png instructions

- compile a set of png instructions and replay score cards

and helps for setting replay levels, and tactics help, and ...

(hopefully somebody will do this eventually)

- test service menu

- fix late printscreen in fp

- fp auto positioning

here is new release 1.295 wip 6 (or shortly wip 6):


here is change log from this and previous version (in case you missed it), with to do list, all of this you can read from the ahk file also (comment at the beginning of file):

1.295 wip 5

+ save printscreen-a under name taken from description

+ quick launch gui from HL 2.0

+ options do not get overwritten

+ menus

+ show instructions and flyer on pause

+ fix slow down after close (when vp is still closing) - fixed -

you have to wait a little till windows free memory

1.295 wip 6

+ pauseVPinball key changed to pauseKey since it is not just for VP

+ pauseVP acts exactly the same as exitEmulatorKey

so now you can have two keys for opening and exiting menus (Esc and p)

and two keys for menu items activation (1 and enter)

+ instructions are bigger

+ flyer is bigger, and if works with different dimensions images for same table

+ loading menu is merged from sam's version

+ some parts of the code are optimized (draw image by the book), some are not

+ lots of work and testing so that you can always use exit, enter, flyer and instr keys

for example you can press flyer to open flyer directly or go through menus with enter

same with instructions

you can also switch from flyer to instructions

you can close flyer with exit, enter or flyer key, same for instructions

all of this will work in vp and fp

+ ... what else, uhmmmmm let me think - yes loading menu - something was hiding

loading slider (probably vp) and unhiding taskbar - this is both fixed

so taskbar is hidden every few secs and slider is unhiden

+ focus problem with loading screen - while slider is on the screen

every few seconds we try to activate vp (avoiding dmd hack)

also after aprox. 25 secs. we just close loading screen unconditionally

also on exit key (or pause key) we close loading screen unconditionally

and after close of loading screen there is a one sec sleep and

winactivate in a loop so now you should get perfect focus on every vp game

+ debug mode - lot's of things was written to log file, I also added tool tip

on top of the screen - but nothing is written anywhere by default

only if you enable it with this option in settings.ini


- change key names to exitkey exitkey1 and startkey startkey1 for simlicity

- remove usepause useexitasapuse useexitmenu options for simplicitiy

- use prerotated menu images for simplicity

- always use draw image by the book function for simplicity

- put every repeating code to subroutines for simplicity

- change instruction card menu item to instructions

- enable png instructions

- compile a set of png instructions and replay score cards

and helps for setting replay levels, and tactics help, and ...

(hopefully somebody will do this eventually)

- test service menu

- fix late printscreen in fp

- fp auto positioning

forgot to say - all images are there in zip file, just move them to media\hyperpin\images

and one pixel offset bug is fixed also


Thanks Blur and crew!

Sounds like great features!!! :D :D

Posted (edited)

Thanks for work ! Great Job !

I've installed the new versions (WIP 6) but it makes all tables lag. So, back to WIP 5v3 and everything's OK.

Only with WIP 6 I can see the ball rolling, not with previous version.

Here's my config:

Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (x64) (build 7601) Service Pack 1


SMBios version 2.5

MSI MS-7309 1.0

Bios: MS-7309 V1.11 04/03/2008 taille: 512Kb


Northbridge: NVIDIA MCP61

Southbridge: NVIDIA MCP61


AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ Windsor Socket AM2 (940) (@90 nm) 3000 Mhz ( L1I: 2 x 64 Ko, L1D: 2 x 64 Ko, L2: 2 x 1024 Ko )


Total Physical Memory: 2048 Mo, Type: DDR2, @376.7MHz, 5.0-5-5-18-2T

DDR2 Corsair CM2X1024-6400 1024 Mo PC2-6400 (400 Mhz) (5.0-5-5-18)

DDR2 Corsair CM2X1024-6400 1024 Mo PC2-6400 (400 Mhz) (5.0-5-5-18)

Graphic Card:

Radeon HD 4670 (RV730,,512 Mo)


2 widescreen 22 inch in 1680x1050

Edited by V1kt0R52
Posted (edited)

Hi guys,

done some testing with WIP6.

While it displays great - when i go into the menu in game, i get the menu up, can navigate up and down the list with the flipper buttons but I can't select anything. I tried the start button (which is 'x' on my machine) and launch ball (which is 'g' on my machine). While i configured up and down in the config to be what my flipper buttons are mapped too, there doesn't seem to be an option to define what the start/select key is to select the menu option.

Is it optional for the sound to play? The noise is a bit harsh to me (but only my opinion i hasten to add!)

Keep going with this great addition to hyperpin!

Any ideas?



Edited by shifters67

for viktor - just tested lots of tables - no lag for me except for tables that lag even outside of hyperpin, but i don't have win 7 to test with so, all is possible

you could start in debug mode and send me log

for shifter menu sound is menu.wav - you can put something else or remove it

exit buttons are exitemulatorkey and pausekey

start/select buttons are exitemulator1 and exitemulator2 (old names - old users will know them and have them already configured) - for next release names will change to exitkey exit1key and startkey start1key or something like that - it's all said in change log

Posted (edited)

Getting better and better, totally awesome! I really love the moving ball in the loading screen. No slow down noticed yet, only play 2 games though. Being able to hit my favorite/flyer button is the middle of a game is top notch! Thank you.

Really looking forward to png support!

Any way to record date and time of all table launches, so a reporting type thing may be run making a list of the most played tables and such. I think others would like this also, or I may be wrong who knows?

Edited by slydog43

Incomprehensible !!!

Everything works fine today, so sorry for the post. No lag on tables.

Send mp my log file if it can be useful.


tnx guys

great idea for 7890 keys - during "service mode" some keys could be converted to 7890

maybe left and right flipper and left and right nudge or magna save - or make it configurable

exit key could exit from service mode so all other keys could be used for 7890

it would be even better with some per table guide to setting replay levels and all options as image on the screen while we do this

Posted (edited)

h guys

you probably noticed that for flyer you can see all images that have same game name. other parts of description like year manufacturer and all after that are not important. only name till first ( is checked.


let's say you have two same games, but they are from different authors or one of them is night mod. you want them both in your hyperpin.

but you want to see difference between them - for example you want them to have different screen shots - to see which one is which (from picture you see if it is megapin or jpsalas version), or you even want different wheel image - with night mode text.

so you have to give those two games different description.

if you keep HP naming convention you usually name them like this:

Twilight Zone (Bally 1993)

Twilight Zone (Bally 1993) NM

so they can have diffferent wheel and backglass images

but you don't want to copy all flyer images and instructions.

so in my flyer browser in fplaunch i remove everything after first "(" and i search for all flyer images with name "Twilight Zone"*

for now instructions are strictly tabledescription.swf but that will also be changed when i enable instructions browsing - then you will be able to browse through all docs with name shortdescription*

this means that sometimes you'll have documents from other tables shown - for example

airborne game will show all docs from airborne avenger also

or eight ball will show all from eight ball champ and eight ball deluxe but i thought better to see more then to not see anything on some tables.

now that i think of it i could change it so that it searches for all images with name "Twilight Zone ("*

there could be a problem with instructions, i see there is a lot's of swf rules for every table, so you should check them manually and chose which one fits best to your settings and move others to some other folder, and possibly add whatever images and swf's you want (replay scores for example)

what do you think?

Edited by blur

How do multiple pages work now, ie which pages gets loaded first, second, etc.

tablename-1, tablename-2 - would it load them up alphanumerically or randomly if tablename matches like your last message.

Blur what do you think about changing 'exit' to 'Exit To HyperPin' in the table pause/menu and Exit to 'Exit To Windows' in the HyperPin menu. I think it is clearer for newbies on my PinCab. (If not no biggie, I will just change the graphic myself, just thought others might want it also)

Great work, Thanks. Make cab sooooo much better.

Any idea when PNG support will be added?

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