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Hyperspin android crashing in mega drive wheel


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Ok usually I dont ask for help for android but this is a 1st for me....as I scroll thru the Sega mega drive wheel I added, once it gets to the 1st game starting with letter "O", hyperspin crashes ...even if i navigate using the letters option when i get to letter "O" again it crashes....i use a default theme i made and have cart art, boxart,and wheel for all the games  ...will upload a log as I'm clueless to what happening...thanks


Maybe start with removing images to see if it’s a bad image causing it to crash.

Remove carts
Remove boxes
Remove wheels

Maybe letter o has a bad image?

Or review the letter o images to ensure no corrupt ones.

Just an idea. Good luck.


Sega genesis works with no issues...damn near the same names except they have (usa) tag and mega drive has (europe) at the end ....I may start this 1 literally from the bottom up to see what's going on...also uninstalled hyperspin and reinstalled from the playstore....I didnt deleted any files though which possibly I should have like obb folder contents for hyperspin....tomorrow I'll skip work and may have time 2 work on it


one time my android setup crash suddenly. a default theme become corrupt.

so you could try to delete your theme and test to know if it's the problem


Finally figured it out and fixed it...smh....took everyone's suggestions and went thru everything 1by1 line by line....2 bad images was the cause of the crash..these 2 images I will post would not open in android causing it to immediately crash....thanks everyone for the inputs and advice



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