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Hyperbase, RocketLauncher & HyperSpin - Updates?


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Just wondering why these 3 programs don't get updates anymore?

I was looking forward to the new HyperSync called Hyperbase, but after beta testing and waiting, no more news.

Then suddenly RocketLauncher don't get updates anymore while there are a lot of new and updated emulators.

And after HyperSpin 1.5.1 it's quiet here too. There is a 2.0 version, it isn't original, but it looks great though, check on YouTube.

Anyone know what happened to these guys?


@agent47 I'm pretty happy with HS even if it's not updated. But i would like to ask you if is there any other frontend which you thing is much better than what we already have here and the reasons. If you preffer you can answer me private. Thanks in advance!.

17 minutes ago, thatman84 said:

@agent47 uses RetroFE along with a few other people but generally ends up just launching games with RLUI! ;)

Inbetween doing other useful stuff. I know he is not a fan of posting here so thought I would save him the trouble

That's why i told him to send me a PM. But thanks for the answer! ;)


Quite sad seeing this in HS,  can I get a refund? Just joking
This was my first FE & learned so much here from everyone.

Agent47 why go for RetroFE and not BIG BOX?

On 7/14/2019 at 7:15 PM, agent47 said:

I'm not posting this to be a troll or shit on HS, just pointing out the obvious and not so obvious.

@agent47 you are clearly the most helpful person over at the RL forums, and you've personally helped me out on many occasions, and I certainly appreciate that, and I respect you as a knowledgeable individual. Just wanted to make sure I pointed that out before I give you some shit. But having said that...

You rarely, if ever, pass down an opportunity to shame the devs and the webmasters whenever someone asks a question like this. It's not enough to just chime in with a snide comment or two, either (in which case I'd have nothing to say), it has to be a long winded, detailed rant. But you don't just stop there - you want to make sure that everyone understands that HyperSpin in general is a sinking ship, and all the current contributors fully understand that their work is subpar, and will never be as good as it was "back when you were contributing." And if that isn't taking a huge, steaming, nut-filled shit all over an entire community, I don't know what is. It almost seems like you wouldn't be happy unless the devs issued a formal apology, and all of the current contributors were to become more self aware of their lack of talent, and just give up.

If I were the least bit interested in politics and leaned to the left, and were to, say, make an account on some ultra right wing political forum, and post a long winded rant in response to a question about "why the wall hasn't been built yet" about how Donald Trump is a lying, racist, immature, egotistical douchebag with sociopathic tendencies who isn't fit to lead a nation, then went on to say something to the effect of "Voters used to be better than this, they used to have enough common sense to not elect such an egomaniac," all of this may very well be obvious to myself (again, if I even cared), and like minded people. But that doesn't mean that I'm not being a self righteous, condescending, egotistical asshole.

I don't think that was your intention, and to some degree, I understand where you're coming from. But sometimes giving the world your 'truth' is indeed taking a shit on it. Perception is reality. Sooner or later, if we don't want to be egotistical assholes, we have to acknowledge that our own perceptions are not the only ones that matter.

18 hours ago, Mrmikey73 said:

I check in here every so often but nothing really changes. In my opinion when @emband @Rainstopped being active then @djvjand @brollystarted rocket launcher that was the beginning of the end for Hyperspin 

 you do know that  Rocketlauncher is a re brand of  Hyperlaunch  version 3.0;   and it only "broke off" when it started to support other front ends.

as long as new media is being created and RL and HS launches games

any updates will be a luxury and not a necessity but that's just my opinion.


IF you really want to see a dead Frontend look at HyperPIN;  you can't launch any of the newer Pinball  programs such as   PinballFX2/3  , Pinball Arcade,   Zaccaria (from Steam).

it still uses the outdated launcher and their is no RL plugin for it.


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