Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 Why is EmuMovies only downloading 2D artwork ? I want 3D artwork, yet no option. 3
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 10:03 AM, Creezz67 said: I love you Hyperspin but this is embarrassing. This is showing me that all these years it was RocketLauncher that made Hyperspin what i thought it was. Expand All they have to do is give us the ability to fix this ourselves. The community is resourceful, tenacious, and hard working! 1
dreamw Posted January 12 Posted January 12 I think it would be nice to also give a choice to use a video or a screenshot from the game in standard themes for games. Maybe I (and not only me) want to make a light build and not use video files for games. 1
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 10:11 AM, dreamwkrr said: Думаю, было бы неплохо также дать возможность использовать видео или скриншот из игры в стандартных для игр темах. Может быть, я (и не только я) хочу сделать легкую сборку и не использовать видеофайлы для игр. Expand Yes excellent point. Being able to choose screenshots vs video files for a library as big as mame could save a lot of space.
Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 10:14 AM, floatingyeti said: Yes excellent point. Being able to choose screenshots vs video files for a library as big as mame could save a lot of space. Expand And if we can only download from EmuMovies and not use our own videos there are literally 1,000's of videos missing anyway. If I only used games that EmuMovies had media for it would cut my setup in half. I have found/created more myself than they have on their servers particularly on newer systems like PS Vita, Switch, XBOX 360, PS3 etc 3
thatman84 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 9:53 AM, floatingyeti said: And that's OK for some people. I just want an option to use what I created. The loss of the themes is not a big deal, much more than that was taken away. Expand I get it for sure.... that's where the conversation needs to go. How can those things get integrated moving forward, it maybe that they can't but hopefully @fr0stbyt3 can explain what is achievable for people that have decades into curated setups to move over. 1 Official Hyperspin Tutorials Playlist HS Android Overview & Install HS Android Base Pack Download My Tutorials
Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 Has anyone been able to download videos On 1/12/2025 at 10:20 AM, thatman84 said: I get it for sure.... that's where the conversation needs to go. How can those things get integrated moving forward, it maybe that they can't but hopefully @fr0stbyt3 can explain what is achievable for people that have decades into curated setups to move over. Expand It looks like their top focus is to stop people profiting by selling these drives and to hell with the end user. Surely they could have found a solution where you had to purchase a new license for every specific setup ? This is NEVER going to work if they won't allow us to use our own media and setup any systems we like. I have over 600+ wheels and 90% of them I have created media for myself, be it from scratch or editing videos from Youtube etc, all now useless. It's like they have never used Hyperspin before and made Hyperspin 2 blind, without even looking at what it was previously. Also the way they have it, we will ALL have exactly the same setups that are dictated by what they allow us to download. Ridiculous !!!! 2 5
Mackano Posted January 12 Posted January 12 En mi opinión, el conjunto hyperspin y rocketlauncher nos ha dado y da opciones ilimitadas, es por eso que nunca cambié a ningún otro frontend tipo launchbox, porque esa había sido siempre la identidad de hyperspin, con la edición de mediapacks se ha avanzado muchísimo en los últimos años en términos de calidad, son muchos años de trabajo para tirar a la basura ahora. Simplemente podrían haberse planteado actualizar el hyperspin original para añadir 1920x1080 y la mejora en calidad de los videos, pero han decidido ir por ese camino, lo han llamado hyperspin 2 como podian haberlo llamado de cualquier otra forma, pero este frontend mostrado es otra cosa. Todo esto es mi opinión y me deja claro en qué frontend voy a seguir invirtiendo mi tiempo definitivamente. 1 2
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 10:26 AM, Creezz67 said: Their top focus is to stop people profiting by selling these drives. Expand I get that but this is a emulation front-end. They take money to provide access to software and media to launch roms. I don't disagree with that because there is cost involved to provide and host the website and server but this hobby is in a legal grey area. It's strange to take such a moral high ground. 1 1
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 10:30 AM, Mackano said: En mi opinión, el conjunto hyperspin y rocketlauncher nos ha dado y da opciones ilimitadas, es por eso que nunca cambié a ningún otro frontend tipo launchbox, porque esa había sido siempre la identidad de hyperspin, con la edición de mediapacks se ha avanzado muchísimo en los últimos años en términos de calidad, son muchos años de trabajo para tirar a la basura ahora. Simplemente podrían haberse planteado actualizar el hyperspin original para añadir 1920x1080 y la mejora en calidad de los videos, pero han decidido ir por ese camino, lo han llamado hyperspin 2 como podian haberlo llamado de cualquier otra forma, pero este frontend mostrado es otra cosa. Todo esto es mi opinión y me deja claro en qué frontend voy a seguir invirtiendo mi tiempo definitivamente. Expand You have worked as hard as anyone! You are right we still have the original HyperSpin.
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 It would have been so much better to not name this HyperSpin 2.0. It would still be widely used and appreciated. I know it's an impressive application. I'll probably use it and eventually love it but why name it HS 2.0? It has almost zero backward compatibility. 1 1
rik81 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 The scraping on this is terrible... It got 1 game from Atomiswave. I mean it doesnt even give you dummy media to match with
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 11:18 AM, rik81 said: The scraping on this is terrible... It got 1 game from Atomiswave. I mean it doesnt even give you dummy media to match with Expand They put so much time into the new application but we can't even appreciate it because they won't let us copy and paste some png and mp4 files. 1
Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 Stuff so far that are problems: Can't use your own media and videos for ANYTHING (Main Menu or Systems) Both HyperHQ and Hyperspin.exe will NOT exit correctly and need to be manually exited via Task Manger. Videos being sent to C:\Hyperspin when my path has been set to D:\Arcade no matter what i do. Media not being re-sized correctly by Hyperspin, so it's showing huge carts that overlap the boxart for example. When downloading boxart it will ONLY download 2D covers and not 3D boxart (no option to choose) Can't exit Hyperspin with a controller (you need to use a keyboard) Also this new Hyperspin 2.0 is using a cache system just like Launchbox and it makes it as slow as hell as you continue to add to it. Using Windows 11 64bit 23H2 build if that makes a difference as to why nothing is working correctly. 3
Asparky Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 8:27 AM, Creezz67 said: I know. I thought this would just be a far superior Hyperspin seeing as they have had years to think out it, but it looks like they have just copy and pasted Launchbox's ideas and called it Hyperspin 2. I have spent the last week on LB forums telling everyone that Hyperspin is back and will now take over .... then I see this !!!! Expand Funny how I said this on the LB Forums and got shot down for it.............MMMMMMM
floatingyeti Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 11:48 AM, Asparky said: Funny how I said this on the LB Forums and got shot down for it.............MMMMMMM Expand Well if you use Launchbox, you're in luck, HyperSpin 2.0 was made specifically for you! Come try it out, free of the baggage of classic Hyperspin and it's inferior community-made media. I really think you'll love it. 1
Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 11:48 AM, Asparky said: Funny how I said this on the LB Forums and got shot down for it.............MMMMMMM Expand I was ridiculing him for suggesting this would happen and that it would just be another Launchbox clone, but sadly he was correct. Unless this picks up drastically very soon, it will crash and burn !! So much for my predictions , I really was bigging them up but basing it on the real Hyperspin ... not this locked down, money grab version. Now I know why it really was so good all along ...... RocketLauncher. If they hadn't both fallen out and created a new Hyperspin 2.0 together, it could have been AWESOME !!!! 3
gigapig Posted January 12 Posted January 12 Glad to see the forums so lively again. I'm also glad that the Devs have finally shared their work with a much much bigger group for some extreme testing of the HS 2 Beta. You've had (and still have ) Hyperspin for 17 years to play with, get frustrated with and make better. We have had HS 2 for a few hours and with your help and patience it can become as special as the original. Happy testing. 1 1
Asparky Posted January 12 Posted January 12 I think Jason, got it right, with the Interface he came up with, with the user able to set things up easily, Hence a number of newer Front Ends going down the same route.
Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 12:19 PM, Asparky said: I think Jason, got it right, with the Interface he came up with, with the user able to set things up easily, Hence a number of newer Front Ends going down the same route. Expand Neither got it right. It was better as it was with Hyperspin and RocketLauncher All they had to do was update that and this would have been awesome. Like the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. 1
jcm9800 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 so what i have seen so Far iam also really disappointed what the call Hyperspin 2 its more of Launchbox then anything hyperspin related and a slap in the Face to all the loyal Members of Hyperspin over the years 4 [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
rik81 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 Ive got a bunch of things running through Rocketlauncher... which is good cause the backend has all the settings... directories, bezels and other stuff. However... And even with the new naming... I wish there was dummy files. Theres a bunch of files that get stored on C drive as well. Caches and databases etc. Im playing with this...learning is progressing... Also... How do you delete roms? I dont want to remove the game from the database and refresh. Scraping isnt the best
Creezz67 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 On 1/12/2025 at 12:42 PM, rik81 said: Ive got a bunch of things running through Rocketlauncher... which is good cause the backend has all the settings... directories, bezels and other stuff. However... And even with the new naming... I wish there was dummy files. Theres a bunch of files that get stored on C drive as well. Caches and databases etc. Im playing with this...learning is progressing... Also... How do you delete roms? I dont want to remove the game from the database and refresh. Scraping isnt the best Expand How have you got RocketLauncher to work ? What did you have to change ?
rik81 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 Set the name of the wheel before the rom name... If theres spaces... use "" marks. 1
rik81 Posted January 12 Posted January 12 ALl the videos download to the C drive? Dafuq? C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\media\Systems\Arcade (MAME)\EmuMoviesVideoHigh\ Can this be changed? I dont have a big C drive.
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