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Manufacturers Games Pulled From MAME with Main Menu Themes


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Hello everyone, it's been really fun doing these classics series. I have to say it's a shame that it has to come to an end. But... I'm happy to release the last in the series, Atari.

Some great titles for this system, I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did making it. The idea is that paperboy scrolls across the screen and throws a comic of batman into the screen which displays some of the atari video footage.

Thanks to everyone who has shown an interest in this and has given me the incentive to do more, Cheers guys :-)





Xbox Live: Quaristice

PSN: Black_Cat_61


Yep, I'm a huge fan as well! Thanks for all the hard work. My arcade looks completely different from my HTPC and Cocktail cab now! Brilliant!


Thankyou so much for doing these having these manufacturer themes really has changed the look of my cab. Oh, on another note thanks for using my exact car as the background of your Model 3 theme too :thrasher:.. The STI is quite a nasty bastard.

You should get together with Mattie and Brian and start cranking out some mame game themes, you obviously know what your doing.

I am......Machine


This is terrific so awesome that you should start doing it for console types too which have Sega games Nintendo etc

sig.png 100%


@ Paintnothing-I believe the Data East pointer is just the default pointer.Anyone else have the actual DE pointer?

Also paintnothing,PM SENT :)


Your system and default themes are awesome! Did you ever get around to doing a new Dreamcast theme? :D

*Edit* I also think we could definitely use a better theme for Zinc :D



Your system and default themes are awesome! Did you ever get around to doing a new Dreamcast theme? :D

*Edit* I also think we could definitely use a better theme for Zinc :D

Thanks Hunk, (hmm that sounds kind of.... lol)

Yeah no problem, I'll do a Dreamcast and Zinc theme for you over the next few days, any kind of style, do you want anything doing or maybe something with a kiosk in it etc?

Xbox Live: Quaristice

PSN: Black_Cat_61


Ha ha! It's cool man. I know it sounds weird. Hunk is one my favorite characters from Resident Evil (he's not a main one so many people don't know him unless they've played RE2 :) )

Hmm I'm not sure about the DC one I know that one dude (manson I think?) was working on a sweet one using this http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSjNdY0ZzHiUEt9nIfDfLC7Yh9UARE_lrD0utKjv2LQdbsgbhRANO1TFOauMQ Hmm for Zinc I'm not really sure either I think it would be pretty cool to have some sort of arcade machine in there similar to the arcade classics theme :D




Ha ha! It's cool man. I know it sounds weird. Hunk is one my favorite characters from Resident Evil (he's not a main one so many people don't know him unless they've played RE2 :) )

Hmm I'm not sure about the DC one I know that one dude (manson I think?) was working on a sweet one using this post-2148-14287057825_thumb.jpg

Hmm for Zinc I'm not really sure either I think it would be pretty cool to have some sort of arcade machine in there similar to the arcade classics theme :D



  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Paint! I am using your themes and wheel stuff on my main cab. It looks great and so different than everything else out there! Thanks so much. I have a question. I have been making my own wheels to add more themes. Could you put a blank wheel image in PNG up on the ftp. I mean the main two shade grey wheel used? I don't use Adobe, just some basic programs and could really use that blank one.


Here is an example of one I did. I would like to make them all without any border though! As you can see I had to cheat the sides. With the blank I could make a ton of these as I think I've download a logo for just about every system ever made! My main reason is for making obscure systems that you may not do such as MX1 and MX2 and CDI and to make some of them a bit different than your own. (I'm a whore for a million wheels). Thanks for your answer and keep up the awesome work!

Hello Paint! I am using your themes and wheel stuff on my main cab. It looks great and so different than everything else out there! Thanks so much. I have a question. I have been making my own wheels to add more themes. Could you put a blank wheel image in PNG up on the ftp. I mean the main two shade grey wheel used? I don't use Adobe, just some basic programs and could really use that blank one.


Here is an example of one I did. I would like to make them all without any border though! As you can see I had to cheat the sides. With the blank I could make a ton of these as I think I've download a logo for just about every system ever made! My main reason is for making obscure systems that you may not do such as MX1 and MX2 and CDI and to make some of them a bit different than your own. (I'm a whore for a million wheels). Thanks for your answer and keep up the awesome work!

Hi Tristeele, glad you like the themes, thankyou for your comments.

Sure, I will upload the two layers I use, one is the background, the other is the transparent layer. You could use the background layer first, then put your images over that, then paste the transparent layer over that to create the sheen effect. Also I can easily change the colour too if you wanted a red or blue tint to them, let me know. They are on the main directory of my ftp.

Xbox Live: Quaristice

PSN: Black_Cat_61


Thanks man! I would take both actually. When I do a few I will upload them if you like. LOVE YOUR Stuff! I also made a Midway Pointer. Not sure if you missed making that one or not.


DUDE! Thanks again. After messing around a bit with these I would love to see what I could do with the blue and red. The overlay is perfect as well. I am gonna make a ton of these total before I am done. I will post any work I do in a folder on the ftp. Not sure anyone else will want them, but you never know. I basically designed my main cab totally around your arcade themes and took everything out and started from scratch. It is starting to rock. I also am making my own loading screens at the same time as well. Also made a few more pointers and added sounds (like you added the atomiswave, capcom and neogeo sounds - genius!). I have a fight wheel with Michael Buffer saying "Let's Get Ready To Rumble". Anyway - thanks again.


Here are a few I did.











Your welcome Hunk! If there are more you want let me know. It takes no time at all to put them together! Really the thanks goes to PaintNothing in all honesty!

Here are a few more I did and an example of my loading screens.... There is a white circle behind the name of the system and the arcade classics pic.... when colored it looks really cool.



Also - I took the logos and some pics from various themes and other sources so more credit goes to all the originators!






I'm done for tonight but will do whatever people may want. I have pretty much every obscure system in my cab even weird stuff like cdi, text adventures, tv shows and movies wheels (arcade type shows only), spotify, trackball wheel, gun wheel, frets on fire, openbor, racing wheel, msx, c64, fm towns and more so if someone wants something obscure Ill do my very best to make the wheel image and the loading screen. I also have themes for all my wheels but some are pretty weaksauce. I'll share regardless.



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