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To gut or not to gut that is the question?

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So i picked this old 1975 gottlieb High Score for 300 bucks and i'm not sure what to do I was hoping it was fucked so i can gut it and make a Vpin machine but it works pretty good just needs some new rubbers, the body is in rough shape but easy to repair i think it might be alot of work to refurbish it 
any help would be sweet



I'm not a huge fan of old EM's, but if it isn't in bad shape I say don't gut it.

Once these tables are gone they're gone forever. Almost immoral to destroy one without good reason. Ha!


but the game is so boring

Ha! I bet. I love modern 80's and up pinball, but old EM's bore me to death.

Maybe someone will trade you that for a non-working 80's cab?

Worth a shot putting it on Craigslist or Pinside to see.


Ya that game looks like it sucks ass. I'm sure the pin guys around here are gonna cringe, but I say gut it like the pig it is

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As the owner of a police force pinball that did not even have flippers when I got it and still doesn't boot. I know it's not a em but, I would sell it and build your own. I stopped at a gaming event and played a few vpins and I really developed a preference for having the playfield screen meet the back box perfectly. You won't get that on a gut job imho.


Well I got everything working on it now and its pretty fun and loud 

I massaged a few parts and it came back to life

Now I decided i'm going to restore it but i'm going to change a few little things

i bought some replacement parts but missing 2 of the little bowling balls in the back glass can't find those 

going to make it shiny and new again
I really didn't want to be known as a pinball killer


Nice to see that you got it going.  I had considered offering a trade for it but you're a bit further out than I trust my truck to make it to....:)


The backbox bowling balls are kindof a neat feature on that one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good thing you didn't gut this, otherwise..........somebody gonna get a hurrrt :woot:

When you find great deals on Craigslist for CRT based cabs, exuberance can be a bad thing!


Current status of cabs:  0/5 working as desired :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

  • 3 weeks later...

So..  having restored a few gottlieb playfields myself - you're in for a long road.  


Strip the entire playfield down to nothing (bare wood) and take a thousand pictures along the way.   Cheap craft store paint is good for matching and touch ups.  Once that's done, spray can Varathane (home depot) works great to clear it.  many. many coats, and block sanding - then polishing will make it look new.   But your going to have to put hours into it.  


And its a EM.  DING DING DING gets REALLY annoying after awhile.  But if you love it, go for it.  :)   (I more of a 80s Gottlieb fan myself.  Like Black Hole and Haunted House.  two pins I searched a long time for before I got my hands on finally.  :) )


great opportunity to get size specs from machine to start a rebuild

(Midlife crisis) some have hot rods, some have gold chains, I have arcade machine with hyperspin.


I hate it when people gut original games. Only when they are past the point of restoration should you even consider it. Even then, you should part out everything that could be used to arcade collectors.


you feel better knowing you have a peice gaming of history! and you have restored it!

(Midlife crisis) some have hot rods, some have gold chains, I have arcade machine with hyperspin.


yah i love the story behind it
was on a native reserve and then went to auction probably 30 years ago, and my buddies dad picked it up and been sitting in his basement ever since 

so heres a before and after shot 
used epoxy putty to fill in the crackit worked great, I think it looks a lot better than it did


  • 1 month later...


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