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About Polemicist

  • Birthday 06/03/1973

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    Ya Mum


  • Lurking as always

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  1. Do we get a list of who we gave beer o'clock to?
  2. No Idea... Ask that crazy guy doing countless Themes if he got my Beer... Burp away...
  3. Hmmm Not sure what MAME you are running if that is the case. My mame folder has 15,113 ZIP files for the MAME Merged set and another 648 folders for the CHD files. and when you do a search for the "files" in MAME you get this "As of the latest MAME releases, the "files list" contains information for over 7,000 unique games and around 10,000 individual ROM image sets; however, not all of these games are fully playable depending on the set and available ROMs." If you only have that many files you aren't running with a "full set". PleasureDome is your friend. I'm running MAME 0.273 ROMs (merged) and the current CHDs as well.
  4. I'll give you Enthusiast...
  5. Ok just tested the little Beer Me button...
  6. I can't believe my rank is Newbie with just shy of 2000 posts...
  7. HyperSpinners don't die... They just smell funny...
  8. Time to raise the dead https://bliss-box.net/products/4-play-advanced Don't know when we will see these again. Yes they are coming from the US only. Yes it's gonna cost a fortune for shipping. Yes this Aussie already preordered it. Nope I'm not here to sell you anything and I'm not making any money out of this I just really like the thing and the guy behind it.
  9. Version 20150511


    Apple II Main Menu Wheel
  10. Version 20110519


    Apple II - Main Menu (4:3) Video Snap available from EmuMovies
  11. Check to see if the files are identical. If they are then SWEET.
  12. There is a .git folder. It is a hidden folder.
  13. 1: You can edit the XML or Tick the wheel filter for Roms only. And it might sound insane but fill in the Executable Path, Rom Path and the Extensions section of each Wheel Settings that you want to do this with. 2: Yeah HyperSync can do it. You can also get stuff from the FTP.
  14. The Docs section is not up to date. It still has useful information for HyperSpin and HyperHQ and stuff but yeah it is for the older version. I believe someone is working on getting it updated but the Doc section is HUGE. Sorry for the confusion. That's a bit confusing cause in cas of fresh install, there's nothing to overwrite in the Hyperlaunch folder. The files inside the original download from the download section is different to the files on GIT. That section is taking your downloaded GIT updates and dumping them on top of your live HL folder. That is why it is overwriting. The comment is correct and that is exactly what will happen. GIT is the update and Updates overwrite your old files. Well, in fact, after a fresh new install, there's already the "Hyperlaunch_Path=C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\" line, but just at the end of the [Main] section. However, I added it like asked in the tutorial, but don't understand the goal (cause it's already there). It is already there IF you are using the default directory. If you are using this on another drive or for some reason you have decided to use a custom folder you should check that. It doesn't hurt to make sure things are perfect. If we extract the archive, we gonna have "hyperlaunch media" folder. That's not correct. We need to cut/paste the content of "hyperlaunch media", which is the "media" folder. I was a bit lost, so i guess noob like me will be too. I will post some questions here if I don't understand the noobie guide. That one I can't answer as it has been a long time since I did that step. Ghutch all yours.
  15. The emulators are setup as global emulators now. Each AHK module has module notes you can read inside HLHQ. The recommended emulators are based on what works for most people. If you have specific games that won't run on those emulators you can setup alternate emulators for use with those specific games. All updates to HyperLaunch etc are done through GIT. When you setup a system with a base install of HS and HL as per this guide if you go to choose a default emulator you will be given a choice that is limited to that system. You can happily switch between those choices at any time with ease for most of them. You just need each emulator setup into its own folders as per the Global Emulators INI file. I have a blog post I did about that just under my lovely super meatboy photo. Oh and stop using note pad to look at AHK files as HLHQ will do everything for you. Unless you are an adept with AHK it is kinda pointless cause the scripts already work for most people.
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