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Everything posted by floatingyeti

  1. Version 1.0.0


    18 new (working - arcade only) games this month including two new Namco System 12 games. New Parents: Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (bootleg, set 5) [cupsocsb5] Final Fight 3 (SNES bootleg, set 2) [ffight3b2] Kaiun Quiz (Japan, KW1/VER.A) [kaiunqz] Killer Instinct (SNES bootleg with timer) [kinstsnes] Derby Quiz My Dream Horse (Japan, MDH1/VER.A2) [mdhorse] Wanpaku Safari (J 981109 V1.000) [wasafari] New Clones: Dogyuun (8/25/1992 location test) [dogyuunto] Legend of Kage, The (MSM5232 sound) [lkagem] Makaimura (Japan Revision [makaimurb] Sinistar (revision 2, cockpit) [sinistarc2] Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg, set 3) [snowbro2b3] Surf Planet (version 2.0) [surfplnt20] X80 - War Command (ManilaMatic bootleg of Missile Command) [missile] Updated Roms: Astra SuperStars (J 980514 V1.002) [astrass] Car Polo [carpolo] Pururun (set 1) [pururun] Raimais (World) [raimais] Argus no Senshi (Japan set 2) [rygarj2] Removed: Argus no Senshi (Japan) [rygarj] There were many redundant clone versions of Racing Jam and Racing Jam Chapter II that I didn't include. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAME Project Uploads: 01: MAME Project Upload 02: 0.250 Update 03: Clone Media Update 04: 0.251 Update 05: January Mame Media Update 06: 0.252 Update 07: 0.253 Update 08: 0.254 Update 09: 0.255 Update 10: 0.256 Update 11 : 0.257 Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Missing themes project: THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  2. What happens if you disable it?
  3. Open Notepad with your JoyToKey profile running and test every mapped input. See what keystrokes are sent to Notepad.
  4. Try a few things to see if the behavior changes: 1. Try mapping completely different inputs in HyperHQ/JoyToKey 2. Try clearing input map for player 1 and only using player 2 (not sure that's even possible) 3. Is it your controller? Try an alternative one. Is there a toggle button for joystick/d-pad (is it sending double input?) 4. There is a "Joystick enabled" checkbox for both Player 1 and Player 2 in HyperHQ. Make sure you unchecked both.
  5. Sorry but you will need to go to the Attract Mode forum to get information.
  6. Here you go: https://hyperspin-fe.com/forums/topic/43640-mame-0259-media-archive-wheelsvideosdatabase/
  7. Yes I have 258 and 259 uploads ready and a few more full system setups.
  8. You tried downloading the dll I uploaded and placed it in your Hyperspin directory or you copy/pasted it from your system32?
  9. I think you just need to place this dll file in your Hyperspin directory. sxs.dll
  10. Here is MAME 0.259 database update: MAME 0259.zip I'll do a proper media upload when things are back to normal.
  11. I actually had a full update for 258 ready for upload right before the site went down. I'm making 259 now. 0.258 database: Database.7z Sorry I didn't know we could upload yet.
  12. I changed my car2 theme to supcrash. Now all Head-on games and clones have themes.supcrash.zip
  13. Version 1.0.0


    I did not create any of the media for this system, so I didn't upload it as part of my project last year: 1970's Home Console Project But it has been requested a few times and I did make the RetroArch/MAME configuration. Sorry it took me so long to upload it. Special Control: L1=1 R1=2 L2=3 R2=4 X=5 Y=6 Right Joystick: UP=7 Right=8 Down=9 Left=0
  14. Can you re-upload the theme? There is only the png file now. Thanks.
  15. Thanks! Thanks! I will look for more obscure systems in MAME but I'm running out of small projects. I'm sure I can uncover something else or something interesting will be added to an upcoming version of MAME. More to come...
  16. Version 1.0.0


    MAME 0.257 (current updated core) is required. This system is barely playable but when has that ever stopped me? The VideoBrain Family Computer is an 8-bit home computer manufactured by Umtech Incorporated in 1977. It is the first computer to use ROM-based cartridges for instant program loading. It's a struggle to get any accurate movement with a joystick in MAME. The keyboard layout is so unintuitive that I had to create a bezel showing the default layout. All attempts to remap the joystick or keyboard was unsuccessful. Using RetroArch autoload save states and customizing the MAME videobrain hash, I was able to split Gladiator into three separate games: (Gladiator, Future Gladiator, and Scrimmage). Hopefully MAME compatibility will improve in the future because some of the games look impressive by 1978 standards. I had to manually adjust the screen position (settings in cfg file). Use the autoload states and the correct number code will be automatically entered for Gladiator, Future Gladiator, and Scrimmage. Without autoload states all three games will load Gladiator main menu. Without states: Gladiator 1-127 Scrimmage 129-255 Future Gladiator 256-999 -------------------------------------------------- The most functional game is Pinball Flippers A & B or L1 & R1 Enter=Start
  17. Version 1.0.0


    13 new (working - arcade only) games this month, mostly clones. New Parents: Bare Knuckle III (bootleg of Mega Drive version, protected) [barek3mba] Frogger - New Serie 92 (bootleg) [froggereb] Name Club Ver.4 (J 971202 V1.000) [nclubv4] New Clones: Daioh (prototype, earliest) [daiohp3] Fire Truck / Smokey Joe (ROM version) [firetrka] Hatris (show version) [hatrisp] Meikyuu Hunter G [meikyuh] Meikyuu Hunter G (Japan, bootleg) [meikyuhbl] Mortal Kombat (Victor bootleg of rev 3.0) [mkla3bl] Nemo (Japan 901120, 89622B-3 ROM board) [nemoj] New Zero Team (V33 SYSTEM TYPE_B hardware) [nzeroteama] Terra Force (US, alternate sound) [terrafua] Updated Roms: Counter Run (bootleg set 3) [countrunb3] Removed: Counter Run (bootleg set 1) [countrunb] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank-you to all July Update Contributors: brudibru diegoik Emanu Jesfknkrys Johnfreitassousa44197812 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAME Project Uploads: 01: MAME Project Upload 02: 0.250 Update 03: Clone Media Update 04: 0.251 Update 05: January Mame Media Update 06: 0.252 Update 07: 0.253 Update 08: 0.254 Update 09: 0.255 Update 10: 0.256 Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Missing themes project: THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  18. Thankyou! I had the parent game Nemesis but I didn't realize Gradius was a clone I was missing.
  19. It's a good theme but it would be better to upload the files as waveshrk.zip and waveshrk.png so they aren't used as a Jet Wave theme.
  20. That's one of my favorite methods to use while I'm creating database/media for a new system. I filter for just available roms + wheels. I can keep viewing the Hyperspin wheel and easily focus on just the tested games and media I created.
  21. I think this is for a different game. The theme is for Highway by Atari High Way Race is a Taito game
  22. It is a SNES clone (portable) system. There aren't any exclusives released for it, it runs the SNES library. As far as I can tell we can't emulate it yet so this would function as an alternate SNES theme. The SupaBoy did have a 16:9 screen. So you can use this as an alternative SNES wheel with wide-screen aspect setting to "emulate" the SupaBoy.
  23. Do you have Joysticks enabled in HyperHQ? It might be the issue, try disabling Joysticks so only the keyboard mapping through xpadder is detected.
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