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Everything posted by floatingyeti

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Fax 2 (clone) MAME Theme Missing themes for this project: THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Crockman (clone) MAME theme Missing themes for this project: THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  3. Yes, it is a better version than what I had, thank you.
  4. Thanks for all three Shanghai themes, they are a much-appreciated improvement!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    WaveShark (waveshrk) - Parent JetWave (jetwave) - Clone Missing themes for this project: THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
  6. I love your themes! Can I request one? ffightae (MAME 0.251) Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition (hack)
  7. Thankyou! I missed this one in my database, I will add it.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Only 15 added/updated arcade games this month. New Parents: cnebula - Nebula (DECO Cassette) (UK) decodark - DECO Cassette System ROM Multigame (Darksoft, v17) racingj - Racing Jam (GQ676UAC) racingj2 - Racing Jam: Chapter 2 (GQ888UAA) thrilld - Thrill Drive (UDE) New Clones: bonzeadvp2 - Bonze Adventure (World, prototype) ffightae - Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition (World, hack) gunsmokeua - Gun.Smoke (USA and Canada, 1986-01-20) pcktgalba - Pocket Gal / unknown card game Updated Parents: cadanglr - Angler Dangler (DECO Cassette) (US) mpumpkin - Magical Pumpkin: Puroland de Daibouken (Japan 960712) plegends - Gogetsuji Legends (US, Ver. 95.06.20) pwrinst2 - Power Instinct 2 (US, Ver. 94.04.08, set 1) teedoff - Tee'd Off (World) Updated Clones: ccbootmm - Crazy Climber (ManilaMatic bootleg) Removed: hkittymp - Hello Kitty Magical Pumpkin (Japan 960712) Complete video and wheels 9/15 Themes I did not make any of the themes Previous Uploads: MAME Project Upload 0.250 Update MAME Project (Clone Media) Update
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Added 276 clones to the Database thanks to the list created by Millansoft. I had to create most of the wheels and videos but they are complete for the 276 clones It was a challenge to find usable pre-existing themes for the new clones. I was only able to find 57 themes (using alternate parent themes and inserting clone logos) I have gathered all the new MAME media uploaded recently. Some of the parent/clone themes have been swapped (better quality given to parent) All files are improvements or corrections so please overwrite your existing media to see the changes. Total updated file count: Wheels:319 Videos: 284 Theme: 236 Many small changes to the Database as well. Use the "MAME Update.xml" to view clone additions (it will be an option in genre) Huge thanks for all the recent uploads: Hoscarconh Diegoik Brudibru Darwin1995 JohnFreitasSousa Emanu Elitrefiredragon Uploads MAME Project Upload 0.250 Update
  10. I was wondering if you were going to make an update for this. Its probably the only prototype that is the best game released for its system. We should probably remake the system video to feature it.
  11. Excellent work! The only other theme uploaded for this game incorrectly used Transformers characters.
  12. I am expanding my "clone project" database to include this. Thank you!
    You are being way too modest. This theme is fantastic by anyone's standards!
  13. Sorry, there is a small batch of videos that I uploaded that are incorrectly cropped. I am attaching corrections to any theme with a "bad" video. bmxstunts.mp4
  14. Thank you for another great theme! The video I uploaded was incorrectly cropped so I attached a corrected version here. blockch.mp4
  15. Thats a creative solution to a game with no artwork, good job!
  16. I understand why you placed the video so low. The video(gameplay) looks cut off at the bottom. I made an orange/black border so it looks complete.
  17. Thank you for continuing the missing themes! I'm working hard creating wheels/video for the (final?) clone additions to the database but once that's done I can help out and upload some themes too.
  18. I'm glad you are continuing. When you made Zunzunkyou no Yabou I assumed you reached the end.
  19. Great work, Thank you! I have an updated wheel that you might prefer for the theme
  20. Great work! Can I request a replacement theme for "Match it II" as well? I think someone was too...frustrated when they made that theme.
  21. Fantastic work! Thank you for the huge contribution! I have been busy with database work and I'm very grateful for all the help with missing themes. This is very motivating, thank you!
    I really appreciate this one. Many of the old themes created for the "Mature" games were trying too hard to include "Mature" artwork. This is a better approach. The Theme uses artwork/character from the game, and it presents it more as a "puzzle" game.
  22. I played the game for 10 minutes because I wanted to know why that bunny is so angry.
  23. It absolutely is useful! More working or clone games will be added in the future. Many of themes you both uploaded can't be found on the website or server anymore. Thats (over 7000?) themes preserved and accessible.
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