Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 2 replies
Hi All Donkey Kong 64 requires a gamepad so I have connected a wirless xbox controller to windows 10 on my arcade cabinet and its configured and working in windows, when in hyperspin and running Donkey Kong 64 the xbox one controller is working correctly except for the left stick, forward and back movement is reversed which makes it very difficult to play, I have had a look around in windows, hyperHQ, rocketlauncher but cant seem to work out how to reverse this, perhaps it could be the rom itself, thanks Wayne
Last reply by Jetman67, -
- 10 replies
Has anyone got the Atari 5200 emulator to work with the newest versions of hyperspin/rocket launcher? i've tried Kat , mess, a800 and retro arch!? Thanks again folks,
Last reply by Godfather, -
- 4 replies
Good Day, i am having trouble getting the Lynx emulator to launch via hyperspin/rocket launcher. i have tried Handy and Mednafen which seem to have issues loading the roms. I've tried leaving them as .zip and even tried the .lnx extensions and to no avail the emulators don't seem to recognize it. i am running the newest version of hyperspin. any help would be greatly appreciated thank you!
Last reply by Godfather, -
- 0 replies
I recently setup pinball arcade as a standalone pc game. it runs fine out of rl and hyperspin. it will run fine in rl except i get a ahk error time i load up and it it is numbered different every time???, but the game plays and exits fine. when i load into hyperspin i can select and load no problem, still get ahk error tho but when i go to close it completely crashes hyperspin and causes my window task bar to disappear. i have to go into the task manager , run explorer.exe, wait, close it and run it again to bring my task bar back up. anyone have an idea whats causing this. (windows 10, if that helps)
Last reply by pd10101, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi all, I am trying to load Citra on RocketLauncherUI/Hyperspin but keep getting this error I am using latest RocketLauncher and Hyperspin and also latest Citra emulator I have manually started Citra but it does not create the ini file Where exactly does it create the ini file as it was working fine before, but i had to re-install windows now its not working Citra loads and plays manually, just not through RocketLauncher Any ideas ? Thanks for any info
Last reply by VoIPTeK, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone know how to change the settings to display each game full screen stretched?. I do not have the option to globally set this up. I can only do it after I have loaded a game. I would prefer not to have to load each game and set this up. Any ideas? Thanks
Last reply by seanjohn23, -
So the title says it. Model2 in rocketlauncher works perfectly fine, newest 1.1 version in latest rocketlauncher. Also the latest hyperspin and, it doesn't load near every time. Just a small black window in the upper left corner, in which I can hear the game sound, and it goes back to the hyperspin menu. I've tried many different versions and reinstallations of model2, going back to .9. I have also tried the regular emulator, and the multi-cpu emulator, and they both work in rocketlauncher, and both do not work properly in hyperspin- same results. Here and there it will open correctly, but most times it won't. Doesn't matter the game. Also every …
Last reply by hollywood6964, -
- 0 replies
Hello, wen playing Future Pinball , and close game(ESC), it changes hyperspin from display 1 to display 2, untill now all others emulators work fine. Any idea? Thanks
Last reply by RFSVIEIRA, -
- 5 replies
Hello everyone! I have a problem since years and i never couldn't fix it. I use Windows 7 64 bits. I use HyperSpin 1.4.16 with Rocker Launcher For Playstation games, i use ePSXe 2.0.0. Everything goes perfect, i can launch games from HyperSpin or RocketLauncherUI . The problem is with multi-disc games. When i try to launch a game (for example, Galerians, that has 3 cd's), a ePSXe window pops up and ask me for a ISO image. I know this is a common problem, but i read a lot about it and can't fix it. If i go directly to the emulator .exe and open it, and then i go to load an image, it works perfect. The problem is when i try to launch it via Rock…
Last reply by nikkisixx, -
- 2 replies
So I set up Citra based on this video. So I tried to setup Citra with this video. And when I went to test out Rocket Launcher it told me it couldn't find the Citra.ini. I don't know what to do, I tried to setup 3ds with RetroArch, and Rocket Launcher won't accept that RetroArch can play 3DS. What can I do, if anything, to fix this?
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hello. I'm making my life collection at Hyperspin. Now I set Sega Saturn and I have a problem. I used SSF, both beta and R4. I have a black screen after starting the game. Is ISO supposed to be in Daemon Tools? Setting the game in XML is not enough? --- Maybe the UoYabause emulator is better? In configuration for sure. But at Hyperspin? UoYabause does not require virtual cd. Does anyone have an AHK file? --- Please help, I used Google Translator
Last reply by grzybiarz, -
- 3 replies
I'm new to Emulators and HyperSpin, and I can't seem to find any information on an issue I'm having. Setting up an emulator for my ROMs hasn't been an issue until I get to MAME. I have downloaded the emulator and set it up, however none of my ROMs will start. In the past they worked with other pre-loaded front ends like RecallBox or RetroPie, but I can't get them to work with HyperSpin. I recently found out that certain ROMs will play with certain emulators. They apparently have to match? Is there a way to tell what emulator I need for a particular ROM to play? Any help would be appreciated.
Last reply by rastan, -
- 0 replies
please place your game in it's own folder in your rom_path or define a custom game path in .\.ini HELP PLEASE
Last reply by BrianLq96, -
- 2 replies
Hi all. Does anyone have or know where I can download sound files for sega turbo? My version is completely silent. I’m assuming I need separate sound files?
Last reply by Martin0037, -
- 17 replies
Hello I'm setting up some PSX2 games with the PCSX2 emulator. The emulator exits by the esc key; As I got only an XArcade joystick and a pad button keyboard as I play I set under an ahk shortcut to simulate the press of the ESC key in order to exit the game. It works but... it only escape the game, then the emulator window appears on screen, and cannot be exit unless I click on close with the mouse , or press esc with the keyboard (weird enough, the previous shortcut that simulates the esc key, don't work as soon as I exit the game) Is there another way?
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 0 replies
What do I download to get the emulators to work on my Shield? It has Android built into it.
Last reply by Bandido75, -
- 5 replies
Hello everyone I'm trying to get a good old crt curved feeling with mame (with all rounded edges and blurry colors ;) ) Did some of you got some nice settings to share? thanks
Last reply by eidern, -
- 2 replies
everytime i open an emulator and remap the buttons for that core it seems to apply the edit to all other cores. what am i doing wrong??
Last reply by volumetric, -
I am new to doing this i built a full size cabinet with joystick and flat screen gaming monitor with a windows 10 pc.Im wondering if anyone here could make an install disk with emulators and roms all setup to install on pc so the emulator loads at boot and lists all games and just pick game and it runs?
Last reply by Taz112768, -
- 0 replies
Hi Guys, I have my PC Games set up, but now I want to add a game that needs the CD to run the game. I installed Daemon Tools and that works, but I have to mount the image before I play by hand. My first question is, is there a way to play such a game from the file (bin, cue, image, whatever?). If not, how can I tell rocketlauncher/daemon tools to mount/unmount the CD when starting the game. Thanks for your help!
Last reply by rocktofakie, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello all, I've decided to include a Spectrum emulator to my wheel and I've chosen the emulator 'Spectaculator'. I have it all up and running not a problem at all, the problem is however that when the emulator loads a game up, as most people will know, there are a few seconds of the emulator where you can see the booting up screen before the game starts. I have tried to block this out by a fade but the screen can still be seen and it just makes it look messy, can any kind soul out there give me some advice as to how I can cover up the boot screen? I know that this is possible as there are a few videos online where this is done but after using a fade, I am not really …
Last reply by ghostbones, -
- 0 replies
Hello in my Hyperspin I have a selection of console that I can add Roms. Why many console or arcade does not exist? like PS2, PS3 ok other. Does I need to add ROMS in the same directory of PS1? Does I need to creat new Directory and config to work? Please help me!!! sorry for my bad English...I'm a litlle French :)
Last reply by POPO42, -
- 20 replies
Hello Guys is it worth to upgrade mame to 0.200 i am at 0.178 at the moment How is it with the hlsl settings have it chanced something or can i take the inis for 0.178 Thanks
Last reply by Arcade4Fun, -
- 1 reply
Estimados soy nuevo en el mundo de los arcades, si alguien me puede dar una mano lo agradeceria mucho. el HyperSpin 1.5. (esto lo digo porque compare archivos y carpetas de esta versión desde esta pagina y son iguales) configurar joytokey con él con los botones arcade todo excelente, puedo jugar funciona todo pero tengo los siguientes problemas: 1.- mame configure controles todo y todo funciona excelente, con excepción que no puedo poner la pantalla en pantalla completa sin los marcos negros, busque informacion utilice el comando mame.exe -cc y cree un archivo configuracion pero no me aprece la opcion keepascpect para cambiar al aspecto de la pantalla. 2.- …
Last reply by Turok89, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hey Guys I have been trying to set up Pc Launcher unsuccessfully for 3 days now with no joy. I have narrowed the problem down to steam and how it is launched. If I set pc launcher to pre launch steam.exe, it launches my steam library and not the game and causes a black screen stall through hyperspin, However if I already have steam launched and open in the background and leave the prelaunch box in the pc launcher empty everything works perfect. So I have attempted to set steam to launch through the start up script app (screenshot below) but it just won't??? any ideas guys this is driving me nuts, I have to missing something obvious, what am I doing wrong here!!!
Last reply by bigdic,