Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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hola a tod@s necesito Ayuda estoy configurando hyperspin desde cero y tengo solo 3 emuladores mame, neo geo , playstation. ahora el problema es que quiero hacer collection con juegos de psx y no funcionan y hace poco hice un collection con mame y neo geo de metal slug y me funciona correctamente el problema es que cuando ejecuto un jego del collection desde el hyperspin me sale hyperspin cannot find ePSXe.ini y sin embargo me voy a playstation y si funciona y no se que hacer ya plis help!!!
Last reply by dante972, -
- 0 replies
Does Sega Model 2 work without Rocket Launcher? I only can make it work through Hyperspin with using RL-launcher. No luck with Hyperspin alone. (Same ahk, xml)
Last reply by Vicinus, -
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- 1 reply
I just discovered this emulator the other day as a stand-alone emu not thru Retroarch since I guess it went closed source back in January of this year so I started on a module for it tonight to get it working within RocketLauncher which was pretty easy to do. I just need to work on the isd file for it this weekend and see about implementing bezels as well but for now I do have it up and playing games.
Last reply by Krakerman, -
- 2 replies
My MameUIFX is really slow loading games all of a sudden. I even re-downloaded the latest .175 build (32 and 64 bit) and installed it on my SSD to be sure. It looks like it hangs for 10-20 secs before it actually attempts to load the game. Once the game is loaded it minimizes and I have to click on it again to see the game start to load up. I feel like something is conflicting with it. I tried an older version of it (0.153) and it seems to work fine (nullDC also fine). Dunno what is slowing this newer version. Tried disabling norton just to be sure as well, no change. I have backup copies of my hyperspin setup too, and in those the 0.175's also run slow
Last reply by bzeeb, -
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- 2 replies
Hello I've set up WINUAE with a hard drive with my games. So once WinUAE is launched i can select the games wanted (as the real computer) Is there a way to launch WinUAE only from hyperspin ? I mean just launch the emu, without any game preselected.
Last reply by eidern, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I consider myself a decent hyperspin user with 3 years of experience, but I am having a hard noob time right now. When I started configuring hyperspin, I used Simply Austin MAME configuration to configure this system, and he provided everything configured with old CRT screen settings. Which I only had to copy to my emulator folder. Other than that, I never got into learning this to do it myself as it was already done. Now I have upgraded to MAME 0.196 and these folders (hlsl, artwork and ini folders) from simply austin, don't work with 0.196. (as shown on the screenshot from his video tutorial below). Screenshot Source: HYPERSPIN - M…
Last reply by badboo, -
- 36 replies
Hi Guys, I previously shared this in an unrelated Platinum section post. Migrating here for everyone's use: Per Awakened, it's possible to skip the Date/Time prompt of 99% of games while using the Mednafen Saturn core. The trick is to first load the game in Mednafen native, then copy the auto-generated files from Mednafen/SAV to your directory with the game images. In an effort to give back to the community, I've created a full set to match the Official HyperSpin Sega Saturn database. Simply download the link below and then merge the folders within with your own game folders. If you're using a different naming convention, you'll need to rename them. …
Last reply by jevansoh, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
Moved this Thread here if this helps anybody out. So far all the threads I have read have been really helpful and I have gotten most of my setups done with ease! When it came to Popcap games most of the threads were hard to follow and only answered a specific question. There were no videos on the web or a start to finish guide. After failing a few times I was able to get it running really..i mean really easy with no editing of scripts or compiling. I am sure you can if you want to add special functions but this is a guide for an easy install of popcap. 1. Create a popcap folder in emulators folder C:Hyperspin\Emulators\PopCap Within this folder I pasted all my game fol…
Last reply by deejus679, -
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- 3 replies
Hey guys i purchase hyperspin hard drive as a plug and play but i can't get it to work, how do i properly install hyperspin i changed my drive letter to "H" drive from "D" drive as instructed to do but none of the games are working they all say "No exe path Defined" nothing will play except the video
Last reply by mrsag, -
- 1 follower
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I am a first time HS guy, and cannot get HS to recognize my roms
Last reply by qualx, -
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Pretty much all games i try to run through retroarch gets this error message saying its missing regen.ini, iv'e updated the cores but it does not seem to help so im at a loss what to do.
Last reply by krikon, -
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My Sega 32X runs through RocketLauncher, but nothing happens when trying through Hyperspin.
Last reply by smokinrose, -
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I am having trouble getting Daphne to run. My framefiles are in 2 different folders in Daphne
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 11 replies
Im trying to set up EPSXE emulator so i can play playstation games and i just dont get it, i go to the emulator set-up and get darkman d3d optimized driver, the playstation games work fine in the emulator outside of hyperspin and i can play the game. Then i go in hyperspin to play an game, it loads fine and then i get "there was an error waiting for the window espxe_ahk.class make sure you have the right module......" When i go to the emulator utside of hyperspin again and try to play a game i get an error message and have to run the setup and choose darkman 3d3 optimized again. I have no idea what to do to correct this and where to go to get info, it's really frustr…
Last reply by krikon, -
Can anyone compile this steering fix mame to a newer mame version? Mame steering fix 1 2 3
by Martin0037- 1 follower
- 54 replies
Hi all. So I’ve found this version of mame 0.148 on arcade controls forum. It’s an old thread but this version of mame was hacked to fix the steering problem that mame has. Basically in a 270 degree wheel game (outrun, chase hq) using a 360 wheel (continuous spin such as a spinner or a 360 optical wheel) the problem is that oversteering causes problems when playing these games with this type of optical steering wheel. For example in outrun... if you oversteer past the point of where a normal 270 degree arcade steering wheel would stop, any more “turn” of the wheel data is thrown away and ignored by mame, Then when you steer in the opasite direction you only h…
Last reply by phulshof, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello, I've finally gotten American Laser Games working inside of RocketLauncher and on its own on the PC, but when I select a game from within HyperSpin, it loads, the window goes to the background and stays active, then HyperSpin comes back to the foreground and is also active. It should be suspended and should be in the background like all the other games, but for whatever reason, it's not. I can then use HyperSpin as normal with the game running in the background. So then I have to close HyperSpin and either play the game or close the window. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, --J
Last reply by jevansoh, -
- 1 reply
Help! anyone seen this issue? I'm trying to create a joytokey profile for a PC game and it opens minimized and will not open. The only time I can ever get it open is through rocket launcher UI. Why won't it open outside of RL?
Last reply by Spawk, -
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- 23 replies
I get black display for all atari 2600 games. Mame works fine. I named all flv files the same as the rom names and pointed to the proper video path in hyper HQ for the atari wheel. Is there something else I"M forgetting?
Last reply by Kondorito, -
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I get black display for all atari 2600 games. Mame works fine. I named all flv files the same as the rom names and pointed to the proper video path in hyper HQ for the atari wheel. Is there something else I"M forgetting? Dodge 'em (1980) (Atari).flv
Last reply by bpjacobsen, -
- 2 replies
I have just set up MUGEN and have a dedicated cabinet where the ESC key is mapped to a button to exit all systems in HS, but when I exit that way in MUGEN, it throws an error and steals focus away from HS. I don't want to "train" all my users to exit through the menu of each game on MUGEN, so is there a way I can use the ESC key without getting an error or losing focus? Any workarounds someone has come up with by chance? Thanks, --J
Last reply by jevansoh, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, I just migrated my hyperspin setup to a new PC setup, I got an older cpu: i7 930 @2.80 ghz I am getting some issues now to run PCSX2 on rocketlauncher now. I get an error with padpokopom.dll plugin that it is not a dynamic library. I don't know how to fix it. I run pcsx2 outside RL and runs well, but on RL I get that error. PCSX2 1.5.0-20180112142120 - compiled on Jan 12 2018 Savestate version: 0x9a0d0000 Host Machine Init: Operating System = Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (build 16299), 64-bit Physical RAM = 8183 MB CPU name = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 930 @ 2.80GHz Vendor/Model = GenuineIntel (stepping 05) CPU …
Last reply by oldhag270, -
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Hi Guys. I've used it before and I'm using the file on pcsx-r. how do I get the memory card files from epsxe to pcsx-r ? if I exchange the folder pcsxr does not load this and also in the config says that the data is empty. an idea? greetings
Last reply by zebi, -
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Hello, I posted a thread a few days ago stating I could not get Desmume to exit. I figured that one out on my own. Somehow, the exit emulator button was blank just for that system. I set up the ESC key like I wanted and voila, it works... Or so I thought. When I launch a Nintendo DS game from HyperSpin, I can see the file, view, help, etc. buttons on the top window of the Desmume emulator and when I press ESC, nothing happens. If I then click on the bezel and press ESC, I get my fade out screen but the emulator is still running in the background and it locks up HS. If I run a game straight through RL with no front end, though, the file, view, help, …
Last reply by jevansoh, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hello,i am having issues with launching mame.First off i am new BUT i have successfully got a full hyperspin/rocket launcher working on my own without having to get help, yet.lots of videos and trial and error.i tried on the mame website but after 3 days of awaiting approval to post questions i gave up and i thought i would post here.i have a windows vista i just converted to 7 and it is 32 bit.i have a set of 185 roms and downloaded the 32 bit 185mame emulator.this is where it stops.the emulator just brings up a flash of cmd prompt.i did use cmd to get a mame ini file but it still wont open.i had this happen on windows 7 64 bit but i used a ini file for mameui and it wor…
Last reply by broke4now, -
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- 2 replies
Hello, Been trying to figure out through settings in retroarch as well as in RL Emu/settings, etc.. Is there a way to get the games to original size on screen? Probably missing something simple.. Trying different aspect ratio indexes in RL/emu/settings/Game & watch changes the resolution a little but not all the way to orig. size Any help much appreciated Here is what it looks like atm: t
Last reply by thatman84,