Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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Hi, sorry for the multiple posts today, this is my 3rd as I have 3 issues I was trying to get help with. The weather is miserable so having a play around with Hyperspin etc. Is there a way to get the ZX Spectrum working from Hyperspin? I have it all setup but when you select a game from the wheel it does actually look like it starts the game but the screen is literally almost off the screen and blank so I cannot see any graphics although I do hear the sounds (screen shot attached). EDIT: If I run EMUZWin manually from the folder then there is a screen I can see and use. When I select VIEW, Display Mode and Full Screen then it goes to this view (where it i…
Last reply by SupraKarma, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys. New to Hyperspin. I just recently added Sega Genesis to my system . Emu works fine. Main theme is all ok. The problem I am having is it won't show the game title art on the nested wheel or any of the box art. Everything is where it should be, but all it is showing is just lettered game titles with no art. The games load up fine. Any idea what I am missing? Thanks.
Last reply by Ooglorious, -
- 3 replies
I'm new to the Hyperspin community and have a few issues which I am hoping the knowledgeable and friendly users are on here can help me with my 2nd problem (2 of 3) re Intellivsion. I should also add I purchased this pre-configured so apologies for my ignorance, desperately trying to get to grips with it and thought I was doing ok (replacing ROMs/Vids etc) at least until this point 🙂 The Hyperspin menu is showing all the games on the wheel, videos playing nicely etc but when I actually select a game I get one of 2 problems: 1. A message saying "Game Folder contents have changed since last rescan, rescan now?" 2. The screen goes black and returns to the…
Last reply by SupraKarma, -
- 5 replies
I just set up HyperSpin and Rocketlauncher primarily for MAME. I also have a couple N64 games that I set up and they work great. The only issue I have with MAME is picture quality is worse when I launch mame64 via HyperSpin than when I just run mame64. With HyperSpin the games are more pixelated. I went into Rocketlauncher and tried adding a few different monitors but it didn't seem to make a difference. Anybody know how I fix this?
Last reply by jweber23, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I have a new setup that I purchased already configured and just getting familiar with it but absolutely love the Hyperspin front end (on Windows 10) and how easy it is to navigate systems and launch games. However, I do have a few issues and hoping some of the more knowledgeable and friendly folks on here can help. I've been thru the entire Atari 2600 collection, added all videos (thanks EmuMovies which I signed up to for life as its so good) and ROMs and just about everything working perfectly. Apart from the following 4 games: 1. Human Cannonball 2. Lock 'N' Chase 3. Pitfall II - The Lost Caverns 4. Wing War I've tried mult…
Last reply by SupraKarma, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
hi guys just keep getting this error .not on every game but a few
Last reply by rufferz, -
I am new to hyperspin and still in the works of getting everything configured. My main concern at the moment is getting it to run with spy hunter. I have mame64 added and selected as the defualt emulator in rocketlauncher, no only will spy hunter not work but when I run the system audit in rocketlauncher there are very few out of the thousand or so roms I have added that it says will work. I would like to add that the audit says spy hunter works, but it fails to launch every time. Thanks in advance for any responses!
Last reply by adavi125, -
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- 11 replies
hi guys just keep getting this error
Last reply by rufferz, -
- 1 reply
My settings on Hyperspin MAME for whatever reason are not working. I am able to launch MAME fine from the Hyperspin wheel. But, when I want to launch to play games, nothing happens - it won't launch. If you could please point me in the right direction as to how to solve this simple problem, I would be grateful. I am using an older version of Hyperlaunch HQ Thanks, EpicG
Last reply by BlueGoblin, -
- 0 replies
I cant get pinball fx2 to run through hyperspin i just get a black screen. It works fine through rocketlauncher
Last reply by Naches, -
- 1 reply
I am using an old version of mameuifx on my Hyperspin arcade machine. I was told that mameuifx is no longer made. What could you recommend to use that is similar to mameuifx and is current and reliable? I'm assuming that I would need to update my roms as well?
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 13 replies
WinVice - C64 - Ipac2 - Controls I am currently back working on my Bartop Arcade and i'm going through each emulator making sure all the controls are setup correctly. I have hit a wall with the Commandore 64! I have gone into WinVice and setup the Joystick controls and one fire button which is working fine however I need to map other buttons like Enter, Spacebar,1 etc in order just to get to start the game or play certain games. I have a custom ipac2 keymap setup but I can't see anyway to map these to the C64 common buttons used ? I can see a file called "win_pos.vkm" which I can edit the keys for example "1778 /* Esc - Run/Stop */" but don't understand …
Last reply by gunit, -
- 0 replies
Hello, On Demul 0.7 using Windows 10, I encounter slowdonws depending on at what time I play. I've played in the morning for 3 hours RE Code Veronica without any problem. The more it's late in the day, the more Slowdowns are important. F.i. in the evening, I have important slowdowns in animation and music at the save screen, map screen... Does anyone have an idea? Thanks and regards,
Last reply by doohan, -
- 2 replies
Getting back into finishing the arcade up. I am having trouble with ini and ctrlr files. My setup and what I'm trying to do. Have ipac I have 7 button 123 4567 Trying to use Ctrl files to assign the keyboard inputs from 4567 to be the inputs to button 1234 in mame, for neogeo. I have used a .cfg like this https://pastebin.com/9Xp97xcd but with my mappings, this is someone else's. At first it was not parse my .cfg. saying fatal error. so after running in admin mode, finding the mame.ini in my system32 folder and adding the complete path for ini and ctrlr, it parse the neogeo.cfg, but does not change my mappings. Oddly enou…
Last reply by BlackDragon2020, -
- 0 replies
Hello, Using dolphin-master-5.0-10625-x64 (but same problem with other revisions) on Windows 10 with Dolphinbar, I encounter a problem with the Wiimotes. If I turn on 2 Wiimotes outside Dolphin, they are recognized as Wiimote 1 & 2. But when I launch Dolphin, they are both identified as Wiimote 2... I first have to launch Dolphin and then turn on both Wiimotes, to be identified as Wiimote 1 & 2. Problem is that when I quit Dolphin (by exemple leaving Hyperspin) and then launch again Dolphin, I have to turn of both Wiimotes and wait till Dolphin is launched (through Hyperspin) to turn on again Wiimotes to be identified correctly. Does someone has an idea …
Last reply by doohan, -
- 7 replies
Hi, I'm using hyperspin with an ipac-4 and i have 8-way's joysticks (ilsa). Now i want to play nintendo game boy and ps1 games using the emulator retroarch. I'm having some problems with setting up my buttons in retroarch. In the input section i set type on retropad and configure the rest of my buttons. When i test in hyperspin not all buttons work and retroarch didnt really saved my config. I read some users use a controller to play those games but is it not possible to configure my buttons with the ilsa joysticks because i dont want to use controllers on my arcade cabinet. Greetings and thanks in advance!
Last reply by emmajoe, -
- 6 replies
Hi everyone. I'm having a n00b problem. (I guess) Trying to set up my cabinet using Hyperspin 1.51. My NES emulator setting worked flawlessly (using Nestopia) but when I'm configuring Fusion emulator for my geneis... well... i'm stuck. I can't seem to get the Emulator to exit on pressing ESC button. It only changes from fullscreen to windowed mode or nothing happens at all. I'm totally new to this so please be gentle with me... Thanks
Last reply by Flumride, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I'm using Hyperspin and I've opted to use Hyperspin launch MAME via a standard command line option (versus Rocketlauncher or Hyperlaunch). Everything works great unless I select the game quickly, before the Hyperspin video has started to play. When I do this, the Hyperspin video will continue to play in the background. MAME launches as expected, and the game responds, but you can hear the audio from the Hyperspin video playing in the background. If I wait until the Hyperspin video starts playing, then there's no issue. When I launch the game, the movie will pause as expected and resumes once exit emulator and HyperSpin has focus again. I have seen var…
Last reply by shootwrestle, -
Has anyone had any success getting their AimTrak Lightgun to function properly within Sega Model 2 Emulator? I can not seem to get HOTD to calibrate appropriately and am desperately looking for some help. I have been struggling to get my aimtrak light gun to work properly within this emulator. The setup worked beautifully for MAME but I haven't had any success finding any troubleshooting regarding getting the AimTrak to work in Sega Model 2. More specifically in House of the Dead. This game is a large part of why I wanted to create this arcade unit, and has been the biggest part of my frustration. I have messed with the .ini file, but have not succeeded in any c…
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 1 reply
I have Daphne running great on my Raspberry Pi via Retropie with many working ROMS. I just built a Hyperspin machine and I want to know if it's possible to transfer the files from my Pi over to my Hyperspin machine and have it work. I assume I'd have to manually edit some file paths in the settings. Has anyone done this successfully? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi Friends Anyone successfully installed Fruit Machine running Win7? I have been trying to get this thing running with MFME 10.1a , but I am getting invalid stream format. Trying many layouts but to no result. I tried earlier version like MFME 6.1 , some loads and some not. Is there a updated version which works for all layouts in win7? Second question is my XML is not complete. I want to create a new XML based on all the games layout I got. I have unzipped all game folders inside my rom folder. Any program can create XML based on just reading folders name? I tried Dons XML but it wont create xml by just reading the game folders. Anyway I c…
Last reply by Geordiedean1974, -
- 0 replies
When I launch a Naomi game with Demul, I don't want to see the Demul gui, but a nice loadingscreen. I have this in my AHK file: if(loadingScreen){ Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow Gui, Color, White logoXPos := A_ScreenWidth/2 - 600 /2 Gui, Add, Picture,x%logoXPos% y120, %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Demul\Logo.png loadXPos := A_ScreenWidth/2 - 230 /2 loadYPos := A_ScreenHeight - 100 Gui, Add, Picture,x%loadXPos% y%loadYPos%, %A_ScriptDir%\Modules\Demul\Loading.png Gui Show, x0 y0 h%A_ScreenHeight% w%A_ScreenWidth% } When I start Demul I see the logo.png and loading.png for a few seconds, than it switches to the Demul gui for …
Last reply by bachatafrank, -
- 4 replies
I not 100% on how I will execute this as I'm new to mame. I like the idea of sorting my mame ROMs by system. Then having each system have it's on wheel, or sub wheel of mame. I may have to learn to make themes. I am accustomed to the goodrom naming tools and other emulators and mame is a whole new ball game. Does this seem like a good idea, cool idea or just a waste of time? What I have found so far was to just leave mame, it's emulator, media, and roms in default locations. Then just make new entries into rocket launch and hyperspin and load XML files that load only those system games into the database to be picked from for each system. I can come up with …
Last reply by BlackDragon2020, -
- 1 reply
Does HyperSpin support net play, like play online racing or VS. If the ans is yes, any host available to connect ?
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 4 replies
Hi I installed hyperspin and rocketlaucher . I can go in the apps and see every game but if i click on one, there is nothing and i have no idea where to find the games and how the emulator works. Please Someone Help me.
Last reply by PomRL,