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So, is there a file out there that has the backglass scripting for the new em backglasses that are coming out AND has the scripting BigBoss did to run tables in VP 9.08 if necessary??

I am running 1.294 and it is working perfectly, I would like to also have the ability to run tables in 9.08 but really don't know enough about scripting to modify it.

Does 1.295 do both?


nope, no combo yet

there is 1.295 wip, but it is not final 1.295

it is only 1.294 + no nags + some bug fixes

final 1.295 is not out yet

still debugging some things with remote partners


I like Rosve's EM reels in VP tables and in his dl's he includes his ahk file. Big Boss also includes his ahk file in order to get Big Score working in his cab. Is having both of these as simple as combining their respective ahk's then? I don't want to lose Rosve's EM tables so that's priority to me.

Any help or direction in this regard would be great. Thx.

'It's Saturday night; I have no date, a two liter bottle of Shasta, and my all-Rush mix tape... let's rock!' — Philip J. Fry


Blur's 1.294 supports Rosve's backglasses, it just doesn't have BigBoss's added functionality to run tables from 9.08

There is a thread at VP forums by BigBoss about how he added the scripting. I just don't know enough about AHK to get it done. Here is the thread:


I am running into tables everyday that have a problem with 9.12 so I would love to have this workaround going myself.


Im gettin probs with 9.12 in HP as well.

For now , i might just use 9.08 and skip the new tables until its sorted.

1.294 has rosve feature working fine, so i am sticking with it.

Blur will get around to implementing eventually the bigboss fix (fingers crossed)

in future launch versions when other bugs iron out.



I neeeeeed help :)

Does anybody know what font is used in hyperpin and where i can get it?

I would like to make a better pause message, cause when you press exit and get pause you usually don't know what to do.

So i would like to put something like:


Press start or plunger to exit

Posted (edited)

Tnx, just sent it.

What do you think about text? Go simple like:



or more informative like:




or even more informative:




i think simple is best, what do you think?

Edited by blur

I like the simple version, then again I am happy with the way it is now. Holding my breath for big boss' functionality. Thanks Blur for keeping on it.


Here is new WIP - fplaunch 1.295 wip 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0YKF0JDI

what's new:

big boss features - any exe file, sound levels, and hdrendering off for some games

file names are same as in bigboss code - only they are exepected to be in settings dir. not in database dir

So in setting dir you will have:




and hdrenderofftables.txt

vp908 file must have vp exe file name in next line after every table name

this allows you to use several exe files for your tables

main hyperpin exe doesn't have to be vpinball.exe any more, it can be anything, script won't mind

automatic closing of vbscript messges is added (for bent)

error messages are shown on the screen and then vp is closed

(vbscript message usually means game can go on and error message usually means no go)

script now reads logical and physical key state just in case

version is added in usage dialog box - double click on exe or ahk and you will see which version you have even if it is compiled

i have tested taskbar on windows xp and it is best to remove options allways on top and hide taskbar. then taskbar line will never appear over hp or over game

for win 7 ??? did not test much

there is no any new images yet so images are not included in this version

and no slamit support yet


Hi Guys,

Just wanted to say that works very well for me!!! I have FP turned off in my settings.ini, so my comments apply only to HP with VP.

Nova was my test case, as no other FPLaunch allowed me to exit the Nova table without going ctrl-alt-delete, and killing the fplaunch,hp,and hglass processes.

This is fantastic. I like the rendering notification as well. There are some tables that load slow and I always wondering if I am hung or need patience. This is great!


ps. Sorry, I am Win 7 64 bit


"vp908 file must have vp exe file name in next line after every table name

this allows you to use several exe files for your tables"

Where do you have to do this, in the new txt file in the settings folder or in the hyperpin xml database? Or somewhere else?

Thanks for the update and trying to squeeze everything in!


yup, in new text file

so in vp908tables.txt file in settings directory you have to put table names from xml, without vpt, and then vpinball908.exe or some other exe

so file will look like this:

Spider-Man (JP Salas 2009)



there is no auto sizing yet it is in to do list, but when it's done it will be just sending of some number of page ups/downs and numpad keys

exact number of keys will be configurable through some config file so that you can set it as you want

this will not set perfect position for all tables cause every table is in different size, but is a good starting point

it will be executed on the press of some key, that key will be configurable in settings.


I just finished resizing all my FP tables and backglass, oh well.

Will give 1.295 wip2 a crack and test it out.

Mainly the vpexe and the sounds.

Getting the sounds close to all being the same in vp is a big leap.

Thanks Blur, Bigboss.

Id go with the simple one also



  blur said:
there is no auto sizing yet it is in to do list, but when it's done it will be just sending of some number of page ups/downs and numpad keys

exact number of keys will be configurable through some config file so that you can set it as you want

this will not set perfect position for all tables cause every table is in different size, but is a good starting point

it will be executed on the press of some key, that key will be configurable in settings.

Thanx Blur. I agree. Even getting somewhat close will save tons of time!! I must have spent 2 lifetimes so far setting things up, and still going....

Thanx for your work. Looking forward to this implementation in future!



One other thing... I am not sure if anyone has thought of this, but...

It would be cool if there was a feature in hyperpin to select and load on the fly different XML databases.

So for example, In VP I have one XML with every table I can find, sort of like the global list.

I also have another XML specifically for the kids(ie. adult playfields/BG's/sounds removed)

So for me, instead of renaming the xml before loading each time, it would be neat to be able to switch this on the fly within hyperpin.

Just me thinking out loud....


  maceman said:
One other thing... I am not sure if anyone has thought of this, but...

It would be cool if there was a feature in hyperpin to select and load on the fly different XML databases.

So for example, In VP I have one XML with every table I can find, sort of like the global list.

I also have another XML specifically for the kids(ie. adult playfields/BG's/sounds removed)

So for me, instead of renaming the xml before loading each time, it would be neat to be able to switch this on the fly within hyperpin.

Just me thinking out loud....


Pretty Sure you can already do this.

  bent98 said:
Does WIP2 incude pinmame automatic error box removal?

yes, i wrote it in first post:

automatic closing of vbscript messages is added (for bent)

error messages are shown on the screen and then vp is closed

(vbscript message usually means game can go on and error message usually means no go)

  deadsoulz said:
Pretty Sure you can already do this.

I think i can't change behavior of hyperpin with fplaunch.

When hyperpin is active there is no fplaunch running.

fplaunch is executed only when you run some table and it is closed when you exit from table to hyperpin. So i can change things/keys/behavior only in vp or fp game.

And i think hyperpin opens xml only on start, not after you exit from table.

But you can put two bat files for executing hyperpin and in bat file first copy xml and then start hyperpin.

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