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Sega Model 3 - Supermodel released !


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I hope this is true, ever since I first found out about MAME I've wanted to emulate the Star Wars Trilogy game


Its true no joke but with no sound :( and kinda slow

Ive been waiting for Star Wars forever too.

Be sure to read the web page and the "readme.txt"

Its not ready for Hyperspinning yet but could easiliy be added using the

Sega Model 2 or original mame script.

[superModel Test.bat]-current config

-windowed (default res) 496x384.

"Currently, this cannot be overriden.

Changing video modes at run-time is not yet supported".

-starwars trilogy is active in this batch

-remove "rem" from the rom-line you want to test

(add it to the previously tested rom-line)

add command line switches if wanted to the batch or ahk scripts mentioned above. (there are some others)

-res=<x>,<y> ;for resolution

-fullscreen ;for fullscreen mode

-no-throttle ;to disable 60 hz frame rate

-ppc-frequency=25 ;(default) set powerPC frequency in hertz


Supermodel.exe swtrilgy.zip -fullscreen -res=640x480 -no throttle -ppc-frequency=<value>

-roms (copied from mame - i used 141 roms) go in \supermodel\ - root dir

-batch files go in \supermodel\ - root dir

[superModel Test.bat]-code

[color=purple]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe vf3.zip            rem Virtua Fighter 3
[color=purple]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe lemans24.zip       rem Le Mans 24
[color=purple]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe scud.zip           rem Scud Race
[color=purple]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe scudp.zip          rem Scud Race Plus
[color=purple]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe lostwsga.zip       rem The Lost World
[color=purple]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe von2.zip           rem Virtual On Oratorio Tangram
[color=purple]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe vs298.zip          rem Virtua Striker 2 '98
[color=purple]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe srally2.zip        rem Sega Rally 2
[color=purple]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe daytona2.zip       rem Daytona USA 2
[color=purple]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe dayto2pe.zip       rem Daytona USA 2 Power Edition
[color=purple]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe fvipers2.zip       rem Fighting Vipers 2
[color=purple][color=red]rem[/color] [/color]Supermodel.exe harley.zip         rem Harley Davidson & L.A. Riders [color=red](not working)[/color]
[color=red]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe lamachin.zip       rem L.A. Machineguns [color=red](not working)[/color]
[color=red]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe oceanhun.zip       rem The Ocean Hunter [color=red](not working)[/color]
[color=lime]Supermodel.exe swtrilgy.zip[/color]       rem Star Wars Trilogy
[color=red]rem[/color] Supermodel.exe eca.zip            rem Emergency Car Ambulance [color=red](not working)[/color]

[config inputs.bat]

supermodel.exe -config-inputs

Its true no joke but with no sound :( and kinda slow

Ive been waiting for Star Wars forever too.

me too chillinwater way to long !!!

its a good day for emulation :)


ok so after playing around with it for a few hrs and i got to say its a real good start starwars runs good on my old laptop and there was only a few issues

it would have been good to have sound but still have had fun tonight with this

Thanks to Bart Trzynadlowski.


Star Wars Trilogy Emulation would be great.


Jurassic Park Lost World Emulation woud fulfill a childhood fantasy! (I have heard there was a port to the Sega Saturn which can be emulated. True?)


Maybe the HS team should extend some free gold memberships to the Super Model Team to foster some good collaboration between the projects! :)

Bart Trzynadlowski is an emulation hero!


This is so great! Thanks for sharing the good news. I have only been playing Scud Race at the moment and I've been loving it, even though I'm just playing on a keyboard and crashing a lot, it's still great to have. I'll have a crack at some of the others soon.

Holy Crap it is for real. I thought this was gonna be another "hey honey I'm pregnant again" jokes like my wife played on me.

lol, my wife did that last year. we just had our 5th 2 months ago.


This is pretty good for an early release, was playing around with some of the supported games and they were alot of fun. And since I'm sure people (like me) will be interested in this for their Hyperspin setup, I created a database and script to set it up.

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<game name="daytona2" index="" image="">
	<description>Daytona USA 2 (Revision A)</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Green (Suitable For All Ages)</rating>
<game name="dayto2pe" index="" image="">
	<description>Daytona USA 2 Power Edition</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Green (Suitable For All Ages)</rating>
<game name="eca" index="" image="">
	<description>Emergency Car Ambulance</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Green (Suitable For All Ages)</rating>
<game name="fvipers2" index="" image="">
	<description>Fighting Vipers 2 (Revision A)</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Yellow (Animated Violence Mild)</rating>
<game name="harley" index="" image="">
	<description>Harley-Davidson and L.A. Riders (Revision A)</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Green (Suitable For All Ages)</rating>
<game name="lamachin" index="" image="">
	<description>L.A. Machineguns</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Red (Life Like Violence Strong)</rating>
<game name="lemans24" index="" image="">
	<description>Le Mans 24</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Green (Suitable For All Ages)</rating>
<game name="lostwsga" index="" image="">
	<description>The Lost World</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Red (Life Like Violence Strong)</rating>
<game name="oceanhun" index="" image="">
	<description>The Ocean Hunter</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Yellow (Life Like Violence Mild)</rating>
<game name="scud" index="" image="">
	<description>Scud Race (Australia)</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Green (Suitable For All Ages)</rating>
<game name="scudp" index="" image="">
	<description>Scud Race Plus (Revision A)</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Green (Suitable For All Ages)</rating>
<game name="srally2" index="" image="">
	<description>Sega Rally 2</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Green (Suitable For All Ages)</rating>
<game name="swtrilgy" index="" image="">
	<description>Star Wars Trilogy (Revision A)</description>
	<manufacturer>Sega / LucasArts</manufacturer>
	<rating>AAMA - Yellow (Animated Violence Mild)</rating>
<game name="vf3" index="" image="">
	<description>Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision C)</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Yellow (Animated Violence Mild)</rating>
<game name="vs298" index="" image="">
	<description>Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 2.0)</description>
	<rating>AAMA - Green (Suitable For All Ages)</rating>
<game name="von2" index="" image="">
	<description>Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (Revision </description>
	<rating>AAMA - Yellow (Animated Violence Mild)</rating>

;*******************************Sega Model 3************************************
else if (systemName = "Sega Model 3" && executable = "Supermodel.exe")
Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey%, CloseProcess
RunWait, %executable% %romName%%romExtension% -fullscreen, %emuPath%, Hide UseErrorLevel
Process, waitClose, %executable%

You may want to put a couple of your own parameters in the script which you can get from the emulator homepage, but I tested this with a few roms and worked flawlessly. This script also assumes the roms are in the same folder as the emulator.

Enjoy :)


Misto, your xml is not totally HS 2.0 compliant. Here is the one I made early today just never got around to posting. My names are a little different then yours too, I got them from either boxart or wikipedia. Yours has some errors too, like jurassic park is yellow, not red.



dat: (don't need if you have mame roms)


"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

RocketLauncher's Official Home

If you appreciate my work:

My Apps:
Window Logger
Idle Volume Adjuster
Rom Folder Cleaner
Module Updater
My Guides:
How To Mod Guncons with Aimtrak


I wrote the Supermodel author an email, and he wrote back right away. He seems like a great guy. I hope he gets the support he needs on the project.


SuperModel GUI v.001a (doesnt work for me)


sm3easybox Havent tried this one yet


and Scripts for both versions of HL or No Hyperlaunch at all (at bottom)

Different versions of scripts allow for either Global rom settings or Individual rom settings so you can adjust to your computers performance.

Script Options #2 and #4 below,

-allows individual game configs for,

-no throttle


-read the settings.ini at bottom of post to see if you want to use these options.

when SuperModel matures into a more robust emu

(with maybe more\new\changed features, including sound and more rom support)

more tweaks may be added.


Option #1 -Misto's script above Using Global Rom Parameters

;*******************************Sega Model 3************************************
else if (systemName = "Sega Model 3" && executable = "Supermodel.exe")
   Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey%, CloseProcess
   RunWait, %executable% %romName%%romExtension% -fullscreen, %emuPath%, Hide UseErrorLevel
   Process, waitClose, %executable%


Option #2 -Using -Individual Rom Parameters

-settings.ini required below

-values in settings.ini are SuperModel defaults

-read the settings.ini at bottom of post to see if you want to use these options.

;*******************************Sega Model 3************************************
else if (systemName = "Sega Model 3" && executable = "Supermodel.exe")
Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey%, CloseProcess
iniread, frequency, %emuPath%Settings.ini, %romname%, frequency
iniread, throttle, %emuPath%Settings.ini, %romname%, throttle

ifinstring, throttle, true, RunWait, %executable% "%romPath%%romName%%romExtension%" -fullscreen -ppc-frequency=%frequency%, %emuPath%
ifnotinstring, throttle, true, RunWait, %executable% "%romPath%%romName%%romExtension 
Process, waitClose, %executable%


Option #3 -Using Global Rom Parameters (HL2.0 version of Misto's script above)

; Sega Model 3
; Emulator-SuperModel.exe v.1a
; by Misto HL conversion by Chillinwater
; .1a
; change Params to your preference
; values are SuperModel [color=lime]defaults[/color]

RunWait, %executable% %romName%%romExtension% -fullscreen -no-throttle -ppc-frequency=[color=lime]25[/color] , %emuPath%
Process, Close, %executable%


Option #4 -Using Individual Rom Parameters

-settings required below

-values in settings.ini are SuperModel defaults

-read the settings.ini at bottom of post to see if you want to use these options.

; Sega Model 3
; Emulator-SuperModel.exe v.1a
; by Chillinwater
; change Params to your preference
; values in settings.ini are SuperModel [color=lime]defaults[/color]
; required settings.ini file goes in: \SuperModel.exe - folder

iniread, frequency, %emuPath%Settings.ini, %romname%, frequency
iniread, throttle, %emuPath%Settings.ini, %romname%, throttle

ifinstring, throttle, true, RunWait, %executable% "%romPath%%romName%%romExtension%" -fullscreen -ppc-frequency=%frequency%, %emuPath%
ifnotinstring, throttle, true, RunWait, %executable% "%romPath%%romName%%romExtension 
Process, Close, %executable%

NO Hyperlaunch

Option #4 -Just HS settings

by sydaroa

"No need hyperlaunch to run it, the command -res must be the same than hyperspin works.


\hyperspin\settings\Sega Model 3.ini

[exe info]
path = [Emulator path]
rompath = [rom path]
userompath = true
exe = supermodel.exe
romextension = zip
parameters = -fullscreen [color=red]-res=800,600[/color]
searchsubfolders = false
pcgame = false
winstate = HIDDEN
hyperlaunch = false

[settings.ini]-required by options #2 and #4

;SuperModel Settings.ini v.1a by Chillinwater
;place in \SuperModel.exe -folder

;To improve performance, Supermodel underclocks the PowerPC down to [color=lime]25[/color] MHz by
;default.  This may be the cause of some games running too slowly even when the
;frame rate is at 60 FPS (which is the native rate).  You may want to experiment
;with increasing the clock frequency, although this comes with a performance 

;By default, Supermodel limits the frame rate to 60 Hz.  This has no impact on
;performance except when the frame rate exceeds 60 FPS on fast systems.  This
;can be disabled with the '-no-throttle' option.  
;To disable, Throttle=(leave blank) otherwise to enable, Throttle=[color=red]true[/color]


















Wait?! WHAT???!!! OMG this is awesome news!!

Does this emulate JP properly with sound? This is my all time fav arcade game!

Also do we need roms or can we use the ones that are in mame?


it works perfectly, there is also a frontend on Sega Model 2 / Nebula Forum made by fans,

There is a x86 and x64 Version

if anyone wants to try it real quick in dos

Windows: type "cmd" (opens kinda dos)

C:/where-ever-your-folder-is-called/Supermodel Rom-Name.zip -fullscreen -config-inputs

It actually runs almost fullspeed on my poopy laptop << Yes Laptop

(AMD Athlon II P320 Dual Core 3.00gb ram)

Try SuperGT/Scud Race

Amazing Emulation , can't wait for their next release , Extremely promising

EDIT: New Frontend available on their Page now


Anyone else having problems with the games looking like they are running a little fast. Jurassic Park looks right best I can tell but Star Wars seems to be fast though that could be just me watching the slow intros through MAME in the past.

So far I'm very happy with the way it looks and can't wait for sound.



This emulator might have a chance of achieving greatness! since when do emulators run too fast!?!?! lol

Check out this video of Jurassic Park in action!



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