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Sega Model 3 - Supermodel released !


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Nobody will know until it gets released, the new version will have sound so that will make a big difference over the previous version but i think you would be looking at no less than a 4ghz processor to get it to play smoothly.

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"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

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oh wow supermodel is evil, it shrunk my taskbar and moved it to the middle of my screen. I didn't even think that was a possible position....and I had it locked.

Fix was running it at my desktop res in case anyone has the same issue.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

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It's on the HL 2.0 thread, but after I get settled back in, I will be putting it up on HyperList.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

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Dont think a script is even required for this one guys, just add this line to your params box in hyperHQ and it seems to work fine :

-res=1680,1050 -fullscreen

Obviously adjust your resolution to whatever you use, and make sure hyperlaunch is disabled.


Not required, but much more customization options and fancy fading cannot be done otherwise. Plus get used to having a script for all systems as it is required for HS 2.0

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

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Try turning on configinput mode on my module, it should open the key config section of the emu. I haven't even configured my keys yet, but I imagine it can't be that difficult.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

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How would it work if new controls were added, that didn't exist before, in the new version?

Old controls:

; Supermodel Configuration File

[ Global ]

InputStart1 = "MouseLeft"
InputStart2 = "2"
InputCoin1 = "3"
InputCoin2 = "4"
InputServiceA = "5"
InputServiceB = "6"
InputTestA = "7"
InputTestB = "8"
InputJoyUp = "9"
InputJoyDown = "Q"
InputJoyLeft = "W"
InputJoyRight = "E"
InputPunch = "R"
InputKick = "T"
InputGuard = "Y"
InputEscape = "U"
InputSteeringLeft = "I"
InputSteeringRight = "O"
InputAccelerator = "P"
InputBrake = "A"
InputGearShift1 = "S"
InputGearShift2 = "D"
InputGearShift3 = "F"
InputGearShift4 = "G"
InputVR1 = "H"
InputVR2 = "J"
InputVR3 = "K"
InputVR4 = "L"
InputViewChange = "Z"
InputHandBrake = "X"
InputShortPass = "C"
InputLongPass = "V"
InputShoot = "B"
InputTwinJoyTurnLeft = "N"
InputTwinJoyTurnRight = "M"
InputTwinJoyForward = "Comma"
InputTwinJoyReverse = "Period"
InputTwinJoyStrafeLeft = "Slash"
InputTwinJoyStrafeRight = "Q"
InputTwinJoyJump = "W"
InputTwinJoyCrouch = "E"
InputTwinJoyLeftShot = "R"
InputTwinJoyRightShot = "T"
InputTwinJoyLeftTurbo = "Y"
InputTwinJoyRightTurbo = "U"
InputAnalogJoyTrigger = "I"
InputAnalogJoyEvent = "O"
InputTrigger = "A"
InputOffscreen = "S"

New Controls:

;; Supermodel Configuration File
;; Default settings for Version 0.2a.

; Quick Overview
; --------------
; All settings are case sensitive. Numbers must be unsigned, base 10 integers.
; Check your spelling carefully because invalid settings are silently ignored.
; To verify that your settings are being parsed correctly, check the contents
; of error.log.
; Global options apply to all games. To create configuration profiles for
; individual games, place settings under sections with the same name as the 
; corresponding MAME ROM set, like so:
;       ; Scud Race
;       [ scud ]
;       SoundVolume = 50
;       MusicVolume = 200
;       ; ... etc. ...
; Input mappings are an exceptional case: they are only allowed in the global
; section. Per-game input mappings are not supported.
; For a list of all valid settings, please consult README.txt. Only default
; inputs are assigned here.

[ Global ]  ; Input settings can only be read from the global section!

; Common 
InputStart1 = "KEY_1,JOY1_BUTTON9"
InputStart2 = "KEY_2,JOY2_BUTTON9"
InputCoin1 = "KEY_3,JOY1_BUTTON10"
InputCoin2 = "KEY_4,JOY2_BUTTON10"
InputServiceA = "KEY_5"
InputServiceB = "KEY_7"
InputTestA = "KEY_6"
InputTestB = "KEY_8"

; 4-way digital joysticks
InputJoyUp = "KEY_UP,JOY1_UP"
InputJoyDown = "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_DOWN"
InputJoyLeft = "KEY_LEFT,JOY1_LEFT"
InputJoyRight = "KEY_RIGHT,JOY1_RIGHT"
InputJoyUp2 = "JOY2_UP"
InputJoyDown2 = "JOY2_DOWN"
InputJoyLeft2 = "JOY2_LEFT"
InputJoyRight2 = "JOY2_RIGHT"

; Fighting game buttons
InputPunch = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"
InputKick = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2"
InputGuard = "KEY_D,JOY1_BUTTON3"
InputEscape = "KEY_F,JOY1_BUTTON4"
InputPunch2 = "JOY2_BUTTON1"
InputKick2 = "JOY2_BUTTON2"
InputGuard2 = "JOY2_BUTTON3"
InputEscape2 = "JOY2_BUTTON4"

; Spikeout buttons
InputShift = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"
InputBeat = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2"
InputCharge = "KEY_D,JOY1_BUTTON3"
InputJump = "KEY_F,JOY1_BUTTON4"

; Virtua Striker buttons
InputShortPass = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"
InputLongPass = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2"
InputShoot = "KEY_D,JOY1_BUTTON3"
InputShortPass2 = "JOY2_BUTTON1"
InputLongPass2 = "JOY2_BUTTON2"
InputShoot2 = "JOY2_BUTTON3"

; Steering wheel
InputSteeringLeft = "KEY_LEFT"      ; digital, turn wheel left
InputSteeringRight = "KEY_RIGHT"    ; digital, turn wheel right
InputSteering = "JOY1_XAXIS"        ; analog, full steering range

; Pedals
InputAccelerator = "KEY_UP,JOY1_UP"
InputBrake = "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_DOWN"

; Manual transmission
InputGearShift1 = "KEY_Q,JOY1_BUTTON5"
InputGearShift2 = "KEY_W,JOY1_BUTTON6"
InputGearShift3 = "KEY_E,JOY1_BUTTON7"
InputGearShift4 = "KEY_R,JOY1_BUTTON8"
InputGearShiftN = "KEY_T"
InputGearShiftUp = "NONE"           ; sequential shift up
InputGearShiftDown = "NONE"         ; sequential shift down

; View buttons

; Miscellaneous driving game buttons: Sega Rally 2, Dirt Devils, Emergency Car
; Ambulance
InputViewChange = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"
InputHandBrake = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2"   ; Sega Rally 2 only

; Virtual On macros
InputTwinJoyTurnLeft = "KEY_Q,JOY1_RXAXIS_NEG"
InputTwinJoyTurnRight = "KEY_W,JOY1_RXAXIS_POS"
InputTwinJoyForward = "KEY_UP,JOY1_YAXIS_NEG"
InputTwinJoyReverse = "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_YAXIS_POS"
InputTwinJoyStrafeLeft = "KEY_LEFT,JOY1_XAXIS_NEG"
InputTwinJoyStrafeRight = "KEY_RIGHT,JOY1_XAXIS_POS"
InputTwinJoyJump = "KEY_E,JOY1_BUTTON1"
InputTwinJoyCrouch = "KEY_R,JOY1_BUTTON2"

; Virtual On individual joystick mapping
InputTwinJoyLeft1 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyLeft2 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyRight1 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyRight2 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyUp1 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyUp2 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyDown1 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyDown2 = "NONE"

; Virtual On buttons
InputTwinJoyShot1 = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON5"
InputTwinJoyShot2 = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON6"
InputTwinJoyTurbo1 = "KEY_Z,JOY1_BUTTON7"
InputTwinJoyTurbo2 = "KEY_X,JOY1_BUTTON8"

; Analog joystick (e.g. Star Wars Trilogy)
InputAnalogJoyLeft = "KEY_LEFT"             ; digital, move left
InputAnalogJoyRight = "KEY_RIGHT"           ; digital, move right
InputAnalogJoyUp = "KEY_UP"                 ; digital, move up
InputAnalogJoyDown = "KEY_DOWN"             ; digital, move down
InputAnalogJoyX = "JOY_XAXIS,MOUSE_XAXIS"   ; analog, full X axis
InputAnalogJoyY = "JOY_YAXIS,MOUSE_YAXIS"   ; analog, full Y axis

; Light guns
InputGunLeft = "KEY_LEFT"               ; digital, move gun left
InputGunRight = "KEY_RIGHT"             ; digital, move gun right
InputGunUp = "KEY_UP"                   ; digital, move gun up
InputGunDown = "KEY_DOWN"               ; digital, move gun down
InputGunX = "MOUSE_XAXIS,JOY1_XAXIS"    ; analog, full X axis
InputGunY = "MOUSE_YAXIS,JOY1_YAXIS"    ; analog, full Y axis
InputOffscreen = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2,MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON"    ; point off-screen
InputAutoTrigger = 0                    ; automatic reload when off-screen
InputGunLeft2 = "NONE"
InputGunRight2 = "NONE"
InputGunUp2 = "NONE"
InputGunDown2 = "NONE"
InputGunX2 = "JOY2_XAXIS"
InputGunY2 = "JOY2_YAXIS"
InputTrigger2 = "JOY2_BUTTON1"
InputOffscreen2 = "JOY2_BUTTON2"
InputAutoTrigger2 = 0

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

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Once I reread the included help files (and got a little sleep) I was able to sort my input problems. I don't know why I was finding it so difficult. As always I appreciate your help!


Check out the new supermodel3.com forums for the new gui for 0.2a called supermodel loader. Any other problems your having with the new version just ask there.


"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

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Guys quick question...

Before in version 0.1 where it had no sound I had excellent frame rate but now with sound I have a much slower frame rate :(

Do you think a graphics card upgrade would help?

I have a geforce 7800 GTX 256 card but I could get a second one and plug the two together with the sli tech for about £30


Might depend on the rest of your specs. What else do you have?

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

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Its hard to remember off the top of my head as I'm at work...

I believe I have an amd 64 dual core athlon xp 4600

4 gb of ram. Can't remember exactly but ddr3 rings a bell.

windows xp

The pc is about 4 years old and cost quite a bit when I made it. Are these specs still good these days??


Well your CPU could be better, have you tried OC'n it? You want to shoot for 3ghz at least these days. I don't think SLI is going to help you with an emulator honestly.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

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