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Sega Model 3 - Supermodel released !


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oh wow supermodel is evil, it shrunk my taskbar and moved it to the middle of my screen. I didn't even think that was a possible position....and I had it locked.

Fix was running it at my desktop res in case anyone has the same issue.

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How would it work if new controls were added, that didn't exist before, in the new version?

Old controls:

; Supermodel Configuration File

[ Global ]

InputStart1 = "MouseLeft"
InputStart2 = "2"
InputCoin1 = "3"
InputCoin2 = "4"
InputServiceA = "5"
InputServiceB = "6"
InputTestA = "7"
InputTestB = "8"
InputJoyUp = "9"
InputJoyDown = "Q"
InputJoyLeft = "W"
InputJoyRight = "E"
InputPunch = "R"
InputKick = "T"
InputGuard = "Y"
InputEscape = "U"
InputSteeringLeft = "I"
InputSteeringRight = "O"
InputAccelerator = "P"
InputBrake = "A"
InputGearShift1 = "S"
InputGearShift2 = "D"
InputGearShift3 = "F"
InputGearShift4 = "G"
InputVR1 = "H"
InputVR2 = "J"
InputVR3 = "K"
InputVR4 = "L"
InputViewChange = "Z"
InputHandBrake = "X"
InputShortPass = "C"
InputLongPass = "V"
InputShoot = "B"
InputTwinJoyTurnLeft = "N"
InputTwinJoyTurnRight = "M"
InputTwinJoyForward = "Comma"
InputTwinJoyReverse = "Period"
InputTwinJoyStrafeLeft = "Slash"
InputTwinJoyStrafeRight = "Q"
InputTwinJoyJump = "W"
InputTwinJoyCrouch = "E"
InputTwinJoyLeftShot = "R"
InputTwinJoyRightShot = "T"
InputTwinJoyLeftTurbo = "Y"
InputTwinJoyRightTurbo = "U"
InputAnalogJoyTrigger = "I"
InputAnalogJoyEvent = "O"
InputTrigger = "A"
InputOffscreen = "S"

New Controls:

;; Supermodel Configuration File
;; Default settings for Version 0.2a.

; Quick Overview
; --------------
; All settings are case sensitive. Numbers must be unsigned, base 10 integers.
; Check your spelling carefully because invalid settings are silently ignored.
; To verify that your settings are being parsed correctly, check the contents
; of error.log.
; Global options apply to all games. To create configuration profiles for
; individual games, place settings under sections with the same name as the 
; corresponding MAME ROM set, like so:
;       ; Scud Race
;       [ scud ]
;       SoundVolume = 50
;       MusicVolume = 200
;       ; ... etc. ...
; Input mappings are an exceptional case: they are only allowed in the global
; section. Per-game input mappings are not supported.
; For a list of all valid settings, please consult README.txt. Only default
; inputs are assigned here.

[ Global ]  ; Input settings can only be read from the global section!

; Common 
InputStart1 = "KEY_1,JOY1_BUTTON9"
InputStart2 = "KEY_2,JOY2_BUTTON9"
InputCoin1 = "KEY_3,JOY1_BUTTON10"
InputCoin2 = "KEY_4,JOY2_BUTTON10"
InputServiceA = "KEY_5"
InputServiceB = "KEY_7"
InputTestA = "KEY_6"
InputTestB = "KEY_8"

; 4-way digital joysticks
InputJoyUp = "KEY_UP,JOY1_UP"
InputJoyDown = "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_DOWN"
InputJoyLeft = "KEY_LEFT,JOY1_LEFT"
InputJoyRight = "KEY_RIGHT,JOY1_RIGHT"
InputJoyUp2 = "JOY2_UP"
InputJoyDown2 = "JOY2_DOWN"
InputJoyLeft2 = "JOY2_LEFT"
InputJoyRight2 = "JOY2_RIGHT"

; Fighting game buttons
InputPunch = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"
InputKick = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2"
InputGuard = "KEY_D,JOY1_BUTTON3"
InputEscape = "KEY_F,JOY1_BUTTON4"
InputPunch2 = "JOY2_BUTTON1"
InputKick2 = "JOY2_BUTTON2"
InputGuard2 = "JOY2_BUTTON3"
InputEscape2 = "JOY2_BUTTON4"

; Spikeout buttons
InputShift = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"
InputBeat = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2"
InputCharge = "KEY_D,JOY1_BUTTON3"
InputJump = "KEY_F,JOY1_BUTTON4"

; Virtua Striker buttons
InputShortPass = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"
InputLongPass = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2"
InputShoot = "KEY_D,JOY1_BUTTON3"
InputShortPass2 = "JOY2_BUTTON1"
InputLongPass2 = "JOY2_BUTTON2"
InputShoot2 = "JOY2_BUTTON3"

; Steering wheel
InputSteeringLeft = "KEY_LEFT"      ; digital, turn wheel left
InputSteeringRight = "KEY_RIGHT"    ; digital, turn wheel right
InputSteering = "JOY1_XAXIS"        ; analog, full steering range

; Pedals
InputAccelerator = "KEY_UP,JOY1_UP"
InputBrake = "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_DOWN"

; Manual transmission
InputGearShift1 = "KEY_Q,JOY1_BUTTON5"
InputGearShift2 = "KEY_W,JOY1_BUTTON6"
InputGearShift3 = "KEY_E,JOY1_BUTTON7"
InputGearShift4 = "KEY_R,JOY1_BUTTON8"
InputGearShiftN = "KEY_T"
InputGearShiftUp = "NONE"           ; sequential shift up
InputGearShiftDown = "NONE"         ; sequential shift down

; View buttons

; Miscellaneous driving game buttons: Sega Rally 2, Dirt Devils, Emergency Car
; Ambulance
InputViewChange = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON1"
InputHandBrake = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2"   ; Sega Rally 2 only

; Virtual On macros
InputTwinJoyTurnLeft = "KEY_Q,JOY1_RXAXIS_NEG"
InputTwinJoyTurnRight = "KEY_W,JOY1_RXAXIS_POS"
InputTwinJoyForward = "KEY_UP,JOY1_YAXIS_NEG"
InputTwinJoyReverse = "KEY_DOWN,JOY1_YAXIS_POS"
InputTwinJoyStrafeLeft = "KEY_LEFT,JOY1_XAXIS_NEG"
InputTwinJoyStrafeRight = "KEY_RIGHT,JOY1_XAXIS_POS"
InputTwinJoyJump = "KEY_E,JOY1_BUTTON1"
InputTwinJoyCrouch = "KEY_R,JOY1_BUTTON2"

; Virtual On individual joystick mapping
InputTwinJoyLeft1 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyLeft2 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyRight1 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyRight2 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyUp1 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyUp2 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyDown1 = "NONE"
InputTwinJoyDown2 = "NONE"

; Virtual On buttons
InputTwinJoyShot1 = "KEY_A,JOY1_BUTTON5"
InputTwinJoyShot2 = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON6"
InputTwinJoyTurbo1 = "KEY_Z,JOY1_BUTTON7"
InputTwinJoyTurbo2 = "KEY_X,JOY1_BUTTON8"

; Analog joystick (e.g. Star Wars Trilogy)
InputAnalogJoyLeft = "KEY_LEFT"             ; digital, move left
InputAnalogJoyRight = "KEY_RIGHT"           ; digital, move right
InputAnalogJoyUp = "KEY_UP"                 ; digital, move up
InputAnalogJoyDown = "KEY_DOWN"             ; digital, move down
InputAnalogJoyX = "JOY_XAXIS,MOUSE_XAXIS"   ; analog, full X axis
InputAnalogJoyY = "JOY_YAXIS,MOUSE_YAXIS"   ; analog, full Y axis

; Light guns
InputGunLeft = "KEY_LEFT"               ; digital, move gun left
InputGunRight = "KEY_RIGHT"             ; digital, move gun right
InputGunUp = "KEY_UP"                   ; digital, move gun up
InputGunDown = "KEY_DOWN"               ; digital, move gun down
InputGunX = "MOUSE_XAXIS,JOY1_XAXIS"    ; analog, full X axis
InputGunY = "MOUSE_YAXIS,JOY1_YAXIS"    ; analog, full Y axis
InputOffscreen = "KEY_S,JOY1_BUTTON2,MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON"    ; point off-screen
InputAutoTrigger = 0                    ; automatic reload when off-screen
InputGunLeft2 = "NONE"
InputGunRight2 = "NONE"
InputGunUp2 = "NONE"
InputGunDown2 = "NONE"
InputGunX2 = "JOY2_XAXIS"
InputGunY2 = "JOY2_YAXIS"
InputTrigger2 = "JOY2_BUTTON1"
InputOffscreen2 = "JOY2_BUTTON2"
InputAutoTrigger2 = 0

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Guys quick question...

Before in version 0.1 where it had no sound I had excellent frame rate but now with sound I have a much slower frame rate :(

Do you think a graphics card upgrade would help?

I have a geforce 7800 GTX 256 card but I could get a second one and plug the two together with the sli tech for about £30

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Its hard to remember off the top of my head as I'm at work...

I believe I have an amd 64 dual core athlon xp 4600

4 gb of ram. Can't remember exactly but ddr3 rings a bell.

windows xp

The pc is about 4 years old and cost quite a bit when I made it. Are these specs still good these days??

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