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just me or is mame slipping on every new release they bring out


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Ive ran into many new problems with the latest mame releases no doubt such as. Even so i downloaded the 0.154 rom pack from pd i try many and i get errors like bin.c32 is missing and also simple games like galaga or pacman seem to require now nam20 nam50 which stands for namco or etc etc just more files to get games to run its quite annoying. As for capcom games it used to be cpz1 cpz2 but now it requires qsound as well neo geo hasent changed its still the same but its a pain in the ass really especially when you try to make your own rom sets up. And you find out it dont work cause its missing something so you have to chase up every single peice of content to find out whats making it not work and what you need so i figure maybe its time we start listing what files are required for running simple games such as galaxian and also which mame works best and has less problems whos with me on this.

Bottom line is back in teh day most games would just run as soon as you got the parent rom of them not these days tho some still have issues i mean also back in the day all you would need is the bios pack to run them all so why they dont include all the other required files to run some stuff is beyond me.

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The fact that you can use MAME to play arcade games is a side effect of the real point of the project, properly documenting how arcade machines work. New files get introduced as they get proper redumps for games. They are split up according to the various chips on the boards so you can use MAME ROMs to possibly reflash new chips to get your boards working again. MAMEDev does not care whether something gets in the way of you playing games because that isn't their goal. MAME isn't slipping at all.

Bottom line is that you are an entitled whiner bitching about how the people doing the work aren't making it easy enough for you to sit back and play free games.


Relic, you clearly have something wrong with your setup or the Roms you have downloaded. As we briefly discussed over chat, MK4 is working and Galaga is also.

I personally have just tossed my old Mame Roms and downloaded the whole set again. If you have the bandwidth you might to do the same or get your set verified with CLRmamepro or Romlister.



I agree with gigapig. I download the whole set every version change. Because I don't have good luck applying the updates. Plus I now have fewer if any issues with games working.


Yep, sounds like you screwed up when downloading the set, everything runs fine if you have the full set. Scan it with cmp.

Either that or you are hand picking games without the required bios and devices to another folder.

MAME changes will be a constant so you'll have to live with that. If you want each game to work as a standalone rom without dependencies then just unmerge your set with cmp and you're done.

zerojay, please don't be a dick...there's been enough of that on this forum over the last day or so.

I explained why he's running into the things he's running into, why the MAME team is doing what they do and and simply told the truth. Nothing dickish there, sir.


I am still using mame 0.148 myself. Haven't seen games introduced since then that I want to play so therefore I haven't bothered to upgrade.

If and when I run into trouble with my outdated setup I'll happily upgrade again :-)

-Hyperspin Project progress:

Got most emulators running fine now! Software wise I'm nearing completion. Time to start pondering over what cab I want :D


As I stated in another thread "MAME is a MESS". Saying that gaming with mame is a "nice side effect" is a good slogan but truth is mame is a great piece of software allowing playing unported (or bad ported) arcades on your pc. Just think to hyperspin... another software based on a "side effect" with theme makers devoting their time in assembling the "perfect" gaming time machine. I don't want to blame no-one or tell anyone how they should do something I don't know how to do BUT renaming roms every release is quite unuseful and is pulling people away from mame. To me mame team does not know in which direction it's pointing, just see licencing stuff raging in a contributor war or "no betting games in mame, yes betting games in mame". Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to every coders contributing to mame but sometimes the matter seems to be "how many digital angels can stay on a needle" rather than making more unported games playable. Preserving hardware is a good thing but software needs to be preserved (and playable) too.

Bottom line is that you are an entitled whiner bitching about how the people doing the work aren't making it easy enough for you to sit back and play free games.

Zerojay, this piece of input is being a provocative dick. I'm gonna start handing out temporary bans for you and anyone else that carries on like this, it's just not helpful and it just leads to pointless arguments on the forums.



I don't see why renaming some roms is a problem, a couple of clicks and a few minutes of waiting with cmp and you're done.

Anyone using MAME should know how to use cmp anyway, if you don't then just download the new set over your old one on each new release, couldn't be any simpler.


During years I've had problems even with full romset and in this case you have to track down the new rom or the single file to upgrade, with or without cmp. Just dig internet, it's full of people having this kind of issues :)

Also consider that upgrading mame is not always a good idea, for example mame 0.119 supported model3 and later build don't. Before supermodeler mame 0.119 was the only software to support scud race. Having separate romset for different mame version is really space consuming...

Zerojay, this piece of input is being a provocative dick. I'm gonna start handing out temporary bans for you and anyone else that carries on like this, it's just not helpful and it just leads to pointless arguments on the forums.

mattedsmith, shame on you for using provocative language like that. I expect the moderators here to be more politically correct when speaking to the other forum members.

During years I've had problems even with full romset and in this case you have to track down the new rom or the single file to upgrade, with or without cmp. Just dig internet, it's full of people having this kind of issues :)

I know the internet is full of people having those issues, but that's just because they aren't doing it right :)

I have been updating MAME since I don't know how many years already, always use the update packs and cmp and never had any problems at all. If you download the full romset it's impossible you are missing any roms though, unless your torrent client is screwed.

Also consider that upgrading mame is not always a good idea, for example mame 0.119 supported model3 and later build don't. Before supermodeler mame 0.119 was the only software to support scud race. Having separate romset for different mame version is really space consuming...

That's what the MAME rollback set is there for ;)


The mame/mess team are sacrificing performance for "code readability". They've admitted as much. From looking at Haze's blog it appears that they would rather treat the mame project as an intellectual exercise than a means to play games. It's my estimation that they will continue to obfuscate and complicate mame in this effort.

The mame/mess team are sacrificing performance for "code readability". They've admitted as much. From looking at Haze's blog it appears that they would rather treat the mame project as an intellectual exercise than a means to play games. It's my estimation that they will continue to obfuscate and complicate mame in this effort.

That's what it's always been from the very beginning. It's always been an intellectual exercise rather than a means to play games. Nothing's changed in that regard whatsoever. That's why emulators like Supermodel exist out there. Also, performance *should* be sacrificed for more accurate emulation, which becomes less and less of an issue anyways as people buy better gear to replace their older stuff. They don't obfuscate or complicate MAME just for the sake of doing so.


Sorry guys its just i dont know its weird in 0.153 set i had less issues but with 0.154 things dont seem right unless my problem is cause i upgraded 0.153 set to 0.154 as pleasuredome recommends on doing and seeding that so i do that everytime. But now i think maybe i should either use clrmamepro to fix stuff or just download a fresh set of 0.154 its just pleasuredome can be bitchy about people downloading to many sets at once they always want you to stick to the old source you grabbed before and add the old set you have wether its 0.153 or 0.152 to the latest one. Everytime i dont know if thats a good idea mixing roms together personally i think thats the problem when you mix the roms together it keeps old source in with the new so i always been thinking maybe its best to download fresh ones every time. Also people say mamewah is the best one of all time to use no nags no errors etc etc i think we should put each mame to test to see which one is the most effciant cause they also say orginal mame is the top one out of them all some say stick to earlier mames but that didnt work so well for me. Im not here to start a flame war so will you guys just cool it and im talking to you zerojay your the one that seemed to send a bitchy comment to me and why is that im just telling the truth about mame and wanting to know some answers we dont have to act like children we can sort it out like real gentlemen. just my 2cents

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performance for accuracy is fine. I understand Haze wants good cash register emulation and he doesn't think it's a toy for games, which it is.

Performance for "code readability" however, is unacceptable. I don't think that the team would obfuscate for the sake of obfuscation but I believe that they would cripple it in order to dissuade people from adopting it as a medium to automate and simplify pirate arcade gaming.

That's what it's always been from the very beginning. It's always been an intellectual exercise rather than a means to play games. Nothing's changed in that regard whatsoever. That's why emulators like Supermodel exist out there.

Mame was born as a collection of seminal emulators, it was an intellectual exercise made to play games. Nicola salmoria is a gamer and (now) a coder of games. "Gaming is only a nice side effect" mantra was a smart move to avoid legal problems BUT right now we're in a situation similar to vonnegut's "cat's cradle", where monzano and bokonon loose their mind becoming the characters they invented.

Also, performance *should* be sacrificed for more accurate emulation, which becomes less and less of an issue anyways as people buy better gear to replace their older stuff. They don't obfuscate or complicate MAME just for the sake of doing so.

It was not a problem 10 years ago, when every 12 months we had a new cpu 2x faster but if you compare i7 920 (2008) with i7 4770k (2013) you'll notice how cpu power increase is simply crawling these days. Intel and amd seems to focus on power savings and multithreading while emulators need higher frequencies and more instruction per cycle. At this rate in 10 years chances are cps3 will not be playable anymore.

performance for accuracy is fine. I understand Haze wants good cash register emulation and he doesn't think it's a toy for games, which it is.

Performance for "code readability" however, is unacceptable. I don't think that the team would obfuscate for the sake of obfuscation but I believe that they would cripple it in order to dissuade people from adopting it as a medium to automate and simplify pirate arcade gaming.

If they were going to do that, they're about 15 years too late. They actually now emulate pirate boards that are based on older MAME versions... in MAME.

Ive ran into many new problems with the latest mame releases no doubt such as. Even so i downloaded the 0.154 rom pack from pd i try many and i get errors like bin.c32 is missing and also simple games like galaga or pacman seem to require now nam20 nam50 which stands for namco or etc etc just more files to get games to run its quite annoying. As for capcom games it used to be cpz1 cpz2 but now it requires qsound as well neo geo hasent changed its still the same but its a pain in the ass really especially when you try to make your own rom sets up. And you find out it dont work cause its missing something so you have to chase up every single peice of content to find out whats making it not work and what you need so i figure maybe its time we start listing what files are required for running simple games such as galaxian and also which mame works best and has less problems whos with me on this.

Bottom line is back in teh day most games would just run as soon as you got the parent rom of them not these days tho some still have issues i mean also back in the day all you would need is the bios pack to run them all so why they dont include all the other required files to run some stuff is beyond me.

Hi Relic,

I too have questioned why I need additional files when playing a ROM in MAME v153 to MAME v154. I can't imagine anything in the ROM changed as the games are 15 years old+ in many cases but a portion of my games did require me to fetch additional items.

Could you also just have multiple wheel menu's for different versions of MAME that you know work 100% That could be an option


that is a good idea but my problem is im making abest of mame list for everyone including myself

- but haveing doing so ive ran into many issues

- such as capcom games now require a file called qsound

- or namco requires even for the classics like galaga extra files like name29

- name20

name50 etc etc

so like you ive had to look up these issues and solve them myself then readd the requirements back in just for 1 simple game to get running

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ok im having a bizzare issue now with mame ui when i do an audit on all games or search with my rom set mame shuts down and give a run time error so maybe i got a bad set of roms but i dont know how its possible cause i did get it from pd -

i try the solution of adding 1 game only and now its not crashing at all yet it takes a long time just to scan for 1 rom something seems very buggy about future mame builds of ui

ps - this is a great way to keep track of every single rom mame has - http://mamedev.org/source/src/mame/mame.lst.html

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