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mess bios retro arch problem


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Sure as soon as I get the file sorted. By tomorrow around noon

Instagram : baddeolv
Kik : baddeolv
Facebook : Brian Addeo


It's the system name based on the AHK for RA. So if you are running the MESS core, then use the system it is loading via hash. I know this is going to sound weird, but I've had MESS working for ages but can't get my MAME to run straight into the game. It boots to GUI still. I think I need to check the CLI options for it again but failing that I have no idea what the issue is.

How to guides and custom artwork sets @ https://www.youtube.com/user/MaxwellParadigm


Themes, Wheels, Carts and Database Downloads available @ http://spacevalkyrie.weebly.com/

So if you are running the MESS core, then use the system it is loading via hash.

I don't understand what you mean by this...?

Are you saying if I want to use per-system cfgs, I should rename them to how the system is named in RetroArch.ahk?

Therefore, the file should be config\Amstrad GX4000.cfg?


I think I figured it out...

If I make Amstrad GX4000.cfg in \config, RetroArch will load this config when I launch a GX4000 game. You need to make sure that in this config file that save config on exit is set to OFF. I suggest editing it in a notepad editor instead of RetroArch in case it tries to save a new mess_libretro.dll.cfg, which it will then use as the default.

It should be gx4000 the same as the MESS name. Did you manage to load the cfg using the Hyperspin naming convention?

That's what I confirmed above. If I rename the file to gx4000.cfg it does not work.

I know this is going to sound weird, but I've had MESS working for ages but can't get my MAME to run straight into the game.

DrMaxwell. ZeroJay's build was ALSO the first time I got mame to run in RA. I had the same problem you did. As of now though, besides being a completionist, I'm definitely going to stick with mame proper. The HLSL settings I have are actually better than any shader combination I could find. In fact, a lot of the normal shaders (IE supereagle) don't seem to do anything at all when using the RA mame core.



There is a txt document in my ftp folder containing info on how to get my working copy. Its the same as zerojay`s, but mine is overwritten with the newest nightly build (1-20-15)

Instagram : baddeolv
Kik : baddeolv
Facebook : Brian Addeo


When using the Mess core, is it possible to remove that blue nag screen at the start of a game? I can do it in Mess but haven't figured out a way to do it in Retroarch.


You have to have a game loaded to access them. If it still says no options available then make sure your paths are correct. post-25056-142870667894_thumb.jpg

Instagram : baddeolv
Kik : baddeolv
Facebook : Brian Addeo


That worked. Now I noticed that once you add an anti-aliasing filter, Mess games slow to a crawl. Guess I'll just have to use the ctr-geom-curved filter on it's own without advanced-aa.

Thanks for the help.

That worked. Now I noticed that once you add an anti-aliasing filter, Mess games slow to a crawl. Guess I'll just have to use the ctr-geom-curved filter on it's own without advanced-aa.

Thanks for the help.

Ya I have the same problem there. I used the crtgeomcurved with scanlines.

Instagram : baddeolv
Kik : baddeolv
Facebook : Brian Addeo


Anyone have the MESS chd versions of Neo Geo CD titles working with the MESS core in RetroArch? I'm getting a lot of driver errors, while every other system using the MESS core is loading games fine...

Anyone have the MESS chd versions of Neo Geo CD titles working with the MESS core in RetroArch? I'm getting a lot of driver errors, while every other system using the MESS core is loading games fine...

Check out this post:http://snesorama.us/board/showthread.php?68414-How-to-make-A-CHD-out-of-Bin.Cue-Toc-images-for-use-with-MESS-emulator

Also seriously besides for the point of just having a unified emulator for almost all systems up until Dreamcast, is there ANY profit to using MESS in RA compared to normal MESS? I mean I use normal MESS right now and everything is working and I do not want to muck things up for the sake of unity. Plus using Gigapig's HLSL goodies from the FTP IMO give a more real CRT/TV like experience compared to RA's filters.

I am......Machine

Check out this post:http://snesorama.us/board/showthread.php?68414-How-to-make-A-CHD-out-of-Bin.Cue-Toc-images-for-use-with-MESS-emulator

Also seriously besides for the point of just having a unified emulator for almost all systems up until Dreamcast, is there ANY profit to using MESS in RA compared to normal MESS? I mean I use normal MESS right now and everything is working and I do not want to muck things up for the sake of unity. Plus using Gigapig's HLSL goodies from the FTP IMO give a more real CRT/TV like experience compared to RA's filters.

One of the other reasons I wanted to use MESS in RA is because I couldn't find a way to set a key for save/load state without MESS prompting me for which save/load slot to use. Maybe there's a way to do this, but I haven't found it? It means needing a keyboard to press "1" each time. It should be able to auto-save/load to slot 1. Otherwise, it's just nice to have one emulator for almost all your systems. :)

Forgive me for not being familiar with HLSL, but... what is HLSL? :P

One of the other reasons I wanted to use MESS in RA is because I couldn't find a way to set a key for save/load state without MESS prompting me for which save/load slot to use. Maybe there's a way to do this, but I haven't found it? It means needing a keyboard to press "1" each time. It should be able to auto-save/load to slot 1. Otherwise, it's just nice to have one emulator for almost all your systems. :)

Forgive me for not being familiar with HLSL, but... what is HLSL? :P

HLSL is MAME's/MESS's/UME's shader system. It is very in depth though but with the correct settings you could really get a convincing optical illusion of an old CRT monitor. I'm using a preset from Gigapigs folder that actually gives your screen the fishbowl glare where areas while RA Only gives you the screen curvature.

I was actually so blown away by it that I god rid of my 16:9 monitor in my cab and bought the biggest 4:3 lcd flatscreen monitor I could find just to really get it the closest I could without the big bulky switch to an actual CRT monitor.

Not to mention the built up voltage enough to kill a person that's in a real CRT scares the shit outta me.

I am......Machine


Not to mention the built up voltage enough to kill a person that's in a real CRT scares the shit outta me.

I used to use a crt. Got "bit" probably 3 times. I know it has potential to kill you, but I think it's a rarity. (Though it's enough to make a grown man shit his pants. I came close a couple times, lol)

Instagram : baddeolv
Kik : baddeolv
Facebook : Brian Addeo


I was actually so blown away by it that I god rid of my 16:9 monitor in my cab and bought the biggest 4:3 lcd flatscreen monitor I could find just to really get it the closest I could without the big bulky switch to an actual CRT monitor.

Wow, I'm truly honored you feel that way and glad. I feel the same about hearing Hyperspeech for the first time in your cab video. Hyperspin would not be the same without it.

If I had mess already set up, I wouldn't bother with RA mess either. I've had very little luck with the alchemy that has gone on here. I manged to get Astrocade to work on my own install of RA and ColeCo on Jay's version. Looking through his install was a total mystery though , I've no idea how anything works :)



I'm having issues using mess via RA too. I'm now wondering if mess is the way to go...especially with the hlsl I've already setup in MAME ....hmmm


The ahk/isd was just updated today for the RetroArch module, over on the HyperLaunch forums. It's getting close to being ready. I'll write a guide soon, promise!


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