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Everything posted by Avar

  1. Also, please let me know if/when they run out of copies and I'll lock this baby down. Tell your friends y'all!
  2. http://store.steampowered.com/app/218620/PAYDAY_2/ As title suggests, 5 million free, full copies of Payday 2 are being given away on steam right now to keep the game forever. Get it right meow before they reach their total!!!
  3. No they're in the upload here section. Once I audit the few thousand themes there the'll be moved to the new FTP for HyperAI.
  4. Nice touch. That lil logo actually adds a lot imo.
  5. Niiiicely done. This is one of your best ones yet. Excellent use of the whole canvas space. Very immersive!
  6. There have been two pretty awesome Bliss-Box updates today! First, Ulao's started a nice dev vlog to tease what's coming in Bliss-Box firmware 2.0: and Bliss-Box has also started showing off some of the world's cool controllers on their FB: Enjoy!
  7. Avar

    TEKKEN 7

    Niiiiiice thank you! Nice touch.
  8. Avar

    TEKKEN 7

    Thanks for this! Any chance you'd be able to remove the (TM) from the logo?
  9. Auditing Bally Astrocade brought to mind something I wanted to remind Bliss-Box users of. Namely that Bally Astrocade controllers do work via Bliss-Box, are super cool and unique, and kinda hella rare. As one of the oldest detachable controllers in existence it might be worth your while to track some down while they're still relatively reasonable to find online if they interest you. I had to buy a full working Astrocade to get mine due to time constraints for firmware testing. In general, there are several controllers and peripherals with pretty limited release runs that are only going to become more scarce as Bliss-Box opens up the market to basically everyone who has a PC, so you can anticipate rare controllers to become even more of a commodity, particularly following Bliss-Box's next big release. Some other things that are particularly hard to find: Atari Jaguar Pro Controllers (the Jag is pretty much useless w/o this baby), GCE Vectrex controllers (really cool to have and hard to find in good working condition), and basically any non-JP controller. Anything that released in Asia for the most part is still extremely common with a few exceptions.
  10. This looks great anyways but if Ashurax' theme is still out there, I'll find it for the audit! Cheers!
  11. Love that you made a separate one for Disc 2!
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Themes include Background Music mp3. Follow readme instructions for extraction
  13. Well done. Major improvement.
  14. Good catch!
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Felt the need to do as part of ongoing developments but thought I'd take the time to upload it for anyone on 16:9 who wished they could use the default artwork. Cheers!
  16. 16:9 Default Special Artwork View File Felt the need to do as part of ongoing developments but thought I'd take the time to upload it for anyone on 16:9 who wished they could use the default artwork. Cheers! Submitter Avar Submitted 05/19/2017 Category Special Artworks HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits  
  17. Thanks for the quick fix! Looks great now. I'll show it off on FB tonight.
  18. Love it but there's a watermark at the bottom left corner
  19. Dark Souls II - Scholar of the First Sin 16x9 - PC Games - Suhrvivor(20160506) View File A 16:9 HD conversion of Suhrvivor's recently release Dark Souls II theme. @Suhrvivor Hope you don't mind! I wanted a shot of it with the video going and figured I should upload. Submitter Avar Submitted 05/19/2017 Category Game Themes (16:9ST) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits  
  20. Version 1.0.0


    A 16:9 HD conversion of Suhrvivor's recently released Dark Souls II theme. @Suhrvivor Hope you don't mind! I wanted a shot of it with the video going and figured I should upload.
  21. I don't personally use RA att so I'm sorry I can't offer a more insightful answer I'm pretty confident it's fully compatible now though and @ulao just confirmed for me as well on FB that was the case. Did a little digging and found a udev Bliss-Box core from around the time I believe it became fully compatible. Does this help?
  22. @newoski Within the last version or so I believe. The RA team has a 4-play for development and they seem pretty committed to maintaining compatibility with it. Here are the latest firmware Release Notes.
  23. Quick update: Bliss-Box has started selling standalone cables and standalone adapters in their store. Easier than ever to customize the exact kit you're after.
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