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    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.


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Everything posted by thatman84

  1. I’m guessing/assuming the media/metadata is not the main focus of the beta. Certainly good to know issues on a game level to see if it’s a broader problem
  2. Do you have them unchecked in the system sync options? Guess with the brand new overrides feature there’s no check implemented yet
  3. Fr0stbyt3 has been putting them in the Dev updates forum. https://hyperspin-fe.com/forums/forum/399-hyperspin-2-development-updates/
  4. I thought I was about to get rickrolled with that video theme 😂 Thanks for your efforts! It’s. Very much appreciated and needed around these parts 👊
  5. Replied in your other thread with some context. Hyperspin Officially only sells a Platinum membership to this website. everything else is just illegitimate sales of things branded with the HyperSpin logo
  6. Hi Scott, it’s going to be hard for people to help you here. please read this post for some context
  7. Unfortunately we don’t support pre installed bought drives here. best action is to try and contact the person you bought it from. Setting up this stuff is very specific.
  8. When you install from the install wizard the 1st time you install the default address is c:/Program Files which I then click the browse button to locate my custom folder. i assume it’s not saving that custom address and reading it when the auto updater/installer runs
  9. There is a way in HyperHQ -> Emulators -> Supported Systems
  10. It already feels better in .35 btw so not sure if something changed
  11. updated last post as I got mixed up with reports. This issue is still happening in .28
  12. I have a DS3 pad running SCP Service to present as Xbox controller and DPad is controlling the wheel It was in .27 and now .28 HS HQ .35
  13. Error persists in .28 For reference
  14. I run uninstaller for .34 in Program Files HQ install and my .33 on my custom x:\ drive install Installed the exe .34 that gets downloaded to C:\Users\thatman84\AppData\Local\hyperhq-updater\pending & select my custom path The same bug persists when updating from .34 to .35. Updates automatically get installed to C:\Program Files
  15. I will fix that when next at the PC but it’s was very similar if not the same as this report
  16. That’s your hyperHQ version The bug presents itself in the HyperSpin Core plugin (that’s the version I’m referring to)
  17. Note:- This may well be normal windows stuff but IDK If you close the program from the task bar some processes remain running/hanging in the background The only way I could see to close them was with Task Manager but you had to close the correct one
  18. While HS was opening I Right clicked on taskbar icon and hit close window This error was produced and the only way to close was by end task in Task Manager
  19. I have tested and in Hyperspin v2.0.27 The esc esc bug is fixed, for both my controller and keyboard. The ability to select NO on the "Are you sure" screen is not fixed
  20. Getting the same thing Just to confirm with the Bug report this should be Hyperspin Component v 2.0.26 or .27 Check on the plugins tab
  21. I have similar issues with controller/escape key Need to get the issues added to https://hyperspin-fe.com/development-bug-tracking/11_hyperspin-2-bug-reporting/
  22. Thats almost as cool as your cab!
  23. Wanted to spread a bit of positivity around. I am absolutely digging being able to login to HyperTheme on the move and check out themes etc What are you digging about the new tools?? PS:- issues or pointing out problems in this thread will be deleted. The Admins have provided all the space needed for that type of comment within the forum
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