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Everything posted by brudibru

  1. Hello and welcome ! You are not alone being 50+ around here and it's not yet considered a disease (...I hope) ! I can't answer all your questions but you will have to face an important decision: keep your working hyperspin rig as is and enjoy playing it or update and upgrade and face many, many challenges (which can be fun !). I think you have already chosen anyway, considering your post. Updating the emulators shouldn't be too hard and your romsets should work as long as you don't change the databases but you might want to update them to include new games (especially for MAME of course but not only). Starting from scratch is also a very good option if you want to be able to master Hyperspin eventually. You already have the roms and probably the media and you have a working setup to compare with so that makes things easier. I don't know if it's the case already for your working rig, but make sure to use rocketlauncher alongside hyperspin. Once you have an updated setup working you could think of adding the many new systems that have been added on this forum since 2017. Good luck and keep us informed !
  2. awesome job nanometrovo2 !! Yes, this wheel became necessary in regard of the new dumps being released recently. Well done !
  3. Beautiful ! The best one in my opinion.
  4. great, thank you !!
  5. I really love this one !
  6. Great work, thanks nanometrovo2 ! Can you please also post the database ? Thanks in advance !
  7. That's awesone Andyman ! So you have chosen the 500 games ? You know that Xenia and Xemu have made great progress, the Forza and PGR games are playing better but maybe still not to the level you are looking for. Now the challenge will be to configurate the controls to work with a wheel for all these games. It should be quite easy for most but tricky for some. I can't wait to see the solutions you will find !
  8. Absolutely beautiful !!
    You have done an amazing job MarkstallioN. So many great themes in such a little time. Now that's dedication !!
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  9. You are doing great !!
  10. Very nice ! This system theme was made necessary by the latest MAME update and you have delivered !
  11. Great, more Namco system 10 !! Thanks Nanometrovo !
    Fantastic job nanometrovovo2 ! Almost the whole Namco system 10 set of themes ! That will be very useful both for the Mame set and for a standalone System 10 wheel.
  12. Thanks again ! now this will require a system theme and wheel ...
  13. Great Stuff, thanks a lot ! The video's amazing too. I also love to sort out my arcade games by manufacturer, and even by sub-systems (aka Namco system 11, 12,...for example) but there are a lot of themes for the smaller brand I have never seen around. Let's hope they can be shared here someday
  14. Bonjour moonlight69 et bienvenue sur ce forum. Il n'est pas possible d'installer Hyperspin sans Windows par contre tu peux faire en sorte de booter directement dessus en mettant l'exe dans la séquence de démarrage. Il doit être possible aussi de changer l'image de démarrage de windows pour mettre un logo Hyperspin ou quelque chose de ce genre. Tu peux également faire en sorte que la barre des tâches n'apparaisse pas. Bref tu peux quasiment rendre windows transparent derriere hyperspin. Je ne me rappelle plus comment mais tu trouveras facilement des tutos.
  15. Salut AKHWAllou ! Voila ce que j'ai, je ne sais pas si cela correspond à ce que tu cherches. genres.zip
  16. Version 1.1.0


    I found out too late that a theme already exists for this game. I want to propose it anyway, so here is my own take on Crazy Fight. crazyfgt.mp4
  17. Great job MarkstallioN ! Thanks for all your work !!
  18. Version 1.0.0


    A cinematic theme so, as always, you must download both the zip file and the video. chocovdr_Sf9nMkTh.mp4
  19. Version 1.0.0


    An arcade popcorn machine !?
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