Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
2,051 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
I never knew about this fantastic simulation of Monaco GP http://forum.arcadec...c,134445.0.html until I saw this cool theme for it: http://www.hyperspin...erty12-29-2015/ Can anyone advise me on how to add this game to my MAME wheel? I know there are tutorials on how to add a PC game to a MAME wheel, but for this simulation it seems you have to run its dedicated launcher and then pick a game version/resolution to run from that launcher (?).
Last reply by RPO R6V, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone. I'm new to all this. I've installed Hyperspin and downloaded the Hyperspin Project content. I've linked the emulators through HyperHQ. Most of the emulators are working great, but with NES I still get "Directory G:\Games\Nintendo\Nintendo Entertainment System\Emulator/Nestopia doesnt exist." Obviously it is still looking for the emulator in the wrong directory. I've changed the path in HyperHQ, and the /settings/Nintendo Entertainment System.ini file reads the correct directory. Is there another place I need to change the directory to direct Hyperspin to the emulator? I can't seem to find it. And this is only happening with NES and Future Pinball. …
Last reply by kellygeorge, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Using Gigapigs Mameuifx build from the hyperspin 43 systems build here. Icannot get the command list to show up in the tab menu. Any thoughts? edit: Title should say MAME moves list not high scores.
Last reply by Frank Drebin, -
- 3 replies
Hello, i just try lauch a super nintendo game (super metroid) and he doesn't work... the screen freeze on hyperspin and i see snes9x are launch on my task manager, but nothing... when i stop snes9x on the task manager, hyperspin start to work again and i can exit normally... it's exactly the same when i want to launch a sega genesis game with Fusion... MameUi work perfectly. and i can launch super metroid from Hyperlaunch, i don't understand...
Last reply by brainz1, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
I tried using MAMEUIFX from the download pack on the site — and it works fine on its own. It will also launch from inside RocketLauncher fine, no issues. But when I launch it from HS it has horrible stuttering issues with certain games (i.e., Capcom's 1944). I've done research online, tried changing certain settings in an effort to alleviate the stuttering, but it still happens with certain games. Never had this issue with my (admittedly ancient) MAME 0.128. I would love to use MAMEUIFX but if I can't get simple games like 1944 to run properly from HS, then what's the point? I might as well use an older version of MAME, right? Any advice?
Last reply by heykool69, -
- 28 replies
Hey guys. Just finished setting up Sega Dreamcast after watching Austin's video. But somehow i'd got a few different outcome from it. I'm running nullDC v1.0.5 1. After i run nullDC exe file, then click onto OPTIONS>Select Plugins. The Select Plugins screen doesn't come up. It'll just launch my last Dreamcast game that i'd played. 2. I was able to go onto the Maple>Port A>Config Keys and config my joystick buttons. But why does some games the joystick won't work, but the buttons work? 3. Is there a setting in Dreamcast where i can set the game to be not so pixelated? Like in Marvel vs Capcom, the characters is so pixelated. Don't know if that's…
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 0 replies
I am having trouble mapping a different keyboard entry to exit a game/rom when in the Nostalgia Environment. There does not seem to be a setting locally (nostalgia system), nor does the global mapping seem to work. That said, hitting the escape key on the keyboard does indeed end the current game (and take me properly back to the rom selection wheel). But for all other systems (emulators), I have mapped a new arcade button (which happens to send a keyboard "5") to the PC, and this works as kill/exit/end for all other emulators. Ideas? Solutions? Thanks
Last reply by Sparkie35, -
by fresh46664- 3 replies
Hi, is there a ps2 emulator that can be used in hyperspin?
Last reply by relic, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, Having a problem installing MAMEUIFX 0.168 I am getting a direct 3d error on setup - Unable to create Direct 3D device 88766086c I have the latest drivers in for my GPU, and directx 11 Anyone help me with this ? Thanks Gary
Last reply by jockinaus, -
- 0 replies
Hi I need help with my HyperSpin setup. I added Rocketlauncher to my HyperSpin 1.4 it works great except for one console. When i launch from within HyperSpin the dolphin emulator crashes and when i launch the same game from RocketLaucherUI it works perfectly. What am I missing here? Hope you guys can help me.
Last reply by MarkWingens, -
- 1 reply
I saw a post on here lately that CD-I can be run through the MESS core in Retroarch, and it tickled my nostalgic bone since I was one of the few who had this POS. Following the steps found here, RetroArch still just crashes when I try to run the games. http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/6786-philips-cd-i-does-anyone-actually-have-it-working/ I have my cdimono1.zip in system/mess Got my CD-I CHD since mess prefers that. Running the games however, results in a crash right way. Any idea how to get these "games" working?
- 9 replies
I didn't hit the usual sources yet (Google + Youtube) figured I'd hit the forums first.... So I'm having trouble launching .bin files can't mount the .bin files with daemon tools lite and the magic pcfx emulator..... and apparently RetroArch doesn't support NEC PCFX in .bin format. gonna try another Emulator (Mednafen) and see how that goes... but if anyone has any suggestions? feel free! In the meanwhile I'll just finish setting up the system end of it with all the videos/artwork.. got about 30gigs of NEC PC FX stuff so definitely trying to get it going.. 30gigs is too much space just to waste on a system I can't get going.
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 0 replies
hello and happy new year i am looking for mameuifx 1.69 no nag etc if anyone has made one yet thanks
Last reply by juicelee, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys wondering if can help with a issue I'm having . When I run saw emulator with or without rocketlauncher , I'm getting a window pop-up that tells me overriding config settings , physical size to small . And wants me to hit enter to make full screen . I tried almost everything in the gui of the emulator too correct it . Running on a tv with 1920x1080 res . I like the emulator a lot , looks great but this is causing me a black screen on my hyperspin till I hit enter on keyboard , which is a pain when using my arcade, doesn't flow well any help would be helpful thank you
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys wondering if can help with a issue I'm having . When I run saw emulator with or without rocketlauncher , I'm getting a window pop-up that tells me overriding config settings , physical size to small . And wants me to hit enter to make full screen . I tried almost everything in the gui of the emulator too correct it . Running on a tv with 1920x1080 res . I like the emulator a lot , looks great but this is causing me a black screen on my hyperspin till I hit enter on keyboard , which is a pain when using my arcade, doesn't flow well any help would be helpful thank you
Last reply by jcake2, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys wondering if can help with a issue I'm having . When I run saw emulator with or without rocketlauncher , I'm getting a window pop-up that tells me overriding config settings , physical size to small . And wants me to hit enter to make full screen . I tried almost everything in the gui of the emulator too correct it . Running on a tv with 1920x1080 res . I like the emulator a lot , looks great but this is causing me a black screen on my hyperspin till I hit enter on keyboard , which is a pain when using my arcade, doesn't flow well any help would be helpful thank you
Last reply by jcake2, -
- 2 replies
Please see the attached file showing the error message I receive as soon as I try to launch any PSX file from RetroArch. Note ePSX1 works for every PSX file I try. And yes, I have the required BIOS's in the RetroArch's system folder - and used the RetroArch front end to specify where these BIOS files are located. Before I give up, does anyone have a suggestion ? I've watched what I think to be every youtube video on the subject and have found threads where this seems to be a contuing and unresolved issue with RetroArch and PSX in particular. Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide.
Last reply by craig816, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I've been away from HS a while but am coming up to speed again with it, mame and the shaders. Great stuff! I'm stuck and have a few questions. Running Windows 7 64 bit. With official MAME 0.167, I cannot get shaders to work, either HLSL or GLSL. I've followed Giga's video, made sure proper video modes were selected and paths to shaders correct, but invoking mame64 from the command prompt does not show shading effects, and the dos window at exit complains about not being able to open shader files. Any hints on how to get official mame64 to work with shaders? With MAMEUIFX64, shaders work out of the box with no config necessary. Looks great! However, I …
Last reply by spotUP, -
- 0 replies
Is there any simple emu to run hillclimb racing on my pc/ cab? I played around with bluestacks on a different pc and it works but seems like a large cumbersome solution for just running this single game. Looking for a simple solution thats HS compatible All my kids love this game.... they would love it if i got it running on my cabinet.
Last reply by Deezdrama, -
- 0 replies
Hey Guys, i've got Problems with my system. I just tried to intall American Laser Games in Hyperspin. I've got a cofiguration using Daphne. So I have different games which can be started with a .bat file outside of Hyperspin. Erverything works fine. Then I tried it with Hyperspin. I took daphne as default emulator and set the rom path. If I whant to start the game, there is opening a window für a second, then it's closing automatically. If I open the Logfile of daphne, the error is always the same: --DAPHNE version 1.0.10 --Command line is: C:\Hyperspin\Emulators\American Laser Games\daphne.exe singe vldp -x 1024 -y 768 -fullscreen_window -framefile C:\Hyperspi…
Last reply by Dex520, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I am getting this error when trying to load roms using RocketLauncher. Where are these settings located that need to be changed? in RocketLauncher? Thx
Last reply by rastan, -
- 4 replies
Anyone doing XBOX emulation? I always thought Xbox emu was dead as far as any real development... I heard about Xeon which I believe only ran Halo.. and I believe another Emu called CxBx... but never got much info on it other than a quick peek at the dev's site...which in my opinion paints a picture of something for homebrew stuff (could be wrong)
Last reply by rastan, -
- 3 replies
Hello! I recently decided to give retroarch a try and i have to say it's definitely awesome! I have multiple systems running perfectly and my 360 controllers working great. However I can't run any playstation games that have multiple discs. Retroarch just crashes. I can't seem to find an answer specifically for hyperspin. I know for retroarch you make a .m3u file and load that through retroarch, but is there a way to tell hyperspin to launch that instead, or another work around? Really want to get some MGS and FF7 going. Thanks for the help!
Last reply by billybones, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, I copied my (old) setup to a portable HDD. Everything works great except SNES (it used to work on my old PC). I want ZSNES to open in fullscreen so I changed the settings in ZSNES to custom res "41" 1920x1080. Everything works great. I can load all games perfectly and so on... BUT!!! when I open my Hyperspin and I try to load a ROM (SNES) then the emu opens but gives a black screen with an error popping up in the back: ""DirectDraw7 Set Display Mode Failed". Also all the changes I've made in the cfg file of ZSNES are gone... it resets my resolution again... everytime, no mather how much I try and save the .cfg file of ZSNES. I don't know what to do no…
Last reply by rastan, -
- 12 replies
So I set this thing up and it's running fine except I have 3 games (Marvel Civil War, Marvel Iron man and SW Clone Wars) that despite having the right x and y values on the Pnball FX2.ini file, they open different tables. Civila War and Clone wars both ope The Empire Strikes Back while Iron man opens Ms. Splosion Man. Any ideas of what could be causing this problem?
Last reply by AlexDC22,