Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
2,051 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hello, I am new to hyperspin and am having trouble with GBA setup. I've already got NES and SNES working. But I am having problems with getting GBA to work. I keep getting the error C:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Nintendo Game Boy Advance\Vbam.ini . Thank you in advance for anyone who can help.
Last reply by nimpa, -
- 13 replies
Hey everyone! I originally made a post about this over on the RetroArch forums, but I haven't gotten any answers so far. So, I thought I'd post here too (since this community seems to be a shinning beacon of helpfulness and civility pretty much all of the time). I apologize if these questions have been asked before. I know that N64 emulation is problematic at best, but I've got a couple issues I'm hoping someone knows how to solve. First, I'm trying to remap the controller inputs so that the right trigger, rather than left, is the Z button on the N64 controller. I can do this by changing the core remap options and saving a new file, but when I restart the emulat…
Last reply by Awakened, -
- 10 replies
Hi guys Does anyone know how to customize RA shader settings? I love the CRT Royale shader, but I'd like to remove the curvature... Any help would be greatly appreciated
Last reply by newoski, -
- 7 replies
I just realized that my AAE isn't the newest version so I started from scratch. Download the first main file. AAE.exe runs fine. Download update 1 file and unzip it into the AAE folder (overwriting the old files) and it runs fine. Then I unzip update 2 (which seems to be the final version) into the folder and overwrite the previous files it doesn't work. Running it flickers then windows says AAE.exe has stopped working. the details box says App Crash. I'm running Windows 7 64bit. Anyone have any ideas or a link to a different download for it?
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 0 replies
Hi, Does anyone succeed to start This game & watch Popeye 2? I have a pop-up when trying to launch: "Program has stopped working" 'Win 7) And I have never be abled to launch Rainshower or Balloon Fight buy the way Thanks and regards,
Last reply by doohan, -
- 25 replies
Hello, I see information about SweetFX is missing on the forums, so I want to fill that gap with your help too. SweetFX is an emulator/game independent post-processing shader working on the DirectX backend. Many people use it to improve contrast or do some antialias or color grading to their PC games, but it is also useful to add some nifty scanlines to your retro games when there is no internal shader support on their emus. Things like this or this are possible. As you see, it's not specially geared towards scanlines, mainly because it uses a single figure (CRTResolution 1.0). Also I tried it with some emulators and for some reason didn't want to work despite using …
Last reply by newoski, -
- 7 replies
Hello all, I've gotten my Hyperspin setup almost done. My problem is Retroarch for Nintendo 64. I use xpadder for all the other systems. It has been easy to setup and they're complete and work. I can't for the life of me (3 days now scouring the internet for answers) figure out the key bindings for Retroarch. I would like to figure out how to change the keyboard bindings to use xpadder so I can use different controllers if I choose (Xbox 360 and nin64 controllers). I just can't figure out how to do it. I'm not sure how to setup escape keys to go back into Hyperspin or Hyperpause. If necessary, I can change those keys in the other emulators to match Retroarch. I'm lost and…
Last reply by newoski, -
- 2 replies
When opening sega games, using the retroarch module and rocketlauncher (hyperlaunchhq) the emulator opens in the corner of the top left corner of the screen. When opening the emulator straight from the retroarch launcher everything opens centered as you would expect. No sure if this is a problem with retroarch (don't think so, since it opens fine by itself), hyperlaunch, or hyperlaunchhq. Kind of new to it all, so any help would be great! (The games run fine, just not centered)
Last reply by Erika, -
- 13 replies
I have all my hyperspin set up nicely I'm using xbox wireless controller. Mame exits perfect back to wheel by clicking down right thum stick so does a few other emulators. Just need help with the likes of the nintendo and sega systems.i press escape and it exits but I want it so I don't have to use keyboard. I've searched for a tutorial everywhere but no luck Thanks Gav
Last reply by sonicboom88, -
- 1 follower
- 23 replies
Anybody has a list of the best running emulators with the best compatibility with Hyperspin? Thanks
Last reply by narfolamew, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I have the Amstard GX4000 running in Mess but I can't get it to work in Retroarch (Mess Core). I have a .cpr rom set and a .bin rom set. Retroarch won't read either. Has anyone been able to run it in Retroarch? In Mess the games run but I get a really big grey border with a small game window.
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 0 replies
Hi Guys, Does Mednafen have any shaders along the same lines as CRT Royale for RetroArch? I don't even see an NTSC shader...
Last reply by newoski, -
- 5 replies
Hey everyone, I had wanted my first post here to be something legitimately interesting but I guess I'll have to settle for a silly controller issue... Ugh. Basically, I've got an XBOX 360 wireless controller working fine with RetroArch, except that as it stands, pressing the large XBOX button in the middle of the controller toggles the menu off and on. All I want to do is remove this functionality, but I can't for the life of me figure out how. In the menu under settings, Input Options, Menu Toggle, it reads: Auto: (10 btn) Key: (f1). I want to keep the f1, but remove the 10 btn input. It can be changed to other inputs on the controller, but not removed. I tr…
Last reply by newoski, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I love retroarch but for some reason it will not run turbo graphics! it crashes. I downloaded the retroarch provided by Austin.. everything else seems to work. although PSX is picky too... any help>? it works fine outside of HL/RL.. 01:03:35:802 | RL | INFO | +N/A | Main - RocketLauncher v1.0.0.0 (www.rlauncher.com) 01:03:35:812 | RL | WARNING | +0 | Main - You have "Logging_Show_Command_Window" enabled. This is only for showing errors being dumped to the command window from an executable. This may cause issues with running some executables and needs to be turned off when you are done. 01:03:35:842 | RL | WARNING | +31 | Main - You have "Logging_L…
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 13 replies
I'm sure this has been answered before but I can't seem to find anything in this new forum. I've setup AAE and it's running mostly fine but it always stretches to fill the screen. The 4:3 option in the emulator does nothing and neither does changing the ini settings. I tried adding a bezel but it basically covers the sides of the screen but the game is still running fully stretched behind it. Running it in a window only gives me a small window in the middle of the screen. Another thing I noticed is that in Asteroids (original not deluxe), pressing the shield button makes my ship disappear. I know I could use mame and use Gigapigs excellent vector settings but …
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 2 replies
hi guys trying to help me friend with hes daphne singe hes american laser games work fine but with wow action max every time he starts the same game it keeps saying press any key to parse file any ideas what the problem could be ? here is hes log... --DAPHNE version 1.0.10 --Command line is: H:\Hyperspin\emulators\daphne-singe\daphne.exe singe vldp -x 1024 -y 768 -fullscreen_window -framefile H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\daphne-singe\singe\ActionMax\38AmbushAlley.txt -script H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\daphne-singe\singe\ActionMax\38AmbushAlley.singe --CPU : AuthenticAMD 4100 MHz || Mem : 4096 megs --OS : Windows XP/.NET || Video : AMD 760G --OpenGL: Compiled In --RGB2YUV Funct…
Last reply by sonicboom88, -
- 2 replies
hi guys when i try and play road blaster i get this error any ideas? Framefile Parse Error Expected a number followed by a string, but on line 2, found this: Road Blaster(0x52 0x6F 0x61 0x64 0x20 0x42 0x6C 0x61 0x73 0x74 0x65 0x72 ) Mpeg Path : G:/Hyperspin/Emulators/Daphne/vldp_dl/roadblaster/ ---BEGIN FRAMEFILE CONTENTS---
Last reply by suspendedhatch, -
- 0 replies
hi guys trying to help me friend with hes daphne singe hes american laser games work fine but with wow action max every time he starts the same game it keeps saying press any key to parse file any ideas what the problem could be ? here is hes log... --DAPHNE version 1.0.10 --Command line is: H:\Hyperspin\emulators\daphne-singe\daphne.exe singe vldp -x 1024 -y 768 -fullscreen_window -framefile H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\daphne-singe\singe\ActionMax\38AmbushAlley.txt -script H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\daphne-singe\singe\ActionMax\38AmbushAlley.singe --CPU : AuthenticAMD 4100 MHz || Mem : 4096 megs --OS : Windows XP/.NET || Video : AMD 760G --OpenGL: Compiled In --RGB2YUV Funct…
Last reply by sonicboom88, -
- 3 replies
I am using an Xbox 360 controller and it seems if I launch MESS 0.161 when the controller is not turned on or connected, then any custom joystick mappings I have get lost. I only have a few custom mappings such as start, select and a button to cancel the UI. But kind of annoying that I have to keep resetting. Any ideas on a workaround for this issue? Thanks a lot!
Last reply by coodkidd, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello Hyperspin Team, Yesterday i spent 3 hours to get Sega Naomi to work on my Hyperspin install. When i click a rom from the wheel Naomi (Demul x86 v0.852) boots, but it does not load the rom automaticly! I can run roms from Demul itself. I have the latest files downloaded. I cant find any tutorial or FAQ for this problem, can someone help me out with this one?! Thanks in advance! Regards, Mastiz P.S, on Youtube i see a lot Playstation 3 Emulator video's these days. How is PS3 implementation on Hyperspin?
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 2 replies
This used to work fine with hl.. now it does not. I have even tried fresh install/setup on rocketlaunch and null dc. I am suing the recommended version as well... any ideas?? It takes long time and boots to Nulldc screen but errors out. I try to run NULL DC Outside of the front end and it errors out.. says Verify Failed :Tacmd!=0 in TASPliiter::DMA ->src\tc.cpp :19 Want to reprot this error again? WTH?? 21:41:49:038 | RL | INFO | +N/A | Main - RocketLauncher v1.0.0.0 (www.rlauncher.com) 21:41:49:038 | RL | WARNING | +0 | Main - You have "Logging_Show_Command_Window" enabled. This is only for showing errors being dumped to the command window from an ex…
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 2 replies
I updated my old version of Daphne and now DLair & Space Ace no longer work. Bummer. Question 1. After messing with it since 7am it seems I need to get the actual Digital Leisure DVD's to get DLair 1 & 2, Space Ace, Thayers quest etc... to work again. But according to the pop-up it can either be PC versions or Playstation/Xbox versions? Is that right? Once I have the actual discs then Daphne will let me run any Rom version (such as enhanced 2.0) correct? I have it on PSP and Vita, had it on PS3, 3DO and Philips. And just last year gave away my actual DVD versions. Looks like I'm about to spend another $100 or so to get them working in Daphne. Add in quarter…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Is there any guide that I can follow to configure BlueStacks in HyperSpin? Thanks
Last reply by Bonoscot, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I downloaded a Konami pack but when i add in Hyperspin and want to run a rom i get the following error: Konami is an invalled System Name or mamep64.exe isnt supported yet. I tryed google, and this forum but cant seem to find any topic about mamep64.exe One knows how to solve? When i run the rom from mamep64.exe it works, is there one here who can give me the solution?
Last reply by Mastiz, -
- 2 replies
Hey All, Even with a simple NES image it takes, 8-10 full seconds to load a game. I press start from the front end and it waits and waits before loading. I have updated the module as there was a bug, however still seems slow as heck to load. I changed from Retroarch to magic engine for Turborgraphics and it loads within like 1-2 seconds. IS there a setting or something? I also tried virual jaguar and it loads faster BUT I cant seem to hide the command prompt. Thanks Jim
Last reply by demonseed,