Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 7 replies
I'm using the latest version of kega fusion on windows 7 64bit. I've defined my control config while running the program independently yet each time I close and reopen the program it is resetting to defaults. Any ideas how I set the config permanently? Thanks in advance Joe
Last reply by aj82, -
- 6 replies
Hi Ive been trying to set up Demul in hyperspin to play atomiswave games, I have placed the emulator in an emulator folder within the main hyperspin folder under Sammy Atomiswave and I have the roms in the Demul folder. I have pointed towards this in hyperHQ but when I go to load a Game in hyperspin it just freezes and nothing happens. I have tried to launch it from hyperlaunch but it says it cannot find the Sammy Atomiswave/emulators.ini file. In hyperlaunch HQ I have selected the correct roms folder and set up the emulator which I can launch fine from there, but when I audit the roms none show up. I know the roms are in the corect format and named correctly and they…
Last reply by jedfactor, -
- 5 replies
any way to set supermodel controls without having to edit supermodel.ini??
Last reply by jedfactor, -
- 2 replies
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Mame 0.154 and MESS yet. Looks like the new MESS supports FMTowns although I haven't been able to get it to work yet.... New System Drivers Supported: ----------------------------- -Goldstar Famicom FC-100 [Robbbert, Anna Wu] -New driver added: Xerox Alto 2 [Juergen Buchmueller] -FM-Towns Marty 2 [caius, Barry Rodewald] -Yamaha FB-01 [Wilbert Pol] -Texas Instruments Compact Computer 40 [hap, Jon Guidry]
Last reply by mobly100, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys, I'm having some issues configuring my second xbox360 controller in Kega Fusion. It seems like it recognizes it correctly but when I play buttons don't work. Does anyone use two xbox360 controllers and know how to fix this? Thanks.
Last reply by lank.g01, -
- 4 replies
How do you adjust the analog joystick sensitivity in MAME? I'm trying to play Missile Command with an Xbox360 controller and the reticle is jumping all over the place. I went into mameuifx -> options -> default game options -> controllers -> joystick saturation and turned it way down but it had no effect. Also another weird problem crept back up. Maybe I caused it by trying to fix this issue. I'm using Xpadder and my B button is mapped to ESC for HyperLaunch. When I go into MAME, it's supposed to load the MAME xpadder profile which is all blank but for some reason it doesn't change profiles so when I hit B, it exits MAME. grrr This went away somehow before wh…
Last reply by suspendedhatch, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys i got the module to work for atari jaguar cd images however when using fullscreen i get a black screen with audio. If i run the game in windowed mode it works fine. I was wondering is there a way to change the resolution anywhere in the emulator settings? I cant find an ini file anywhere and i cant seem to find settings in the registry. If there isn't a way to change the resolution of this emulator does anyone have another solution for atari jaguar cd?
Last reply by mp4maniac, -
- 6 replies
I've been trying to set up a Playstation emulator, but so far I'm having troubles with every single one I tried. The best results I have are with PCSXR : I can play an iso/cdrom(daemon tools) when using the emulator by itself, but when I try to start a game with HyperLaunch that's what it does : -PCSXR starts -PCSXR goes full screen -PCSXR closes. No error messages, nothing. HyperLaunch is up to date. I tried changing the version number in the ahk file like this post suggests : http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?29009-Sony-PlayStation-PCSXR-crashes but with no success. I tried 2 different versions of PCSXR (r86936 and r90964) and get the same issue wi…
Last reply by BassSpleen, -
- 19 replies
Has anyone figured out a way to load ST-V roms via SSF using a commandline or something easier? The only way I know is the hold the SHIFT key while loading the emulator, but that would not work well for Hyperspin... My computer is not too fast (Athlon X2 BE-2300 I think) so using MAME for ST-V roms is not feasible. Is there a magical autohotkey script out there?
Last reply by zerojay, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, first problem... first post! I'm new to HyperSpin and loving it, got my first few systems up and running without too much hassle (nes, snes, n64, and mame) but getting megadrive/genesis working is becoming a real headache, it runs without issue windowed, and boots up fine both in and out of hyperspin. My problem is when i try to run fullscreen, i get a error message saying "Creating Primary Surface Failed" every resolution brings the same error, i realise this is a problem within my system and not hyperspin itself, is there any way i can fix this? Running:- Windows 8, i5-3340s, intel onboard hd2500 graphics Thanks
Last reply by aj82, -
- 17 replies
I am having difficulty in launching any Sega CD game through HL. I am using bin/cue format. If I load a game outside of HL it works just fine. When I try to launch it through HL it loads the Sega CD BIOS but not the actual game. Here is my log file contents: [code] 09:00:53:957 | HL | INFO | +N/A | Main - HyperLaunch v3.0.1.0 09:00:53:957 | HL | INFO | +0 | Main - System Specs: HyperLaunch Dir: C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch OS: WIN_7 Architecture: 64-bit (might not be accurate) OS Language: English_United_States OS Admin Status: Yes Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1920x1080 (1920x1040 work) AutoHotkey Path: AHK Version: 1.1.09.…
Last reply by dnbcyan, -
- 3 replies
Hi all, I have been using Hyperspin for a while with a variety of emulators and roms with no problem (after a long time of learning the ropes), but I have a problem I have not been able to find any info on nor figure out myself. I have since updated most of my emulators and roms to MESS, which I can get to work fine with Hyperspin but some consoles games can not be played from a directory, only from the software list within MESS. Is it possible through Hyperspin to make MESS launch from the software list instead of trying to launch from a directory?
Last reply by garciarubz, -
- 3 replies
I've been running HS pretty sucessfully with Sega, SNES, NES, and Mame. I kinda wanted to run Gameboy and giving there's a bunch of different consoles is there a one stop shop emulator that will cover them all?
Last reply by DrMaxwell, -
- 4 replies
I have RetroArch working on it's own but it doesn't work in HyperSpin or HyperLaunch. BSnes and Genesis Plus cores work fine directly in RetroArch. I tried setting up the paths in the Global Module settings for LibRetroFolder and LibRetro_GEN and LibRetro_SNES. I've also tried saving configurations for each system core. But when I HyperLaunch the game it just times out and gives the typical error message. I don't know how to interpret the Script Error. Thanks for your help! 23:01:43:603 | HL | INFO | +N/A | Main - HyperLaunch v3.0.1.1c 23:01:43:770 | HL | INFO | +172 | Main - System Specs: HyperLaunch Dir: F:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch OS: Microsoft …
Last reply by suspendedhatch, -
- 22 replies
My ultimate goal is to have Hyperspin set up so I can do EVERYTHING from controller. I want to have it linked to in Steam Big Picture. I want to recline, fire up Steam Big Picture, and if I decide I want to play an emulator, I can pick Hyperspin, pick a system, game, and go. A couple of questions though. I have Hyperspin set up to load and launch my games, but I don't understand how to set up separate controller settings for the Hyperspin menus. I set up xpadder in the Global settings, but that also affects the individual game systems, and the game systems are all going to need their own individual setups. I don't see an option in HyperLauncherHQ to configure only the na…
Last reply by potts43, -
- 4 replies
Okay, so I got model 3 running good so i decided to install Sega Model 2 emulator. Currently its version 1.1a newest from nebula webiste. Works great outside of hyperspin. Works in hyperlaunch. Went into HQ added main menu wheel with submenu. Did the normal setup of extensions and rom path. Launch hyperspin and it shows up on the wheel with art (updated database and art from hypersync) when I select it to enter the submenu with all the games ....screen goes black and hyperspin freezes???? I have to alt tab to get out and close down hyperspin. I figure it must be something with a setting or somenthing having to do with the wheel but not sure where to start. Please h…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 11 replies
Sorry had this in the wrong section before. I'm trying to get all 3 Gameboy's to run in Hyperlaunch but it just gives error Can't find T:\Emulators\Vbam.ini, got everything set up outside with VisualBoyAdvance-M, It looks for it in the wrong Dir. Vbam.ini is in the Emulator folder. I would appreciate any Help Thank you. 18:36:21:487 | HL | INFO | +N/A | Main - HyperLaunch v3.0.0.9 18:36:21:487 | HL | INFO | +0 | Main - System Specs: HyperLaunch Dir: T:\HyperLaunch OS: WIN_7 Architecture: 64-bit (might not be accurate) OS Language: English_United_States OS Admin Status: Yes Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1920x1080 (1920x1040 work)…
Last reply by PacMan7, -
- 11 replies
Hi all, My first thread after skulking around the forums for a few months. I've found the information posted has helped me out with most of my problems but i've hit a wall trying to get Gamebase 64 (GBC_v07) to work from hyperspin. It works fine otherwise but not from the hyperspin menu. I tried using the AHK on hyperlist but am having no luck. Any help with this would be very much appreciated. ;******************Commodore 64************************************* else if (systemName = "Commodore 64" && executable = "GBlauncher.exe") { hideDesktop() Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey%, closeprocess params = db=GBC_v07 Runwait, %emuPath%%executable% %params% id="%…
Last reply by Benzinbruder, -
- 9 replies
I receive the following error when I try to launch Alchemy within HLHQ. 00:52:45:758 | HL | INFO | +N/A | Main - HyperLaunch v3.0.1.1 00:52:45:852 | HL | INFO | +94 | Main - System Specs: HyperLaunch Dir: I:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch OS: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise SKU: Enterprise Total Memory: 4095.30 MB Free Memory: 1927.77 MB Used Memory: 2167.531 MB SystemType: x64-based PC Physical Processors: 1 Logical Processors: 4 GPU 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 GPU 1 RAM: 512.00 MB GPU 1 Driver Version: Sound 1 Device: High Definition Audio Device Sound 1 Status: Enabled Sound 2 Devic…
Last reply by damageinc86, -
- 3 replies
Hello all I am currently updating from mame 148 to 153 I downloaded a complete 151 set and updated to 152 I have the 153 update but haven't done it yet . My question is don't I need a new mame.ahk file my current one say v148 where do I find the 153 ahk file....... also on the ftp I see a 153 fix how do I use this do I even need it?
Last reply by Dogway, -
- 13 replies
Hey all, I'm trying to make "3" not "numberpad3" my exit button for most, but especially for fusion, emulators. I've changed the "exit_emulator_key=" to 3 and i'm still not able to exit with "3" is there anything else I have to do to the modules or the individual ini settings? Thanks Steve
Last reply by thejippen, -
- 15 replies
Ran into this problem trying to run Atari 2600 games. I got the emu and roms set up with HyperHQ. I am also getting this error with the SNES emu and roms. I apologize if this has been asked before. I am just perplexed. Thanks in advance
Last reply by Dogway, -
- 8 replies
Hi. I'm a new user, but I'll try to keep details short and to-the-point. Problem: Hyperspin program does not load or limit current audited games as set in HyperHQ and tested in HyperlaunchHQ. Program Versions: Snes9x 1.53 Hyperspin 1.3.2 HyperHQ 1.3.0 HyperLaunchHQ 1.0.13 (RocketLauncher from GIT repository) Hypermatch 1.0 Hypersync Cloud 3.5.0 Program Locations: Snes9x (D:\Games\Emulators\SNES\ ; D:\Games\Emulators\SNES\Roms) Hyperspin (D:\Games\Emulators\Hyperspin\) HyperLaunchHQ (D:\Games\Emulators\Hyperspin\Hyperlaunch\HyperLaunchHQ) Current Setup so far: I have the system loaded in HyperlaunchHQ, emulator set to global, extensions smc|sfc, Sne…
Last reply by Bedwyr, -
- 14 replies
When try to i run ePSXe through hyperspin i get this error: I havnt configured deamon tools as i dont want to use deamon tools with this emulator, so have disabled it in the HyperLaunch HQ settings.
Last reply by damageinc86, -
- 2 replies
I had a quick search but could not find the answer. I am trying to set up my new USB spinner in mame. Windows see's it and i can control the mouse left and right. however mame refuses to see it. i am using Mame 0.145 and for the life of me i can not get it to work. I read somewhere about you need to change a setting in the mam.ini but i cant see that in my mame directory either !
Last reply by vaad,