System/Collection Media/Project Status
This area houses the status/audit threads for all of HyperSpin's supported systems/collections. Please use this to help us keep track of what media assets exist and what projects are in progress.
25 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
This thread represents all media that exists for the Apogee BK-01 computer system. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Apogee BK-01 in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Apogee BK-01 Backgrounds: Boxes: Boxes - Backs: Carts: Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Letters: Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: Default RL: Sound - Background Music: Sounds - Background Music (Default): Sounds - System Exit: Sounds - System Start: Sounds - Wheel Click: Sound - Wheel Sounds: Sound - Wheel Sounds (Default): …
Last reply by ericgobbo, -
Custom Hyperspin 1 2
by Aorin- 1 follower
- 29 replies
A Hyperspin with customized databases, themes, videos, fades and more. Currently, there's 36 systems, accessories like Sega CD, 32X, or console regions are merged into the main console or the western released being considered as main, like SNES-SFC, NES-FC, etc. There are intentions of adding Xbox, Xbox 360, PS Vita and Switch in the future when these are properly emulated. Everything is configured to be controlled by a gamepad, including Wii games, older PC titles. The interface is simple, while not minimalistic and it's intended to be easily navigated, there are no full sets for any systems, but what should be considered essentials, while favorites can always …
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the Amstrad CPC computer system. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Amstrad CPC in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Amstrad CPC Backgrounds: Boxes: Default (2D) *@1215/3106, low quality, low resolution relic (3D) *Only ~100 in the set and it uses a generic DVD box instead of the actual boxes. Excluded from upload att. Boxes - Backs: Carts: Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Letters: *Pilfered from another Amstrad set Default Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: CPC *…
Last reply by thatman84, -
Apple IIGS
by Avar- 4 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the Apple IIGS computer system. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Apple IIGS in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Apple IIGS Backgrounds: Boxes: Boxes - Backs: Carts: Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Letters: Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: Default adamg RL: Sound - Background Music: Sounds - Background Music (Default): Sounds - System Exit: Sounds - System Start: Sounds - Wheel Click: Sound - Wheel Sounds: Sound - Wheel Sounds (De…
Last reply by brizalti, -
- 4 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the American Laser Games collection. This is being officially classified as a Collection, since it is a very specific subset of arcade/PC titles. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the AAE in here to help us keep track. Please note, I have uploaded new videos to the EmuMovies FTP for this system. They replace the existing snaps with the full in-game intros/trailers (arguably the coolest and most cinematic parts of these games). Note: Pause media yet to be audited. System upgraded to green once some higher quality 4:3 themes are available. Currently green in 16:9. American Laser Games…
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 1 reply
Note: The Atari 8-Bit computer collection is a superset of Atari 400, Atari 800, Atari 1200XL, Atari 600XL, Atari 800XL, Atari 65XE, Atari 130XE, Atari 800XE, and Atari XEGS computer systems. This thread represents all media that exists for the Atari 8-Bit computer collection. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to Atari 8-Bit in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Atari 8-Bit Backgrounds: Boxes: Boxes - Backs: Carts: Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Letters: Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: Default *adamg RL: Sound - Bac…
Last reply by thc013, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the Atari 2600 console. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Atari 2600 in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Atari 2600 Backgrounds: Boxes: Default (2D) * Lazzeri **Passable scans but blemishes/damage included. ***513/802 (See "Atari 2600 Homebrew and Proto Media" attached for CiB releases) Default (3D) *Wally Wonka **481/802 (See "Atari 2600 Homebrew and Proto Media" attached for CiB releases) ***Many cases of fake sides Boxes - Backs: Carts: Cart Top (2D) *645/843 (See "Atari 2600 Homebrew and Proto Media" attached for…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 19 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the Apple II computer system. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Apple II in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Apple II Backgrounds: Boxes: brizalti (3D) *Great boxes but only 8/2687 Boxes - Backs: Carts: Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Letters: shredder Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: Default adamg Shredder RL: Sound - Background Music: Sounds - Background Music (Default): Sounds - System Exit: Sounds - System Start: Sou…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 1 reply
This thread represents all media that exists for the Atari 5200 console. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Atari 5200 in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Atari 5200 Backgrounds: Boxes: *Missing lots of homebrews and protos Bottom-View (3D) *2D batched onto a generic base to create illusion of 3D Default (2D) Default (3D) Boxes - Backs: Carts: *Missing lots of homebrews and protos Default (2D) Vector (3D) *QuickWork Vector (3D)(4K) *QuickWork **Yellow once set is complete due to actual art res being considerably lower than overall asset res. …
Last reply by Avar, -
- 1 reply
This thread represents all media that exists for the Atari 7800 console. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Atari 7800 in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Atari 7800 Backgrounds: Boxes: *Missing lots of relevant homebrews and protos with good art Default (2D) Default (3D) *NOT AUTHENTIC SIDES! Missing Klax proto Boxes - Backs: Carts: *Missing lots of relevant homebrews and protos with good art Default (2D) *Some are rough cut Default (2D)(4K) *Same as the standard set, only better resolution, but held to a higher standard. Rough cut, untouched scans of damage…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the Atari Jaguar CD console. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Atari Jaguar CD in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Atari Jaguar CD Backgrounds: Boxes: Default (2D) *Less than ideal internal resolution, but a complete set. Default (3D) *2D art batched onto generic "3D" sides **Missing Robinson's Requiem (USA) (Unl) Boxes - Backs: Carts: *Missing Robinson's Requiem (USA) (Unl) Default (2D) *Some discs have a few rows of pixels shaved off the tops and bottoms, no alpha in the plastic parts that should be transparent. …
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the Atari Jaguar console. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Atari Jaguar in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Atari Jaguar Backgrounds: Boxes: *Nothing for 2x (Unl) Default (2D) *Black Hazor *Missing Breakout 2000 (World) (Unl) and Jaguar Hockey (World) (Unl) **Yellow once complete due to rough-cut right sides Default (3D) *Black Hazor *Missing Jaguar Hockey (World) (Unl) Boxes - Backs: Carts: *Nothing for 2x (Unl) Default (2D) *Black Hazor *Missing Breakout 2000 (World) (Unl) and Jaguar Hockey (World) (Unl) Def…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
Note: The Atari Classics arcade collection is a subset of MAME. This thread represents all media that exists for the Atari Classics arcade collection. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to Atari Classics in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Atari Classics Backgrounds: Boxes: Boxes - Backs: Carts: Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Letters: Default *Pilfered from Atari consoles Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: Default RL: Sound - Background Music: Sounds - Background Music (Default): Sounds - System Exit: …
Last reply by Avar, -
- 4 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the APF Imagination Machine console. Though this is technically a hybrid console/computer system, we're exclusive interested in the console application att so it will be designated as such until that changes. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the APF Imagination Machine in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. APF Imagination Machine Backgrounds: Boxes: Aeon Nox (2D) *Andyman Default (2D) *zbboc Default (3D) *zbboc Boxes - Backs: Carts: Default (2D) *zbboc Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
This thread represents all system specific Main Menu media. Not all assets from FTP and download section have yet been audited. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the system specific Main Menu media in here to help us keep track and I will update this thread as I complete auditing of global assets. As mentioned below, the final step of the audit once all systems/collections have been checked will be to fill out certain wheel sets to ensure there's a wheel for everything (ie. so users don't ever have to worry about picking a set that'll have gaps). Main Menu (System Specific) *Non-Universal themes in system section Marquee: Sound - Backgr…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
This thread represents all general Main Menu media. At present, due to how HS used to operate, the only media for this sub-section is drawn from HyperSpin (Global). Will update this when more specific media is created. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the HyperSpin (Global) media in here to help us keep track and I will update this thread. Main Menu Marquee (Default): Pointer: Sound - Background Music: Sound - Screen Click: Sound - Screen In: Sound - Screen Out: Sound - Wheel In: Sound - Wheel Out: Sound - Wheel Sounds: Sound - Wheel Click: SpecialA1: SpecialA2: SpecialB1: Spe…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
This thread represents all HyperSpin (Global) media. Not all assets from FTP and download section have yet been audited. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the HyperSpin (Global) media in here to help us keep track and I will update this thread as I complete auditing of global assets. HyperSpin (Global) Backgrounds: BetaBrite Classic: Default *only 22 systems covered BetaBrite Prism: Default *only 22 systems covered Exit Screen: Default (4:3) Default (SWF)(4:3) Favourites Screen: Default (4:3) Default (SWF)(4:3) Genre Backgrounds: Default (4:3) Default (SWF)(4:3) …
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the Amstrad GX4000 console. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Amstrad GX4000 in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Amstrad GX4000 Backgrounds: Boxes: *Need good quality 3D version of zbboc's great set Default (2D) *Decent quality but art only, box itself not depicted. Default (3D) *Batched onto generic box and out of alignment. zbboc (2D) Boxes - Backs: Carts: Default (3D) Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Letters: Default Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: …
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the ALF TV Game console. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the ALF TV Game in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. ALF TV Game Backgrounds: Boxes: Boxes - Backs: Carts: Hard built into game themes but could use a redraw Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Letters: Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: Default *adamg **Good, but generic RL: Sound - Background Music: Sounds - Background Music (Default): Sounds - System Exit: Sounds - System Start: Sounds - W…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the Acorn Electron computer system. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Acorn Electron in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Acorn Electron Backgrounds: Boxes: Boxes - Backs: Carts: Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Letters: Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: Default RL: Sound - Background Music: Sounds - Background Music (Default): Sounds - System Exit: Sounds - System Start: Sounds - Wheel Click: Sound - Wheel Sounds: Sound - Wheel Sounds (Defa…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the Acorn BBC Micro computer system. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Acorn BBC Micro in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Acorn BBC Micro Backgrounds: Boxes: Boxes - Backs: Carts: Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Letters: Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: Default *adamg RL: Sound - Background Music: Sounds - Background Music (Default): Sounds - System Exit: Sounds - System Start: Sounds - Wheel Click: Sound - Wheel Sounds: Sound …
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the Acorn Atom computer system. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Acorn Atom in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Acorn Atom Backgrounds: Boxes: Boxes - Backs: Carts: Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Letters: Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: Default RL: Sound - Background Music: Sounds - Background Music (Default): Sounds - System Exit: Sounds - System Start: Sounds - Wheel Click: Sound - Wheel Sounds: Sound - Wheel Sounds (Default): …
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the Acorn Archimedes computer system. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Acorn Archimedes in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Note: Database still under development. If you'd like to assist the database team, let me know here or via PM. Acorn Archimedes Backgrounds: Boxes: Boxes - Backs: Carts: Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Letters: Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: Default RL: Sound - Background Music: Sounds - Background Music (Default): Sounds - Syste…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the Aamber Pegasus computer system. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the Aamber Pegasus in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. Aamber Pegasus Backgrounds: Boxes: Boxes - Backs: Carts: Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Genre Wheels: Letters: *Database too small to require letters. Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: Default RL: Sound - Background Music: Sounds - Background Music (Default): Sounds - System Exit: Sounds - System Start: Sounds - Wheel …
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
This thread represents all media that exists for the AAE collection. Please link to any new content or projects relevant to the AAE in here to help us keep track. Note: Pause media yet to be audited. AAE Backgrounds: Boxes: Boxes - Backs: Carts: Genre Backgrounds: Genre Text: Genre Wheels: Letters: Default *Missing "!" "(" "'" but characters not currently used by any user database Marquee: Marquee (Default): Pointer: Black *THK Default *THK? ninja2bceen RL: Sound - Background Music: Default *startrek Sounds - Background Music (Default): Sounds - System Exi…
Last reply by Avar,
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