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[Question] Hyperspin 4tb


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I'm looking to buy the 4tb hard drive containing Hyperspin and all the included systems, but I have 2 questions:



A) Is there a list of games that are included? If so where can I find it? I want to make sure that each system contains all of its respective games, as well as make a list of missing games (or at least for Mugen, Mame, gamecube, ps2, and xbox) Thank you.


B ) Does this hard drive contain all videos/artwork for each game?


Edit: I'm not purchasing a preconfigured HDD, and I'll start from scratch. 


I'm looking to buy the 4tb hard drive containing Hyperspin and all the included systems, but I have 2 questions:



A) Is there a list of games that are included? If so where can I find it? I want to make sure that each system contains all of its respective games, as well as make a list of missing games (or at least for Mugen, Mame, gamecube, ps2, and xbox) Thank you.


B ) Does this hard drive contain all videos/artwork for each game?


A) We don't know. That hard drive and the person selling it to you has nothing to do with hyperspin.  That guy just stole the name and logo in order to fool people into buying his shitty drives. You can get all those games for free if you have a decent internet connection and a bit of patience. That site has nothing to do with Hyperspin. 


B ) We don't know. Again, that person is just taking the hard work of a lot of people here and at emumovies have done, stealing it and selling it for a profit for themselves. We hate all of those people selling drives.


C) Be extremely careful with those drives. There have been reports of them containing key loggers that will record all your bank info and send that information back to the seller. A certain Chris Upchurch is a prime suspect for that sort of activity.


D) You will be wasting your money. Those drives are not properly setup, most system don't work properly, the artwork is ancient and some of those systems listed on his website don't even have any artwork or videos available at the moment. Plus, you will not get any help from anyone here.


Watch this video from SimplyAustin:



My advice :


1. Register here first and then register at emumovies (you get a discount that way). It's the price of a full game for both and well worth it.


2. Get a membership at PD and BG. It's invitation only but I'm sure people here can help you with that. That's where you get your roms.


3. You will need Rocketlauncher as well (free) so you might want to become a member at their site too.


4. Install hyperspin, install rocketlauncher, download the hyperspinsystems 1.05 by Gigapig from the downloads section and follow the instruction on how to setup each system.


You will have a lot more fun that way and become addicted. You will also know how to setup your systems and configure everything to your liking.


If you have any questions, let me know.


yourname942 hello mate the best thing is to build it yourself , then you understand hyperspin and how it works , its a nice hobby , you learn about systems you never had or new about and there is some amazing talent  and a great community here and some really nice people . i been coming here for years and hyperspin goes from strength to strength. if you dont build it yourself and somthing goes wrong you wont know what to do.


good luck tho and all the best


Those systems are busted, I speak from experience. :verymad: I'm now using that hd to back up my own build.


Follow Simply Austins and Gigaguides tutorials on youtube, get a membership here, at emumovies, pleasuredome, and at bitgamer.  There are piles of hyperspin ready rom sets there.  (can I say that here?)


Building it yourself is 100x better than getting a pre built one.  There are always new games coming out so you need the flexibility to edit your system.  

Thank you all for the replies. I actually have been registered here as well as EmuMovies, but it's been quite a long time since I was here/there. Question though: How would I be able to become a member of pleasuredome and bitgamer if it is invite only? ( As I don't know anyone from those sites )

Pleasuredome is not invite. Just register... and it is a good place to start. Build your ratio up there and get better known here and someone will get you into BG.

Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk


I just want to make sure, Is this the correct site?


By the way, what Hdd size would you suggest? I plan on adding artwork/ non-default font / video previews/  animations/ other elements for every game/ emulator ( if they are missing any elements ).


i can honestly understand why people want drives....but as others have stated, they very rarely work...i got stung myself,and therefore kinda forced into learning from scratch,tbh it aint that difficult,just time consuming.


Im learning but getting there and feel much better understanding this now,i re-bought a fresh drive and installed everything via the guides, especially Simply Austins guides, that guys class and helps so much with his vids (with a laugh upon the way)


1.Buy a Drive 4 TB

2.Sign up to emumovies

3.Sign up and pay the platinum on here

4.Install HS and rocketlauncher via Austins guides,start with tools/daemon etc

5.Do 1-2 systems at a time......dont do too many it only confuses you, start with the classics, MAME/SNES/Genesis etc and work up.

6.configure controls and enjoy while installing other systems.

7.Dont fret to ask in here,most want to help you.

8.Dont rush it,rome wasnt build in a day

9.Find people that will share wheels with the community

10.DONT BUY A FUCKIN DRIVE...PLEASE..they wont work,there comps run at different speeds/ini files are different,programs installled diff....It will only fill their pockets and wont help you


I'm pretty sure links to rom sites are against the rules so you should probably edit your message and get rid of that link.

I deleted the link. But I'm trying to make sure if pleasuredome ends in .org (if I'm on the correct site)

  • 1 month later...

What I want to know is how do they fit all those games on a 4tb drive? Lol I don't even have that many systems / games and I have over 6tb full.


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