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Commodore Amiga Nvidia Shield TV


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1 hour ago, ransom1122 said:

Heimdall 2 AGA Whdload

Heimdall 2 AGA HDF

Both work perfect on a standard a1200 config on my pi. Just tried them out now. No problems whatsoever.

I've been gone as I tested these on my Shield TV. Heimdall 2 ECS and AGA WHDLoad work with the UA BootLoader. Your HDF AGA version is also mint! I recorded a video to show just how sloooow ADF is and why I have been forced into enabling JIT in my profiles...I'll upload it tomorrow.

Thank you for explaining the UA Bootloader's limitation...I think Thatman understands now why I'd rather use your HDF files, than rely on the UA Bootloader and WHDLoad. No disrespect to Horace but I am finding the Bootloader I have for my Workbench.hdf to be "superior".

I think what I'll do is get Thatman setup with what I have, so he can tinker and play test his little socks off ;) I don't want to slow your project down, we are proving to be borrowing very heavily from it and your experience. Please remember we use Uae4arm at the moment NOT Amiberry as the emulator. I promise we will get your Shield TV setup in time (pinky swear)

"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."


No probs mate. Anything i have done can be shared. No need to credit me all the time. Once is enough. Any new hdf packs that get uploaded i will let you know here in the future.


Yes...another video! I've tried to condense much of what I've learned (or how little I know lol) into this video BUT also show why I want to avoid using ADF game versions. Ransom has now explained the limitation of the UA Bootloader, I didn't know when I recorded this. HDF versions do seem to be the way forward for launching directly from the Hyperspin wheel. Once the google sheet is up we can play test and keep a record of what's what.


"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."


Right I swear..this will be the last video for a while. Thought it might interest you guys, as you'll need to be tweaking settings as you test games out. I'm emulating the A600 here with HDF, as Ransom said sometimes it's useful to "gimp a game" and slow it down to the correct speed. JIT actually helped with the A1200 to fix graphical glitches but does naff all for the A600.


"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."

1 hour ago, mikty said:

You could make daily video. we appreciate all your job for shield tv  thanks

I could BUT there's not much interest, these videos I do each barely get 50 views. In honesty there's not much more for me to say anyway. Rest assured the "Powers that be" are working behind the scenes on how best to do a setup/guide/tutorial for everyone. If I've helped and inspired some people then these videos were worth my time :)

Thanks for the compliment. If you're talking about Hyperspin in general, then yes I will be doing more videos about it on the Shield TV...I doubt daily though.

"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."


cool thanks, I have 2 setups hyperspin pc and shield tv but I prefer the WAF experience of the shield even if it's less flexible than pc.


I think the lack of enthusiasm (it's not a lack of love) is due to sheer complexity of making games work with Amiga emulation.   If someone manages a streamlined hyperspin setup that launches directly into games with the appropriate pre-settings, I think you'll see lots of us jump on it.    I focused on CD32 initially with the idea I'd have an easier time accomplishing this.

My frustration with Amiga is similar to my frustration with Hyperspin.   Once setup, it's glorious but the environment and community forces everyone to reproduce the same steps over and over.


Amiga emulation has always been a complex system. Especially because no emulator comesclose to winuae on pc. Amiberry & uaerarm i guess are thrn next best thing at the moment.  Until the new version comes out.. Yaaaawwnnn..


Ive spent well over 12months on my pi amiga image its not perfect but im pretty happy with what it is becoming. 


I think buy February i need to sway from the pi ship to android ship and chip away at it. Just when oh when is amiberry coming on android. Taking sooo looong...


I'm REALLLY looking forward to it.   My good, old Amiga 1000 was the greatest computer ever devised.   I loved that thing.   I still have it.

1 hour ago, reznnate said:

I think the lack of enthusiasm (it's not a lack of love) is due to sheer complexity of making games work with Amiga emulation.   If someone manages a streamlined hyperspin setup that launches directly into games with the appropriate pre-settings, I think you'll see lots of us jump on it.    I focused on CD32 initially with the idea I'd have an easier time accomplishing this.

My frustration with Amiga is similar to my frustration with Hyperspin.   Once setup, it's glorious but the environment and community forces everyone to reproduce the same steps over and over.


We will get there!

It's a shame the frustration lingers. I guess knowone really ever completes things in a format that fulfills everyones needs.

I'm a bit of a dog with a bone sometimes and I have so many incomplete projects but Amiga is by far the one I want to "complete" the most (aside from Favourites/collection wheels in Hyperspin :) )

Its crazy how intereting I find Amiga Emulation as I had not even heard about it before coming here.

6 minutes ago, thatman84 said:


We will get there!

It's a shame the frustration lingers. I guess knowone really ever completes things in a format that fulfills everyones needs.

I'm a bit of a dog with a bone sometimes and I have so many incomplete projects but Amiga is by far the one I want to "complete" the most (aside from Favourites/collection wheels in Hyperspin :) )

Its crazy how intereting I find the Amiga as I had not even heard about it before coming here.

WOW.. And Here I am born and bred with the Commodore Amiga since '87, And still going strong in 2018!! I have made many emulated project with Amiga.. XboxClassic.. Xbox360.. PSP.. PS3.. RPi3.. Now Shield... Future got my eye on PS4 then hopefully Xbone :)

9 hours ago, ransom1122 said:

Ive spent well over 12months on my pi amiga image its not perfect but im I think buy February i need to sway from the pi ship to android ship and chip away at it. Just when oh when is amiberry coming on android. Taking sooo looong...

There is a new version of Amiberry for the RPI. I don't know if it will "bork" your uae files, although at least there is a dev build you can test out. It's a painful wait for the stable RPI release and the Android port but when that day comes, we should be on the same page so to speak. I am genuinely excited. I'm so glad my Hyperspin setup caught your eye and we now have you here with your wealth of knowledge.

Please keep in mind there will be more experienced Hyperspinners with a better Amiga setup on PC (I'm not a Platinum member so I don't get access to the really cool stuff). I know EmuMovies have video previews for the Amiga's Demo disks too. Your collection is far superior but the Hyperspin "Gamelist" xml can be edited to include more titles and content creators can do more artwork.

Thanks to you we know the UA WHD Bootloader is "flawed", using HDF really seems to be the way forward. Of course we can also use the ADF versions to expand the collection outside of WHDLoad which is what the "Hyperspin set" is mostly based upon.

Thanks again for all your efforts and insights, I've learned a lot from you :)

"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."


Its great to see another HyperAndroidSpinner about the place and one with great Amiga knowledge is a massive bonus.


@Honosuseri hdf hdf hdf :)

Although even with the bootloader flaws WHDLoad surely should be prefered over ADF! Unless im missing a conflick in setup we can run hdf, adf and whdload on the same setup

4 hours ago, thatman84 said:

Its great to see another HyperAndroidSpinner about the place and one with great Amiga knowledge is a massive bonus.


@Honosuseri hdf hdf hdf :)

Although even with the bootloader flaws WHDLoad surely should be prefered over ADF! Unless im missing a conflick in setup we can run hdf, adf and whdload on the same setup

Ransom is new to Hyperspin, he said so himself. He saw my Shield TV videos which caught his attention BUT Hyperspin is PC software really. He could also do a PC setup and use the WINUAE emulator he prefers. Yes having his input is a MASSIVE bonus! :)

I've tried to explain it to you in our "private talks" but I'll say it here so everyone can see it. WHDLoad does NOT cover the entire Amiga collection, to get more games we would have to use ADF.

The Hyperspin Amiga "Gamelist" .xml file takes it's naming almost entirely from the WHDLoad zip files. When these zips are extracted the WHDLoad game folders actually have different names. I've named the uae files to match the WHDLoad Zip names, these uae files point to the game and kickstart folders, have control and video settings etc. We trick Hyperspin into thinking these uae config files are actually the games and so they will show on the wheel.

The Ultimate Amiga Bootloader we now know is "flawed", we can use it to load these WHDLoad game folders but some just won't work with it. I think HDF is the way forward, think of it as a good Bootloader and the game combined into one file. We can't link to where these HDF games are BUT we can say there is a very clever guy doing a thorough job on the conversion from WHD to HDF. Currently I can't have every game on my HS wheel as HDF but hopefully one day I can.

For my personal setup I have a Workbench environment (it's a system.hdf file), it has a much better bootloader for it to play the WHDLoad packages. I can load the Workbench desktop as a "game" directly from the HS wheel. Remember I can back out to the GUI, mount ADF or HDF files, reset and then play stuff that isn't showing on my Hyperspin wheel.

If that's too confusing, I can try and do a video to explain it better

"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."


This is regarding the RPI distro BUT I thought posting about their progress might interest some of you. They have prepared an Android port, by merging in Lubomyr's android-specific changes from UAE4ARM. It's just a waiting game.


How long before this is mainstream?
Amiberry Not long... Currently trying to fix a bug when using the KMS driver under SDL2 which seems to be taking more time than I'd hoped. If this seems too troublesome for now, we might just go for SDL2 and Dispmanx instead, which works and is already quite fast. Besides that, there are a few minor things to do here and there, and it's ready.

"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."

On 1/10/2018 at 5:33 PM, mikty said:

You could make daily video. we appreciate all your job for shield tv  thanks

Careful what you wish for ;)

Yes another video!! More testing so it is on topic. As requested by Ransom, I tested a HDF game with the CD image also mounted. Spoilers....it didn't recognise the CD :( BUT he did inform me this has been fixed in Amiberry recently, which only makes me more excited for the impending release :D


"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."


@bippym hope your well and apologises for misreading your FB comment. I know you have your setup all sorted now.

Do you have any tips on problem games. Did many need custom .uae files. I would be very interested to look at your xml file.

Currently going through the Official one now my Amiga break is over. :)


  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, thatman84 said:

Can someone drop me a working cd32 .uae file please? For launching cue/iso image not whdload

It keeps booting to bios for me :(

Quickly loosing faith in my amiga abilities lol


I gather you have this sorted now having looked at my inbox.

I had done a video talking through setting up CD32 to help Pouteur, it will be here if people scroll back far enough. Sorry I missed your message buddy

"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."


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