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Main Hack Wheel...


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Cool project! I will definitely add it to my system!

Yeah I missed this one in my setup, I have few systems, I think 23 with this Hacks, but without it I wouldn't consider it complete, there are nice stuff we can't just miss.

There's new stuff coming, NES, Master System, GB, GBC, GBA and N64.


I'm expecting something around 450-500 games for this system, I'm working to avoid the bad hacks while I record all videos, it's a way to keep a certain quality, even lots of official games are bad anyway lol.



Sonic classic heroes is in your list? Is a grat sonic 1 + 2 hack (genesis) where you control 3 characters at the same time.


EDIT: you already have the screenshot :P

Yeah, it's one of the best Sonic hacks I know, it's in the main video also, showing some gameplay of this mod, lots of fun playing it, you can also choose Chaotix team, play with one character alone, two, switch among them, it has so much different ways to play you can never get tired of playing it.



Today I back again to my full-time job, I believe I managed to achieve 50% of this project in my free days.

I'll keep you updated as soon as I can, there's still some work to do for this system.


Thanks for your participation, it's very important to keep us media creators in the mood to create and share new stuff!



Do you include Ultimate Mortal Kombat Trilogy? http://www.angelfire.com/va3/mk/fan_made/umkt_main.htm

Is the best mortal kombat ever...  the last rom version is in the rusian page... it needs a special emulator that run big roms (> 10 mb or something)

We will included everything that is deemed good.  So consider this suggestion taken.


If anyone else has anything we missed, let us know.


Not quite yet, I am finishing some of the vidoes for the remaining systems.  I do not have as much time as Aorin had so going a little bit slow.  Looking like this weekend.


I am also working on the theme.  It will not be animated like was stated but we will see what I can do as far as making it nice.


Well you guys are doing fantastic work either way. I'll probably end up using my own theme (I'm a customization nut) but I'd love to see what you come up with.


Yeah, this system will worth it, I had a lot of free time when I started this, and this is half done, homebrew MAME is a system I don't have in my setup but the best hacked arcade games will be added in this system as well.

When I record these videos, I take some precautions not to add bad hacks, so you can rest assured that this system won't have that undesired endless scrolling to find something that worth playing.

When I have more free time, I'll keep working on it.



how many systems you have out of curiosity

About 85. I have quite alot more systems downloaded that are just waiting to be set up. I'm currently going through all systems and updating if needed.


So a question about this system.  When dealing with hacks and homebrews we have waded through thousands of hacks and goodset additions.  This is going to make getting the correct romset very difficult.  What could a solution be for making sure we are using the right games?


Also finished up several more vidoes last night, working on wheel art atm.  I am trying to get this finished up.  Will give a better update when I get home tonight.


That is a great solution for the most part but we found stuff from all kinds of places.  I will keep my eye on it and see what I can do to make sure everyone has everything once I finish up.



I believe Ninja thinks this work is completed.

When we finish working on it, we'll post the links for medias and databases.

Most part of the consoles are ready, videos, wheels, databases, I'm about to add arcade hacks as well, this because I don't have any other place to house hacks other than this Hacked Games system.

Apart from medias and databases, there's still the Rocket Launcher configuration which I managed to sort with the nice people from Rocket Launcher forums, as our system has lots of different consoles, I needed to sort what core would be used for NES, SNES, N64, NDS, Genesis/Mega Drive, etc, everything is working fine now, so I'll have to make a quick tutorial and probably simplify things uploading my config files.


I have been working on this system in my free time, along with Adam, which also has few hours a week to work on it.


We'll soon share new stuff for you, expect good quality stuff for this.



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