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Hyperspin 1.4.16 enhancement request


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I'm not familiar with this one. What works and does not work here? Sorry I use joytokey. I'll add to the first post once the issue is clarified

Basically you cannot control Hyperspin with a joystick or gamepad correctly without using Xpadder,joytokey or the Hyperspin Startup Script even with joypads enabled in HyperHQ. BBB started working on adding XBOX 360 controller support with 1.4 and it partially works but it is very erattic and not ideal. Most of the frontends out now you are able to use a controller,gamepad or joystick to control the frontend natively and not have to have an addon like xpadder or joytokey.  So I would label the request something like "Better joystick support within Hyperspin"


Something that I saw for an Android frontend and I've found it cool is the ability to add a "Finished" stamp in a game you beat, you press triangle and then you can add this stamp.

My request regarding this would be:


Ability to see game info when you click a assigned button, like Triagle or Y and press "Game Info" option, as I believe not everyone likes to see all that info in a theme.

Ability to add "Finished Stamp" to a finished game.



I agree with kmoney, what was added is functional (I use it and don't rely on 3rd party apps) but it's not perfect.

Is Xinput possible if it's not using that already?



Ninja is list number 3. The same as this?

3 layer wheel system instead of 2

Layer 1 = groups of systems like arcade, console, computer, handheld, best of etc..

Layer 2 = (as we have now) systems like, MAME, Playstaion 1, MS-DOS, Pinball Arcade etc..

Layer 3 = Games

Selectable in HyperHQ




@Ninja2bceen, genre support for the Main Menu (item 3 in your list) is different than adding a 3rd wheel layer. Can we add it to the list? We can theme it nicely and its pretty simple to just Launch HS > Select Group (wheel 1) > select System (wheel 2) > select Game (wheel 3).


Let's name it "Add an optional 3rd Wheel to Hyperspin UI that allows users to group their systems into Arcade, Consoles, Handhelds, PC Games, Pinball, etc" 


I have a couple of control related requests. It would be great if you could set multiple butttons for the "select" or "enter" button or whatever it's called in HyperHQ. I want to use both my start button and my "Button 1" for this. This can be done if you sacrifice the player 2 controls and set one of the buttons as player 2 select. But it would be nice to be able to use both. 


The other thing I'd like to see is a fix for the bug that causes the scrolling for player 2 to skip the small pause that you get when you start scrolling. This bug makes it very dificult to scroll only one step using the player 2 controls.


I have a couple of control related requests. It would be great if you could set multiple butttons for the "select" or "enter" button or whatever it's called in HyperHQ. I want to use both my start button and my "Button 1" for this. This can be done if you sacrifice the player 2 controls and set one of the buttons as player 2 select. But it would be nice to be able to use both. 


The other thing I'd like to see is a fix for the bug that causes the scrolling for player 2 to skip the small pause that you get when you start scrolling. This bug makes it very dificult to scroll only one step using the player 2 controls.



You can do the double button thing now - just use a key mapper and set the same key to both of the buttons.


You can do the double button thing now - just use a key mapper and set the same key to both of the buttons.


It's not that easy. A keymapper will affect everything launched within hyperspin. Unless you use a RL script for it, but that way it will only work after you have launched and exited a game. It can be done if you make a script that will disable the keymapping if hyperspin is not the active window, sure. But this thread is about adding and fixing stuff. There are other things on the list that can be worked around, but that's not the point.


It's not that easy. A keymapper will affect everything launched within hyperspin. Unless you use a RL script for it, but that way it will only work after you have launched and exited a game. It can be done if you make a script that will disable the keymapping if hyperspin is not the active window, sure. But this thread is about adding and fixing stuff. There are other things on the list that can be worked around, but that's not the point.



You don't need to do it that way.  Just use a simple script to launch HS and the key mapper with the HS profile.  Then RL will take care of the rest - switching between game and HS profiles as needed.  An 'RL script' isn't needed, is just a basic function of RL.  This is exactly how my system is setup.


In fact, HS already has a way to launch a program at startup - this can be the key mapper.


You don't need to do it that way.  Just use a simple script to launch HS and the key mapper with the HS profile.  Then RL will take care of the rest - switching between game and HS profiles as needed.  An 'RL script' isn't needed, is just a basic function of RL.  This is exactly how my system is setup.


In fact, HS already has a way to launch a program at startup - this can be the key mapper.

I don't follow. If you launch the keymapping script for HS at startup. How do you close it when launching other stuff? I mean, I can think of several ways of solving the issue if I really want to, but I think it would be better if HS was working right instead. It can be done with user functions. Run a script that shuts down the HS keymapper when something else is launched. But I have one system that is not using RL so I would have to work around that.


RL sorts all of that - it's part of its intended function.  You would just have a default key map profile (which could just have no keys mapped)  RL will load that when you launch a game, and switch back to the HS profile when you exit the game.


As for the one system you have outside of RL, two options - make a module and bring it into RL, or create a script to deal with that one system.  This script would kill the key mapper and start the game.


I get what you're saying, yeah it would be nice if HS had the ability to assign keys how you want.  But in a way, that would add a level of over complication that isn't needed, given that there are already features elsewhere that is intended to give this functionality.


No, you misunderstood. What I said was that it would be good if HS didn't have bugs that you need to work around (the scrolling issue). The multiple keys thing is just a feature that I would like to see. This is really no big deal. Just something that I've thought about,


About the profile. Are you saying that RL will close any AHK script that you autorun with HS automatically when you launch a game? Or are we talking about different keymappers here?


Maby we should stop using this thread for this discussion. :) It's getting a little off topic.


No, you misunderstood. What I said was that it would be good if HS didn't have bugs that you need to work around (the scrolling issue). The multiple keys thing is just a feature that I would like to see. This is really no big deal. Just something that I've thought about,


About the profile. Are you saying that RL will close any AHK script that you autorun with HS automatically when you launch a game? Or are we talking about different keymappers here?


Maby we should stop using this thread for this discussion. :) It's getting a little off topic.



You're right, we are getting off topic ;)


But to summarise - no, RL will not just close any AHK script.  But it will switch between key mapper profiles for you - giving you the original functionality you wanted.

First of all, sorry for the huge message.


Here are my suggestions on the more sensible feature requests on my opinion. I am just giving my thoughts, so please disregard anything that you don't like.



First of all I would suggest focus on improving the things that HS is good at. Surpass the art related bottlenecks like current display bugs, multiple aspect ratio support and multi level wheels for example.  

I would give a secondary priority to any feature that can be already achieved by other means, like the keymapper related stuff for example.


On themes aspect ratios support:

As I understand, HS uses internally the 1024x768 resolution to translate the theme.xml coordinates to build its flash window components. I could be far from the true because I don't have access to the source code, but if that is the case:

Why not to add a more dynamic support for any screen ratio instead of only adding support for 16:9, expanding HS use to 16:10, 5:4, 21:9 and other monitors.

My suggestion to add that is to simply add a new key value to the theme.xml file that provides the info of the base resolution that the theme was build, and them use this information to calculate the theme components positions on the HS window.

For sure any theme that does not have this resolution key info would simply assume that the theme was built for 4:3, making this feature compatible with the current themes.

Also, going one step further, HS could even choose the best of multiple themes to be displayed if it reads the resolution information and compare it with the use monitor resolution aspect ratio. 


On metadata:

Instead of hard codding a few handful selected new metadata fields like score ratings or game summary, why not a more customizable feature for that.

HS could simply build a new accessible metadata information for each and any of the xml keys written inside the game database.

You would just need to loop through the game xml keys and add a theme accessible variable for each of the fields found on the database.

That way, if you want to have the mobygames score rating info showed on your theme, you just need to add a new key to the game xml, named for example mobygames_score and have a way to link that with the theme that you build (more about that on the next item).

That way, if anyone wants to show simultaneously the mobygames and gamesfaq score ratings on their themes, they would just need to add multiple xml fields to the HS databases. This wouldn't be possible if all metadata info is hard code as it is done now on HS.      


On using the metadata on themes:

Basically, for each metadata found on the game xml database section, you would have a variable following its name representing the database found metadata information.

On the themes xml, you could have additional layers that takes advantage of this by using the variable information to define either:

1) the path to find a media image related with the database information.

2) the text that should be displayed on the theme for this specific game, together with the text properties used for defining the text appearance on the theme. 


On scrappers:

Scrappers can be done either by external plugins or programs.

In order to avoid too much delay and too much work centralized on just one developer, I would simply leave that for now to be done on external apps.


On MultiLevel wheels:

I believe this is a important feature, but I would also design it to not be limited to only a extra third wheel level as some have already mentioned.

If some thought is given to this feature design, the work of making it scalable to extra wheel levels (4, 5, ...) or simply to add an extra one shouldn't be that much different.  


These are my thoughts about the things that I would like more to be changed on HS.

If you need any more detail on anything that I suggested above, just ask.

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Ass. Bleasby - RocketLauncher Development Team.


It Would be cool to Control Hyperspin without keymappers because they still not work as they should on my System. Doesnt matter which one i tried

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Bitbucket or other online tracking system for defects and enhancements.

Its a great way to manage work. Devs can show us progress on defects & enhancements, each items priority, and the added transparency is really appreciated by the community.


Edit: Great job organizing the list further ninja!   :)

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk


I'm liking this thread hopefully a couple of the ideas make it into the next release.

I did see a post about doing a poll when the time comes.

What's the thoughts on a poll that allows a couple of votes each? Or maybe 2 polls 1st and 2nd choice.

I think it would show a clearer rep of the community needs that way.


I'm just doing a list for jhabers. Whatever he gets done is icing. Don't want him to feel obligated though.

The multi wheel is the grand ball if you ask me though

Any updates are grand imho. So thanks bbb for your continued hard work!

personally the best idea i sore was about calling artwork in from an optional global folder to create global themes and not need to have a theme file for every system. or it could be used where a theme is missing.


that could save huge amounts of setup time


but yes the 3rd wheel would be awesome.


not keen on metadata scrapping myself but many are.


personally the best idea i sore was about calling artwork in from an optional global folder to create global themes and not need to have a theme file for every system. or it could be used where a theme is missing.


that could save huge amounts of setup time


but yes the 3rd wheel would be awesome.


not keen on metadata scrapping myself but many are.

I agree this would be good to have built in, but it's also already easy to do with Symbolic Links so I'd put it pretty low on the list.


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