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My Hyperspin intro's showcase


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Fighter intro should be upp'd by this weekend.

Great news. Thanks for you work on this

HyperPin Manager | HyperSpin Manager | HyperSpin Checker | HyperSpin Renamer

ASRock Z77 Extreme4 MB | Core i5 3570K | Coolermaster Hyper212 EVO CPU cooler | 16GB RAM | OCZ Vertex 4 128Gb SSD (Windows 8) | OCZ Vertex 4 256Gb SSD (HS and all emulators and media) | Gigabyte GTX670 2Gb video card | 27" ASUS LED monitor | 650W Corsair PSU

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i'm really loving these videos guys, thanks for you hard work, my setup looks even more pro now :) thanks guys!!!

great job!!!

I tried making one came up with this :)

Really good one. Just curious... what software and plugin are you using for that? That voxel effect is really nice.

Really good one. Just curious... what software and plugin are you using for that? That voxel effect is really nice.

It's the intro to a UK TV programme how videogames changed the world:

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk




Some great intros. Thanks, will add a lovely final touch to my cab.

Custom built full cabinet: 64bit Windows 7, i7 - 4790, 8GB RAM, GTX 760 Graphics, 24" Widescreen, Customised X-Arcade tankstick, Aimtrak light gun.

I tried making one came up with this :)

Great Intro Video. It's my favorite. Is there any way you can make a 1280x1020 video for me? I tried to convert it my self but cannot without loosing quality.


sure thing! i still have it saved on my pc so i'll get on that.

Great Intro Video. It's my favorite. Is there any way you can make a 1280x1020 video for me? I tried to convert it my self but cannot without loosing quality.

and i used adobe premiere to just splice it together.


I actually was wondering if anyone had a better tune to add to this video i was to satisfied about it but made it work, open to suggestions :)


Here you go :)


Great Intro Video. It's my favorite. Is there any way you can make a 1280x1020 video for me? I tried to convert it my self but cannot without loosing quality.
Here you go :)


Awesome Brother, you're the best. I noticed that any video you place for the intro automatically stretches but still distorts slightly. This will work better. Thank you.

This script should be run just before HyperSpin is launched and is best used as part of a Hyperspin startup script.

It will delete the current Intro.flv before it chooses a random .flv file to copy to Intro.flv. Make sure that if you want to keep whatever video is currently Intro.flv, you rename it before running this script for the first time.

The file reading/writing should be almost instantaneous unless you're using enormous video files.

Place the compiled EXE into the Hyperspin\Media\Frontend\Video\ directory. Add the EXE to your startup script.

Based on some random person's "randomize wallpaper" AHK function.

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.


Loop, *.flv
 Random, r, 0.0, %A_Index%
 if (r<1)

FileDelete Intro.flv
FileCopy, %ss%, %A_ScriptDir%\Intro.flv

That's awesome. Does it work with older versions of HS as well? Any way to make this work for themes too?

I've got a bunch of jukebox themes with different artists on it... would be cool to see a different artist's theme come up every time you spin the wheel...


so ok heres another one I've been working on still adding sound effects and still not so sure about music but it fits for now. :D


Those intros are great. I like it, except for the fact that they didn't use actual Pac Man, Ryu, etc... Everything is great except when it gets to those.

I think what's great about the Video Game Awards intro (especially the one that ends with Ken/Ryu) is that it is a great chronological journey.

Otherwise - keep up the good work!

so ok heres another one I've been working on still adding sound effects and still not so sure about music but it fits for now. :D

Is this video on the FTP? I can't seem to find it.


I just added it to my folder in the FTP, im still working on it adding more sounds and effects so i'll have a complete one later one :)

Is this video on the FTP? I can't seem to find it.


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