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My Hyperspin intro's showcase


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Well, its been awhile since I have visited HS. Took some time off and hide under a rock for a bit after the whole ripping me off thing really bummed me out. I will be removing my videos from the FTP, but the good news is that I will be making my own website and host them so at least people know who to credit the videos too. I have also been working on a few surprises. Here is one of them for you guys. Hope there are some Terminator fans here.

Enjoy :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just to say if there was a 4tb hdd available that wasn't from this Chris bloke then I would probably buy that. The problem is that I really don't have the time or the skill to do it all myself and he is selling the entire thing. There isn't really an alternative for someone like me if I want a load of hyperspin goodness. I know it socks if he stole work though.


I got some PMs on this forum from a few people asking me if I could send them my full HDD with Hyperspin alls etup since I hinted in a few posts that mys etup was near completion.

Obviously, I refused, may it be for free or with a payment, because I feel like setting up HS is really rewarding and educational, when you do it yourself. It's not that difficult even.

The only exception was with a close friend of mine, but that's because he's building the cab that's going to host the machine I've set up. Some kind of fair exchange of services.


If you don't understand PC's, what do you do? You buy an Xbox.

If you don't understand emulation, What do you do? You buy one or more of these.




Buying a ready made HyperSpin drive instead of finding all the games and learning how to set everything up is a bit like becoming a stamp collector by buying a load of pre-filled stamp albums, and where's the fun in that?

(I'm not into stamps, it just seemed like a good analogy. It's the thrill of the chase...)

Sent from my phone using Tapatalk, probably while at work...

HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/

Buying a ready made HyperSpin drive instead of finding all the games and learning how to set everything up is a bit like becoming a stamp collector by buying a load of pre-filled stamp albums, and where's the fun in that?

(I'm not into stamps, it just seemed like a good analogy. It's the thrill of the chase...)

Sent from my phone using Tapatalk, probably while at work...


Sign me up....

Buying a ready made HyperSpin drive instead of finding all the games and learning how to set everything up is a bit like becoming a stamp collector by buying a load of pre-filled stamp albums, and where's the fun in that?

(I'm not into stamps, it just seemed like a good analogy. It's the thrill of the chase...)

Sent from my phone using Tapatalk, probably while at work...


1st theme made

1st theme approved

Setup done.

Cab build.

1st THK burn

That sort of thing

Buying a ready made HyperSpin drive instead of finding all the games and learning how to set everything up is a bit like becoming a stamp collector by buying a load of pre-filled stamp albums, and where's the fun in that?

(I'm not into stamps, it just seemed like a good analogy. It's the thrill of the chase...)

Sent from my phone using Tapatalk, probably while at work...

Because u like playing games and having a nice menu to scroll through them all rather than spending hours putting it all together? I get that for many that is part of the fun but for me I just want to get a Bartop arcade cabinet filled with games.

If you don't understand PC's, what do you do? You buy an Xbox.

If you don't understand emulation, What do you do? You buy one or more of these.


Well that's a little patronising and as you well know that wobt achieve what I want. My choice is either to spend hours and months creating it myself which would eventually be achievable to I could pay a bit of a premium and enjoy the games without the work.

Well that's a little patronising

Apologies, I should have made it clear, I was just having a little fun, it wasn't aimed at you. We all know how bad those all in one things are.

How long you spend setting up depends what you want to play. If you just want Mame you can have it running in an hour, there's no need to spend months on anything, although some of the OCD guys probably do. In fact some just do it because they like the setup and getting it working process, which I have fallen fowl to as well :) Back when I started I just wanted Mame to run, you then get sucked in to the add another system trap and helping out others.


  • 2 weeks later...

Been away for awhile, and come back to see this mess. Same jackass as usual too. Unfortunately there is no reasoning with people like him. What really pisses me off though, is his constant legal bullshit. He does shady shit all the time, and just ends up removing the video if he realizes he crossed a line. If only someone saved those videos, I would love to see them used against him if he ever was stupid enough to really take someone to court. Especially the one where he verbally confirms that his drives contain roms.

Anyway, sorry for your frustration keltoigael. I'm patiently awaiting your site, so that I can get my hands on your amazing intros.


Ah, it seems you've already had your site up and running with all your videos available there!

If only someone saved those videos, I would love to see them used against him if he ever was stupid enough to really take someone to court.

I did, check my ftp.


  • 4 weeks later...
This script should be run just before HyperSpin is launched and is best used as part of a Hyperspin startup script.

It will delete the current Intro.flv before it chooses a random .flv file to copy to Intro.flv. Make sure that if you want to keep whatever video is currently Intro.flv, you rename it before running this script for the first time.

The file reading/writing should be almost instantaneous unless you're using enormous video files.

Place the compiled EXE into the Hyperspin\Media\Frontend\Video\ directory. Add the EXE to your startup script.

Based on some random person's "randomize wallpaper" AHK function.

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.


Loop, *.flv
 Random, r, 0.0, %A_Index%
 if (r<1)

FileDelete Intro.flv
FileCopy, %ss%, %A_ScriptDir%\Intro.flv

I have been messing around with this script, and have an issue. Every once in a while, it deletes the intro.flv file, but does not create and a new one which causes HS to hang at startup. I am not much of a coder, so I cannot see anything obvious in the script. Anyone else have this issue or any ideas on the cause?


  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

New member here. I was looking at some youtube videos on Hyperspin to get an idea as to what it was. I came across Chris Upchurch's videos. I thought it was odd that he was selling hard drives with freeware. Looking at his (weak) explanations, he states that Hyperspin is free and therefore that can't be a rip off. He also states that he's selling his service for the time spent putting all the software into the hard drives and not selling the software itself. I think he's gotten to the point where he sees nothing wrong in what he's doing. Apparently, he even has a lawyer providing him with advice and telling him that his actions are legal. Is there legal action against him for copyright infringement of Hyperspin? I was looking at http://copyright.gov/help/faq/faq-infringement.html and based on it, I have the following questions:

1. Has Hyperspin been registered with the Copyright Office?

2. Does the copyright owner have a lawyer?

3. Has the FBI Cyber Division been notified of the Intellectual Property violation?

4. Has the violator been notified of the copyright infringement violation and given some sort of "cease and desist" letter?

I'm not a lawyer, but this case is pretty clear to me. It's kind of late at the moment, but looking at prior, similar cases, may help. I'll have to look at another time.


holy crap, again, why would we want to involve any sort of legality questions in this hobby? We are infringing on a daily basis, but I say it's not unethical due to the fact that we are merely trying to preserve important video-gaming history, and to relive our childhoods! Legally speaking though, we are still on the hook for all this crap whether we like it or not. Sure hyperspin itself isn't doing anything wrong as a program, but do you really want any lawyers taking a good hard look at any of this? Not me! Leave us alone, and let us have our video games. Easier to have happen if we just let people like this fade into obscurity on their own.

holy crap, again, why would we want to involve any sort of legality questions in this hobby? We are infringing on a daily basis, but I say it's not unethical due to the fact that we are merely trying to preserve important video-gaming history, and to relive our childhoods! Legally speaking though, we are still on the hook for all this crap whether we like it or not. Sure hyperspin itself isn't doing anything wrong as a program, but do you really want any lawyers taking a good hard look at any of this? Not me! Leave us alone, and let us have our video games. Easier to have happen if we just let people like this fade into obscurity on their own.

I'd agree, you dont want to open that pandora's box. i mean, i know every member here has a legal hard copy of every rom they have on their system :) but you never know

  • 1 month later...
post-122803-142870665303_thumb.jpgfirst time posting or replying anything but I wish I could find someone with a complete hyperspin that was in need of a cabinet. I build them myself and although Ive never done it before I am pleased with how they turned out. Heres a pic if I can get it to load and maybe a video too.
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

business pioneering 101, we live in a copy and paste world where innovation is as easy as putting something up for sale.

Don't be jealous.

If I felt my hard time was being used to gain another guy a profit, i too would be a little peeved, at the same time, he is helping make this entire project more popular, sharing your work, which in the end is the entire point of freeware.

Sounds like most of you are just envious that this piece of back stabbing shit was the first to start selling your sweat and dreams, sure isn't the first, and sure won't be the last.

I hope to build a cabinet one day with every possible game on it with all sorts of controllers on it, and the works, and if I can't I will find someone to do it for me, and well at least now i know what i want, and i will be willing to pay the cash to get what i want. Find a Service and sell it. legal or not legal, we are all downloading and playing other peoples creative property... quite the conundrum of a contradiction...

  • 2 weeks later...
business pioneering 101, we live in a copy and paste world where innovation is as easy as putting something up for sale.

Don't be jealous.

If I felt my hard time was being used to gain another guy a profit, i too would be a little peeved, at the same time, he is helping make this entire project more popular, sharing your work, which in the end is the entire point of freeware.

Sounds like most of you are just envious that this piece of back stabbing shit was the first to start selling your sweat and dreams, sure isn't the first, and sure won't be the last.

I hope to build a cabinet one day with every possible game on it with all sorts of controllers on it, and the works, and if I can't I will find someone to do it for me, and well at least now i know what i want, and i will be willing to pay the cash to get what i want. Find a Service and sell it. legal or not legal, we are all downloading and playing other peoples creative property... quite the conundrum of a contradiction...

I think people are just angry they are getting taken advantage of. Creating the themes/artwork for Hyperspin begins as a labor of love and turns into a tedious and torturous process. Some asshole copies it onto a drive and sells it? Not only that but sells it for an outrageous price! I think he should be perma banned for sure. He is selling software that is free for everyone!


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