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This script closes UVP without problems. I have many tables with UVP and they all work fine.

Did not try dr. who but i have uvp running with

medieval madness

amazing spiderman

jpsalas spiderman


pinball pool



black hole


for nanotech pinball wizard and many other boards you have special instructions in installation guide and throughout the thread


Right, I tried those (several hours of tweaking). Remapping off of escape and on to "e", etc. No matter what I did, I either have the "escape calls up the VP resume menu" issue, or, if I map away from escape, UVP stays running. All this goes away if I use the keyboard, so I get that its my Nanotech that's causing the headaches. I tried both the AHK remap and the Joy2Key remap system, and both had the exact same effect.

Basically, no matter how I seem to cut it, if I have the nanotech sending "exit,", UVP never gets the notice to shut down.

I really appreciate the response. Just not sure I know much more I can do. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling AHK/VP/UVP/This script, to no avail as well. Followed all the suggestions in the opening thread, googled my heart out. I'm calling myself cursed.

Posted (edited)

Ok, I'm just now getting around to trying to run this on my pin. Does anything need to be changed in the Settings.ini? I've copied over the scripts, but I'm getting an error at launch stating can't find vpinball.exe

I have setup my vpinball908.exe and vp908tables.txt file

Airborne (Capcom 1996)


Alien Poker (Williams 1980)MB









I have verified that the new .ahk and even re-compiled a new FPlaunch.exe. I'm still getting the error about not finding vpinball.exe. Do we still have to have a vpinball.exe in our Visual Pinball folder? I thought the script wouldn't care about the .exe name when using vp908tables.txt file.

/edit: Ok, evidently I'm just an idiot. I deleted my vpinball.exe, but I just made a copy of my vpinball912 and renamed it to vpinball.exe and all is well. I like this version so far.

Anyway to get the code for Big Score added?

Edited by Dazz


  blur said:

dedrok: alt-f4 is specially programed key in fplaunch and it should:

- close vp/fp player

- show cursor

- show taskbar

- show vp/fp editor

- suspend all ahk hot keys

- wait for you to finish editing and start vp/fp player again to hide everything again

so if you do alt-f4 on a table and then close vp/fp editor instead of pressing play you will freeze HP cause there will be ahk script active waiting for vp/fp player, you can kill this ahk script in taskbar and then hp will continue

maybe, maybe i can find a way for HP to not freeze.

maybe i can wait in one thread for player to appear and in other for editor to close, and in first case continue with ahk and in the second case kill ahk

When I hit play after editing from hitting alt-f4, using the normal VP.exe, normally everything works fine.

What I meant to say was hitting play after editing when it was the VP908.exe table , that's when it locked up.

I generally won't be editing the 908 tables, but I was just testing everything and came across it.

I think that makes more sense.

  gwjrabbit said:
Right, I tried those (several hours of tweaking). Remapping off of escape and on to "e", etc. No matter what I did, I either have the "escape calls up the VP resume menu" issue, or, if I map away from escape, UVP stays running. All this goes away if I use the keyboard, so I get that its my Nanotech that's causing the headaches. I tried both the AHK remap and the Joy2Key remap system, and both had the exact same effect.

Basically, no matter how I seem to cut it, if I have the nanotech sending "exit,", UVP never gets the notice to shut down.

I really appreciate the response. Just not sure I know much more I can do. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling AHK/VP/UVP/This script, to no avail as well. Followed all the suggestions in the opening thread, googled my heart out. I'm calling myself cursed.

Having basically the same issue her with 1.294 launching through HpLedLaunch (although problem persists using the standard launch) on win7 64bit, vp9.08, ipac2, start button (1) for selecting games, Exit (esc) for closing, etc....

Exiting the game through 321 closes the game but leaves uvp running, a nag screen comes up and if I hit "Launch" (return) it closes and hyperpin continues without a problem. This error occurs on every exit from current game (vp only, not using fp).

Error windows states "Visual Pinball 9.0.8 has stopped working" hitting launch (return) is acknowledging the close program option in the nag. If I bring up the taskbar VP and UVP are minimized on it. Must not be getting a clean exit for some reason.

Any suggestions? TIA

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I run FP912 and have tables908.txt setup as well. I'm running Windows 7 x64 and all tables are using UVP, start button 1, Exit mapped to ESC via IPAC2. I have no problems with launching or exiting using the same setup as above.

Are you running everything as admin? Also, set VP to run in XP SP3 compatibility mode.



That's a good thought Dazz, I'll have to check on the admin setting for hyperpin (and associated executables). I know I set up vp as admin and that I'm not using compatibility for any of it.

Thanks, I'll report back!

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I know so much about so little that I could teach you everything there is to know about nothing....


Nope, wasn't it....everything was already set up like that. It's weird, vp closes, hp is visible for a second, then the screen blanks, and hp comes back up with that error message. It's almost like vp isn't being given enough time to close or it's missing a force quit.

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I know so much about so little that I could teach you everything there is to know about nothing....

Posted (edited)
  DedroK_V said:
When I hit play after editing from hitting alt-f4, using the normal VP.exe, normally everything works fine.

What I meant to say was hitting play after editing when it was the VP908.exe table , that's when it locked up.

I generally won't be editing the 908 tables, but I was just testing everything and came across it.

I think that makes more sense.

Oh, i see.

After alt-f4 when exe is not vpinball.exe

I'll check if I'm using variable or vpinball.exe is hardcoded.

edit: just checked - command is WinWait, ahk_class VPPlayer - this should be version independent, i'll have to check what is happening

Edited by blur

Apologies to dazz, ...rabit, zebulon and all, i just now saw this bunch of messages.

I've been playing with my "laptop cab" for a few days - and you know how it is when you enter hyperpin on a cab, you just can't get out, damn scripts - exit never works :)

This "laptop cab" is just a test case - i wanted to see how it feels to play on a cab - before i start building one or buying expensive parts - so I just bought lcd sceen, put it in a box, added keyboard on both sides of the box and tried playing some tables.

It is soooo adictive, and thousand times better then any desktop rig or rotated screen with keyboard. I'll have to send some pictures. I mean really anyone can do this - only thing you need is 16:9 LCD screen and you can play like real cab - no need to play desktop tables ever again. Will send some pictures of the rig tonight.

Any way let's get back to business.

...rabbit and zebulon I see you have some problems with config. There are some known problems with this script but if you check carefully all conversation - all problems that people found are solved, and so I hope we will solve your problems too to keep the perfect score.

Known problems can all be described in one sentence:

Ahk can't stop some joystick keys and ahk can't send joystick keys at all.

This problem happens only on some ipacs. Some work just fine.

So first thing that you see when you have this problem is that you get Pause window on the screen in VP - this should not happen if esc key is stopped by ahk, and scripts commands are executed instead.

You could also see that uvp is not closing or that vp is crashing instead of closing normally and things like that.

Usual way to solve this is to configure ipac to send e, instead of esc, but if this doesn't work for you you can post me your fplaunch settings and we can start analysis from there.


Just a quick note - you should always run last version available, right now it is 1.295 wip 2.

Not 1.294, cause some bugs might already be fixed, and after few months, and beers :), i don't remember exactly which version fixed what - so it's best to solve bugs only on last available version.


Thanks for the reply blur,

I'm running 1.295wip2 now and have the same issue. Before I get too wound up about it I plan on doing a fresh install as I was using a Ledwiz+GP before with the same issue and I converted to Ipac2. Might be that there are still some traces of the xpadder code floating around the system.

Worry more about rabbit as I need to do the install 1st to clarify my issues.

s5_logo.png Store_Logosm.png
I know so much about so little that I could teach you everything there is to know about nothing....


Hello Blur / thanks again for all your work on this / it is great in my cabinet.

I am using the wip2 version now, and I noticed some strange drop in fps. I think it must be something simple, so I will explain it in case you can reproduce it.

1. Firstly if I run JPSalas latest AFM table straight from VP I get 800-850 FPS.

2. If I run it through Hyperpin and the original FPLaunch I get the same 800-850 FPS.

3. If I run it with the wip2 FPLaunch with all pause and loading screens on I get a drop to about 650fps

4. Turn the Loading screen off and I get 800/850fps again. However if I hit Esc and let the countdown get to say 2, then the table drops to about 650 fps.

Therefore it seems to have something to do with showing a loading or exit graphic. Once they have been shown a drop in fps is experienced.

Maybe this has something to do with the memory for the graphic not being cleared, or maybe VP not being in front <always on top>.

I tested some other tables and some are fine, and some are affected. I would have experiemented a bit myself by changing some things in the script but I did all this last night before going on holiday, so I dont have access to my cab now for a week.

There are some really things with VPs fps as we all know where frame increases and decreases are caused by other things running, so it may just be an oddity of my configuration. Will be interested to hear if you can reproduce this one.

  settingsons said:
Hello Blur / thanks again for all your work on this / it is great in my cabinet.

I am using the wip2 version now, and I noticed some strange drop in fps. I think it must be something simple, so I will explain it in case you can reproduce it.

1. Firstly if I run JPSalas latest AFM table straight from VP I get 800-850 FPS.

2. If I run it through Hyperpin and the original FPLaunch I get the same 800-850 FPS.

3. If I run it with the wip2 FPLaunch with all pause and loading screens on I get a drop to about 650fps

4. Turn the Loading screen off and I get 800/850fps again. However if I hit Esc and let the countdown get to say 2, then the table drops to about 650 fps.

Therefore it seems to have something to do with showing a loading or exit graphic. Once they have been shown a drop in fps is experienced.

Maybe this has something to do with the memory for the graphic not being cleared, or maybe VP not being in front <always on top>.

I tested some other tables and some are fine, and some are affected. I would have experiemented a bit myself by changing some things in the script but I did all this last night before going on holiday, so I dont have access to my cab now for a week.

There are some really things with VPs fps as we all know where frame increases and decreases are caused by other things running, so it may just be an oddity of my configuration. Will be interested to hear if you can reproduce this one.

I wonder if it has something to do with Flash not being the last thing displayed before VP. Seems Flash running in the background seems to give VP a little bump in FPS for some strange reason.

  deadsoulz said:
I wonder if it has something to do with Flash not being the last thing displayed before VP. Seems Flash running in the background seems to give VP a little bump in FPS for some strange reason.

I haven't installed Flash after I built the PC, unless it comes as part of the XP SP3 install? I am still on holiday but will certainly check this out so thanks for that.


i've checked and did not notice fps drop on my lap-cab

i did not run afm but some other tables, afm is not my neck of the woods :) will have to try it any way

with those other tables (panthera, pinball pool, sinbad, ...) i get from 800 to 1400 depending on table, and part of the game (fps is better when game is not started yet)

  blur said:
Just checked afm and i see fps drop 500 -> 350 -> 250.

I will try to track it down when i find some time.

Thanks for the info Blur. I got back from holiday today (an 8-hour drive!) and spent a bit of time messing with the script. Just letting you know what I found in case it gives you some clues when you are free.

Firstly it is quite bizarre why it happens with only some tables.

As I said the drop in FPS was happening with the load screen switched on.

So I did this:

(1) Switch load screen on in the ini file.

(2) At the end of the CreateLoadScreen function I added a

gui, destroy

This fixed the issue with the loading screen - no FPS drop. However the above only worked if the destroy was in the function itself and not from the calling code.

I tried various similar things with the 'Exit 1,2,3' popups and nothing seemed to work. I added gui destroys in various places with various index numbers but nothing worked. Maybe the GUI created in a function are not visible to the caller. I was getting quite tired by this stage so threw in the towel :(

Will let you know if I find anything else. Cheers.

Posted (edited)

i tried today on a cab with full hd lcd

i did not see any drop during the game (after pressing esc), but there is a drop regarding running vp without hp

first fp is on start, second is after starting game an keepin the ball in the plunger

Without hp:

afm 1100 900

panthera 1400 800

with hp and new fplaunch:

afm 600 630

panthera 700 650

hp, new fplaunch, all false:

afm 600 850

panthera 700 730

only hp running in back, no any fplaunch running, vp is started manualy

afm 700 870

panthera 1000 800

so it looks like fplaunch takes some fps, and hp takes only few fps

will have to try 1.0 version also to see what can be done to minimize fps loss

Edited by blur

I run my monitors at 1360x768, and I've noticed that the load/pause/exit images all wind up with about 20 pixels or so clipped off the left side. Is this unique to my machine?

It otherwise works extremely well, so hats-off to all involved.


  IgnusFast said:
I run my monitors at 1360x768, and I've noticed that the load/pause/exit images all wind up with about 20 pixels or so clipped off the left side. Is this unique to my machine?

It otherwise works extremely well, so hats-off to all involved.


you must have same resolution in vp, fp and in windows.

if they are not loading screen goes to the side.


A quick question - when loading FP, there is quite a few artifacts that will pop up along the way to loading. Bigboss had a loading screen in a custom version of his ahk file that was a full 1920 X 1080 and I assume that was to cover the entire screen while it loaded. What would I need to change in the 1.294 script to use a graphic that size versus the loading graphic that comes with the 1.294 zip file (it is 193 x 770).

I am not a script guy so if I tried this myself I know I would hork it up bad.

Thanks for any help.


'It's Saturday night; I have no date, a two liter bottle of Shasta, and my all-Rush mix tape... let's rock!' — Philip J. Fry


I have the same problem as gwjrabbit in post #275. When I exit VP with FPLaunch v1.295, my DMD and UltraVP don't exit properly when mapping exitEmulatorKey to Joy8 or E in the Settings.ini file. This worked properly in v1.20. I have bring up a task bar, and kill the processes off. I get the same behavior in either HyperPin or directly in VP.

I'm running VP v9.1.2, UltraVP 6.0.8, and FPLaunch v1.295 with a nanotech controller/plunger.

Any ideas?

  jdsabin1 said:
A quick question - when loading FP, there is quite a few artifacts that will pop up along the way to loading. Bigboss had a loading screen in a custom version of his ahk file that was a full 1920 X 1080 and I assume that was to cover the entire screen while it loaded. What would I need to change in the 1.294 script to use a graphic that size versus the loading graphic that comes with the 1.294 zip file (it is 193 x 770).

There is a call for load screen in fp launch part:

If (useLoadScreen = "true") ;Draw the loading Gui with wrapped Progress bar

Gosub CreateLoadScreen

Else {


You could change CreateLoadScreen procedure with code from big boss's script

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