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Split VS Non Merged Set - MAME


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the official MAME Hyperspin XMLs use split sets.

You can use merge sets but you will  have to take additional steps in order to set up a proper install in rocketlauncher.

think about it, a merge set does not have any clone roms. if you wan't to play Pacman. the US version NOT!!! puckman

how will you do it if you don't have the individual pacman rom.


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Someone remind me isn't the only difference between split and non merged that split contain the bios data in every individual zip?

Everyone seems to be always favouring split although I found with non merged I can still pick and choose and just bring the bios zips along in addition. Seems to save a lot of space than replicating the bios files a million times.

Maybe I'm forgetting something here.

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A Non-Merged has everything to run a game in every zip file.  So it duplicates everything for every game thus making it the easiest to use as you will never need bios files or anything else.  Generally a Non-Merged set should work.  It also has the largest file size.

A Merged set has all games and clones in one zip file.  This is the smallest file size available for MAME.  If you take a single rom from a merged set it should still work if you transfer the zip file to separate system as the parent roms and clones are all in the same zip file.

A Split set separates the parent and clone data where the main zip file will have the main rom and the clones will only have what makes them different.  This is middle of the road and in my opinion the best to use.  A split set allows one to download an update pack and just drop it into the MAME directory and does not require ClrMAMEpro to change anything.  I still check mine but that is because I am neurotic.  Between Split and Non-Merged is like 10 gb in difference.  



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More like about 45gb difference. I recently switched from split to non-merged as split does not contain the same number of files as non-merged, Non-merged will give you a one to one correlation of ROM files to your XML structure. Plus, I like the idea of a single file containing all that is needed for that particular game for portability reasons.

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Algunas definiciones:

En que formato quieres que se almacenen las roms

Existen tres maneras de almacenar las rom de un parent y sus clones.


A.- No Fusionadas (Non Merged)

Tendremos un archivo independiente para cada ROM. Por un lado el Parent y por otro los clones del original.


Cualquier set que tengamos es completo, No hay ningún tipo de dependencia con el set parent como veremos con las otras dos formas de almacenamiento.


Es el modo que más volumen en ocupa en el disco porque tenemos información repetida.


B.- Fusionadas (Merged)

Es la fusion de todos los roms de un juego (Parent + Clones), almacenados en un solo fichero zip.

Es decir que en un mismo archivo estarán todas las versiones de ese juego.

Reducimos el espacio en disco porque no repetimos información, además de la cantidad total de ficheros visibles en el explorador de archivos siendo más ágil la supervisión de la carpeta donde estén almacenados.


Si solo quieres una determinada versión de todas las que puedan existir de un mismo juego, tendrás que llevártelas todas, por estar en el mismo comprimido. En este caso, sí que haremos un uso desproporcionado de nuestro disco porque tendremos más cosas de las que realmente queremos.

Para borrar una rom clon debemos saber que archivo es el que hay que borrar, lo cual es imposible de conocer sin documentación.


C.- Divididas (Split).

Es el método más utilizado. 
Por un lado, encontraremos el parent almacenado en un solo fichero zip independiente. 
Las ROMs que son diferentes para cada clon, van en un fichero zip a parte, Como tantos clones se encuentren para ese romset.



Para poder ejecutarlo en HyperSpin y usar esta romset para futuras actualizaciones de cada fin de mes, Se deben tener el Romset almacenados en formato >> Split >> Nos da la independencia de todo el conjunto que forma el "Romset Completo" así como también la mayor compatibilidad para futuras actualizaciones.

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13 hours ago, adamg said:

A Non-Merged has everything to run a game in every zip file.  So it duplicates everything for every game thus making it the easiest to use as you will never need bios files or anything else.  Generally a Non-Merged set should work.  It also has the largest file size.

A Merged set has all games and clones in one zip file.  This is the smallest file size available for MAME.  If you take a single rom from a merged set it should still work if you transfer the zip file to separate system as the parent roms and clones are all in the same zip file.

A Split set separates the parent and clone data where the main zip file will have the main rom and the clones will only have what makes them different.  This is middle of the road and in my opinion the best to use.  A split set allows one to download an update pack and just drop it into the MAME directory and does not require ClrMAMEpro to change anything.  I still check mine but that is because I am neurotic.  Between Split and Non-Merged is like 10 gb in difference.  



Oh ok I must of had them around the other way in my mind for some reason!  Thanks for clarifying, I guess I did go with split and then copied the bios files over separately.

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No hay que confundirse mucho en este sentido el romset de mame esta compuesto por roms padres y clones y mucho de ellos no son funcionales por cuanto tendrás mas peso de lo que tu necesitas en una colección funcional  tanto los Chds  y roms y sobre todo tendras mas espacio para otros sistemas con respecto a los samples y bios están separados puedes usar Clrmamepro anterior a ello crear un dat con solo los roms y chds funcionales eso es todo con mame no hay mayor ciencia por ahora no te puedo ayudar mucho porque no estoy dando soporte en estos momentos porque estoy muy ocupado con un proyecto, Quizas mas adelante pueda crear un hilo de como compilar Mame y sus manufacturer o por placas (NO NAG) adicionar romshack y mucho mas.


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  • 3 months later...

Doubt there’s any major problems. Non-merged is just a larger set with all bios/parent ROMs needed for a game included each games zip. 

Larger size because of all the duplication but the list of game zips is the same as split.

You should prolly wait for someone to comment that has actually set up both and tested extensively as I have not.

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A non-merged set will be easier overall if you're cherry-picking games, as you'll only need each game's zip for it to work.

A split set has the BIOS roms in their own zips, meaning that every game that uses a BIOS won't work without its respective BIOS present in the folder as well. You certainly can use a split set, but it'll require testing each game to make sure you have what you need.

Of course, if you have a full set of either type and the space on your device for it, they'll each work the same. Hope that helps explain it!

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I can tell you I did use merged sets for awhile but you have to select the version or different version of the game vs going right into it. You can set it to the last known but I personally don't think its worth the effort and space. So because of that I am going back and using my non-merged set and cherry picking the games I would play and care about more then some random trivia game. There is some rare cases that I will keep a different version of say "Mortal Kombat" to enjoy a bug in that game or something but most of the time other games are worth it and only different due to Regions.

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