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My Arcade


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Hey guys!

I'm not always posting on here or contributing, but I try to when I can. Whenever life gets in the way, Hyperspin takes a back seat. I've been on this forum for 4 years now and it really feels like home to me. Thanks everyone on this forum for being super friendly, passionate, and making amazing contributions to the archival of video games! Thought I'd share with you the arcade I've put together in my house:


In these photos we are actually filming a video for an IndieGoGo campaign (like Kickstarter) to raise donations for me to open an Arcade Bar here in Indianapolis! If this takes off, I'll be working my dream job and I owe it all to this crazy collection of insane gamers! I would have never got into arcade collecting if it weren't for Hyperspin.

I didn't want to plug my project like I'm trying to sell something, I'm really posting just to say thanks. If anyone wants to know about my campaign, we'll be launching on Saturday. I can post it here if there's interest.






[jealous rage]

Good grief, only in America... Your home arcade appears to be bigger than my home. No kidding!

[/jealous rage]

[polite encouragement]

Well that's quite a collection you've got there. Good luck with the project. Let's see some more pics!

[/polite encouragement]

HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/


What a great post :) and what better reason to visit Indianapolis.

The arcade looks pristine and you have more room than John's Arcade, and I mirror what Agra says, it's bigger than my house.

Thank you.



My house and was actually pretty cheap. A lot my high school friends wonder why I stayed in Indiana, meanwhile they pay 3 times as much as I do to live in a closet. To each their own, I guess.

I'd shack up any Hyperspinner if you come visit! (hope you don't mind sleeping on games, who needs furniture?)


I'd shack up any Hyperspinner if you come visit! (hope you don't mind sleeping on games, who needs furniture?)

Hyperspin Hotel, what a great business opportunity :)


no dragon's lair cabinet???? >.< it's not a complete arcade room :)


nice setup!!

Funny you mention that...

Prolly going to have to pass it up, but I'm going to see a guy's warehouse in a week or so. He's definitely got Dragon's Lair. And he's got discs for Dragon's Lair 2, Space Ace and Thayer's Quest. Soooooo....... maybe? Problem is he's also got some other stuff I'd much rather have. Other problem is I really want to get more pinball machines for the bar when it opens. It all comes down to money.

The ones at my house are the nicer ones. The Captain Commando is still pretty beat up because it's going to become a Street Fighter II CE and I'll do a full restoration at that time.

At my work I've got a slew of other machines and project cabs, but they all need work. I think Space Invaders is the only other one almost ready to go.


We have a arcade bar here in Columbus and its amazing, I dated one of the bartenders for a bit :) haha. I always have after work meetings there and stuff just to have fun with the team and relax.


Well guys, my IndieGoGo campaign is up. We've been live for almost two days and we're almost 20% funded!

Tappers Arcade Bar

I'm not going to spam this forum anymore than this post, but if any of you want to throw a few bucks my way that'd be awesome!

Hopefully this is successful. If it gets off the ground and any of you find yourself in Indianapolis. Look me up! :beer:

My identity has been revealed! Haha This will be a dream come true for me if I can get this bar off the ground. Thanks dudes!


Nice idea, nice name too. America..... :) well, if it all works out, give us a video tour of the place! Fortunately we at least have good local beer here :)


..........................back with a vengeance........................


damn dude, wish i could help out. If you were local I'd offer to help with repairs and whatnot. but seeing as i never leave my city let alone the state... Im sure you'll do well though, Ive thought about trying to do a barcade for a while now. You should consider finding a few old xboxes to do halo head to head and other stuff like that. Need to get on a golden tee tourney or something. PS thats the first time ive seen the inside of a red tent, it was sexy


We've got some console stuff planned. In November we'll be doing a 10 player Saturn Bomberman tourney. This past Saturday, I had a launch party and we ran a little MK2 tourney, so yea we'll be doing fun stuff like that.

I'll say this. If you're thinking about doing an arcade bar, there are probably others thinking the same thing in your area. I kinda beat a lot of people to the punch here in Indy, but now I'm becoming friends with most of them so it's pretty awesome!

Thanks Haz!


Nope that's my buddy Aaron. He's helping me haha ;) We both collect. He's more into console stuff, but he's got some arcades as well. I'm jealous of his Time Pilot! He snagged it for $40. Holy crap!

Yea we're going to do all original PCBs. We can't really run emulators legally, but we are going to build rigs to put in Raspberry Pis running MAME to "fix" broken games while we work on repairs.

Hey, the Louvre does it with the Mona Lisa. I figure we can do it with Donkey Kong :P


with that thinking.... if you just start buying up PCBs working or not and have a Pi running just that game in MAME, that should be legal. You'd just have to hold on to the PCBs somewhere for legal purposes. Its kinda like making a backup copy of a cd you bought. And you're not getting your machines inspected because you're not monetizing each individual game. I think I just found you a nice loop hole. Now you just need to go dumpster diving at arcade rental shops.


need more light gun games...you know games with the really big guns that vibrate the floor when you fire the trigger...

When does Hyperspin Hotel open? I'd be interested in sleeping a few nights, it includes bed and breakfast?


That's a great looking arcade you have there, I can only imagine having a house big enough to have a room like that here in the UK :(

As for the bar idea, I follow the 16bit bar on Facebook, I'll never get chance to visit it lol but I like to see what's happening with it :)

For a split second the thought had crossed my mind regarding a UK version (I'm sure I'm not the only one) but the thought of drunken chavs bashing the machines soon put it out of my head :/




yeah, his machines are in very pristine condition. he even talks about how nice in condition they are in his video....i'd be upset that people could ruin the machines and it is almost a given that they will ruin them over time (only takes a few bad apples to ruin it for all). Free play could result in abuse. A few more drinks and more abuse. I hope it works out for him as he has it planned in his head. I think a bed and breakfast could be more ideal than a bar. Create a family atmosphere with a bed and breakfast, rather than hard headed drunks. I wish him well in this endeavor though.


Jeej, all Wreck-it-Raphs around your cabs ;) better have a good bouncer :)


..........................back with a vengeance........................


When I was thinking about mine... I wanted to implement a "membership fee" and explain it like.. This is a nice arcade and we want to keep it like this, You dont wanna play a game on a fucked up machine and I dont wanna see my machines get fucked up. The membership fee is like a I trust you fee. Alternatively you can just throw dudes out that are too harsh on your machines... or just post this everywhere post-100085-142870648044_thumb.jpg


Thanks for the positive response guys!

To clear a couple things up. Most damage that is done to machines is purely cosmetic. It's not like I'm going to be putting rare games in there that don't have readily available replacement artwork. For example, my Tapper got spilled on something fierce last party I threw and all it took was a good cleaning and we're up and running again. Things like leaf switches and buttons are easy to replace most of the time. If anyone is caught intentionally messing with a game they'll get banned for life. Plain and simple. Excessive hogging of games will also get you an escort out the door, though just for the night and after being warned. And yes, I know some big burly sombitches that are more than happy to toss jerks out when needed :viking:

I totally agree that I need more light gun games! I just snatched a Vs. Goonies Unisystem and a second control panel with a gun. I've already got Goonies in my Red Tent paired with Tetris at the moment (though I'll be changing that, also just got Gradius, so I'm going to do Goonies / Gradius and Tetris / Dr. Mario. Also have Slalom / Excitebike, Super Mario Bros / Castlevania and Ladies Golf / RBI Baseball ready to go). I have a full kit for Hogan's Alley so I'm going to turn Goonies into that for now but I also just scored Gumshoe and Duck Hunt and I've had Freedom Force for awhile now. That means I'll have a Unisystem dedicated just for the gun games, Red Tent for everything else. I'm also trying to get a Lost World: Jurassic Park cockpit which hopefully works out. If not I'm going to settle for Area 51. One of these days I'll get Time Crisis II.

I'm be picking up a Paperboy, Sky Shark, Spiderman 4P, and Robot Bowl pretty soon. Spiderman kinda just got thrown in. Not really a game I wanted to be honest, but Paperboy was the real score and Robot Bowl is a personal want. I like unique machines. Next on my list are another light gun game, at least one other pin (something recognizable from late 70s - 90s either Williams or Gottlieb), and Galaga.

If you're wondering where I put all this stuff, I work at an indoor soccer facility that has tons of room for storage. Also, I just dropped off a few games that will be chilling at a local brewery until I can get my place open (my Naomi cab is too big to get in my house haha). Also, friends are usually more than willing to keep a working game at their place indefinitely.

Working right now on Marvel Super Heroes in a Dynamo cab, Outrun mini, Pole Position cockpit and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (after all, he's from Indiana). Got a lot of other projects on the back-burner, most exciting being a Thief restore!

Edit: You guys really do have me thinking about a bed and breakfast hahah! And I'm serious! If you're a hyperspinner, I will totally show you around town and let you stay at my place. Hit me up if you find yourself in Indy!


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