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LED-wiz alternative ?


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I'm planning my build and would like to start playing with some hardware in the hope that I can build it based on your multiplexed solution?

I was just wondering whether this Arduino from ebay would get the magic started?


Also, I'm looking at Wolfsoft's offer. Your WIP solution would obviously mean that bundle 2 wouldn't be necessary ie LEDwiz. I'd like to know whether a dual bridge would be required (bundle1) with an Arduino and your future multiplexed solution or whether all I'd need would be a Wolfsoft shaker.


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I'm planning my build and would like to start playing with some hardware in the hope that I can build it based on your multiplexed solution?

I was just wondering whether this Arduino from ebay would get the magic started?


Also, I'm looking at Wolfsoft's offer. Your WIP solution would obviously mean that bundle 2 wouldn't be necessary ie LEDwiz. I'd like to know whether a dual bridge would be required (bundle1) with an Arduino and your future multiplexed solution or whether all I'd need would be a Wolfsoft shaker.


I have the exact same Ardiuno, so that will work perfectly.

Do keep in mind that configuring of the Arduino will not be as simple as the ledwiz !

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Long term I see your solution as a better one. Would you suggest getting the LEDwiz anyway to make life easier to start with and then swap it out with the Arduino and your boards in future?

Lastly, given the PWM capabilities of the Arduino and your board is the Dual bridge from Wolfsoft required?

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Long term I see your solution as a better one. Would you suggest getting the LEDwiz anyway to make life easier to start with and then swap it out with the Arduino and your boards in future?

Lastly, given the PWM capabilities of the Arduino and your board is the Dual bridge from Wolfsoft required?

I have a ledwiz at the moment also, so the option is there, it's your to choose.

I have no shaker at the moment, but given that the Arduino can do PWM and driver the driver board i think it could just work fine without the Dual bridge,

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I have a ledwiz at the moment also, so the option is there, it's your to choose.

I have no shaker at the moment, but given that the Arduino can do PWM and driver the driver board i think it could just work fine without the Dual bridge,

You can buy the exact bridge module that everyone is using as a shield for the arduino for around $10.00 online, or with Pixel's board, you just hook up to an output and run the code.

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Latest status:

The plans keep getting more detailed and Shifters has came on board of the developing on the Arduino side. I am very happy with that because my knowledge on the Arduino platform is very in the beginning. Shifters has many experience on embedded systems and the limitations of it so i think we can make great progress.

At the moment i am rewireing most of my cab and placing the contactors and interface boards for driving with the arduino, basicly phasing out the ledwiz.

I the meanwhile i am waiting on parts for around 5 driverboards and 5 595 multiplex boards, so when those arrive i need to do a lot of soldering.

Beside that i have ordered some stuff for even more possible future expanding, got some TLC5940's for extending of PWM ports, they even support 4096 levels of PWM and have 16 outputs per IC. Also ordered some UDN2981A for trying out some middle range power driver boards (up to 500ma). Could be nice for flashers ? And ordered a Atmega168 for some experimenting on maybe a low-budget dedicated board for something.

So things are evolving slowly :)

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Here we are again.

Shifter has made some un-be-lie-va-ble progress on the code for the Arduino. There are at the moment a whopping 70 different effects that can be assign to different groups of 'toys/monkeys'. Beside that there is also the 'normal' way of just (de)activating a toy.

Beside that you can also say: blink all red or green LED's once ore more. Define different groups with toys to work together, like my backbox. It is now 1 group off all leds, but in that group there are 4 other groups, top, bottom , left and right. All these can be given an effect to display on each own.

At the moment it gets the command via a terminal window and i hope to make some progress on some real life VP table soon.

Enough talking, lets show some video with a dreadfull guy babling about typing in the wrong window:


Anyway, a big hands up and respect to Shifter who has worked the code out up to this point.



At the moment all ready connected 37 individual toys to 1 Arduino board


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...It is now 1 group off all leds, but in that group there are 4 other groups, top, bottom , left and right. All these can be given an effect to display on each own.


This is just way to cool Pixie! :five:

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Just wanted to say i have just played my first game with 9 contactors and 28 leds connected to the Arduino running the VP-Fx software. Have 37 VP ROM events configured, all solenoids, all flashers, some lamps and a number of switches running events with the leds.

Does it beat the LEDwiz in this pre-beta phase ?? Hell YES !! :dancing2:

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Good to hear Pixel! :tee:

Going to be a little while before release guys - be patient - I have only been working on the code for about two or so weeks! The software is still in early beta with a whole number of missing features.


You are being to modest Shifters :-)

I agree with bèta, but i think that we have a large wish-list. At the moment i think it could easy do the same thing as ledwiz without any problem, but having more outputs.

@maxxsinner: those are big words for a simple guy from Holland :-)

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