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HyperSpin 1.4 Beta


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Well It looks beautiful im running 1.4beta also much improvements!!! im running i7 3770 3.40hz runs hs runs very smooth  :nyam1:


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Platinum member only>platinum betatesting>Announcement: HyperSpin 1.4 Private Beta Testing


BBB is attaching latest builds in his posts


System menus are still WIP, the main menu is on the FTP in Upload Here/dark13/Aeon Nox XII release/ I will make a new version soon. The download is HUGE (1.64gb) as it contains intro videos, they are around 40mb each, game's title is embed in the .flv (as .mp4 can't have an alpha channel) and I needed high bitrate to avoid artifacts. :)


You can follow development here http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/5401-aeon-nox13-wip/page-8#entry146391 :)


Here's video that shows the new "horizontal wide" wheel.


Does the horizontal wheel finally go L/R when you move L/R or do you still have to push U/D. 




Hi fist i like to say thanks you BadBoyBill really nice to see you are back :-)


i am back to after a year off hyperspin


the new beta is nice and fast


but i have a problem here i have install the Hyperspin beta 1.4 and HyperLaunch v3.1.0.5 Beta

but when i go up and down on a system on the wheel  i get this ( Error at line 1 Line text # Error This line do not contain recognized action The program will exit.

can some one tell me what is worng 


Hi fist i like to say thanks you BadBoyBill really nice to see you are back :-)


i am back to after a year off hyperspin


the new beta is nice and fast


but i have a problem here i have install the Hyperspin beta 1.4 and HyperLaunch v3.1.0.5 Beta

but when i go up and down on a system on the wheel  i get this ( Error at line 1 Line text # Error This line do not contain recognized action The program will exit.

can some one tell me what is worng 


Hey There.....for HS 1.4 beta related troubleshooting, please post in the HyperSpin Beta section for Plat members @ http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/8392-hyperspin-14-private-beta-testing

Sega Saturn Japanese Wheel Project: COMPLETE!! If you have FTP access, find my name and grab the set now!!!



Oh...no need for apologies :) The peoples there will take care of ya :)

Sega Saturn Japanese Wheel Project: COMPLETE!! If you have FTP access, find my name and grab the set now!!!


Here is an update on the progress so far:


Fixed mp4 looping causing stuttering or black video

Fixed returning from emu causing moving 1 wheel item when spinner is enabled

Added horizontal wide wheel style for widescreen themes that can fit more wheel items


Fixed spinner and trackball only working in 1 direction

Changed more fixes to joy controls.


Changed made some changes to joystick behavior, POV was interferring with analog and vice versa

Fixed joystick not being able to stop intro video

Fixed returning to HS from certain emulators causes HS to be squished.

Fixed main menu always returning to last_system used when starting even though last_game is off.


Fixed no speakers bug, no speakers or headphones plugged in would crash HS

Fixed HL relative path issue(i think)


Fixed strobe animation not working. I had to slow it down, due to the speed up of the new HS, i had to slow it down by a factor of 4 to get it to even work. So if it doesn't match up with HyperTheme, you know why.

Fixed themes freezing when exiting theme.

Fixed joystick support (i think)


Fixed skip up and skip down number not working

Fixed letter wheel using wrong direction per wheel style

Fix pin style was backwards, moves left to right now

Added ability to use mp4 as intro video


Fixed % in filename issue when playing videos.

Changed the behavior of pin and horizontal wheels due to a lot of complaints. Left and Right move the wheel and Up and Down select the letter wheel. The directions are fixed and should behave as expected now.


Added smoothing to letter images.

Changed path to HScript, delete your old HScript.ahk and autohotkey.dll, Unzip now the script is in \Scripts\HScript\HScript.ahk, this allows the autohotkey.dll not to interfere with the one other programs use in the main root, sorry to those that got their old autohotkey.dll overwritten.


Release to private beta


Changed - See above

Fixed - HyperLaunch error, hopefully.


Added - Allow relative path to launcher i.e ( .\Folder\HyperLaunch.exe") where the dot represents the HyperSpin directory. Doesn't do relative double dots though for going up a folder.

Added - Disable item in main menu i.e ( <game name="MAME" enabled = "0"/>, just add enabled ="0" to any system and it will disable it. if there is no enabled attribute or you have it set to 1 then the game will show.

Added - Disable item in sub menu , same as above.


Added - Smoothing to special artwork png's

Added - HyperLaunch not forced as launcher. You can now set the full path to the launcher in the ini. Has to be fullpath\launcher.exe in the ini file. If your hyperlaunch isn't working then you must add hyperlaunch.exe to your hyperlaunch path in the ini.

Added - Can run a script everytime you land on a wheel item to allow scripters to add interactive features to HS. The script is located in a new scripts folder called "Scripts".


HyperSpin Website Admin Team

Also Visit EmuMovies.com



Gentlemen. How to get rid of "Cannot find Launcher" message?



Yes, just go to the forum designated for the beta test.


 - J*


Which is...?




Nevermind... Found both answers. Thanks!


Hi guys, great news! I have 2 questions before to do the update:


1) Is it better I wait the final 1.4 version realease? Do you know when it will be released?

2) Now I have the version: how can I upgrade to a new version without loosing all my set up of Hyperspin? I don't want to overwrite all my configurations of Hyperspin and HyperHQ, is it possible?


thank you!


Only you're exe file will be  overwritten everything else stays the same, and if you don't want to beta test then i say wait for the release. And no we don't know when it will be released. still deep in beta as you can see






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