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gigapig last won the day on January 24 2024

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About gigapig

  • Birthday 02/23/1970

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    Pig Town


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  1. Would like to see it. Me gustaría verlo
  2. Thank you for including me in this discussion, I can only tell you what I do and that may not be best practice. My cab has also been set up for a long time and I've always used MAME standalone because I have my controls set and all my ini files, shaders, art work and bezels set up. I won't be using RetroArch for that. I do use RetroArch and it is set up for a lot of the console systems like SNES, Genesis, because it's initially easy and I love the Mega Bezel reflection shader and scanlines. What I don't like is, it can be complicated to set up on a deeper level, especially controls which I need a reminder on. I have controls working but it's a mystery how. It is nice having everything under one roof and it will be the go to emu for HS2. For the main computer systems e.g. C64, Spectrum, Amiga I use the standalone emu although they are not great on a cab. I can never remember the button shortcuts and so I just rely on my Rii mini keyboard to load saves etc. Most important thing is, have a backup, have fun and ask for help instead of getting frustrated.
  3. And those Atari themes.
  4. Thank you for your feedback Rik81. Some of those issues are being looked into.
  5. New version coming very soon. Thank you for testing.
  6. Welcome Whezker.
  7. He's very enthusiastic.
  8. Great to have you back again. Thank you.
  9. Drinks all round, Circo is buying!
  10. Now I know what to put on my gravestone. Cheers.
  11. Welcome Dazza. Have fun and let us know how it goes.
  12. Did you fix it? You mean you can't get past the Wiimote splash screen? What controller do you have connected?
  13. Good to see so many Hyperspinners alive and quite well. It's a beautiful thing.
  14. Hello funnyb0nz and thank you for your kind words you should find the setup process much easier with HS2. I also need to set up my Sinden lightgun up with the beta. We look forward to seeing how you get on with it.
  15. Big welcome to you LennyK. Hope you enjoy your time here.
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