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Everything posted by gigapig

  1. Version 10.2


    Here you find version 10.2 of Daemon Tools Lite. Currently version 10.3 does not work with RocketLauncher. Care must be taken when installing this product as the "Free" version as it will install other software onto your PC. Please see the screen shots for the best way to install. Remember to set your DT Lite path in RocketLauncher UI to "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTAgent.exe" or wherever you installed it.
  2. I think your questions would be better on there own thread, this thread is about tutorials. If your cab only had one game I would hope Hyperspin would be nowhere in sight and it would boot straight to the game.
  3. All the systems using Retroarch should work with the 360 controller (for the list of which systems use Retroarch, see the support thread), for everything else you will need to set the controls in the emulator.
  4. If you want to start from scratch then go here and get RocketLauncher. As you are a Platinum member you could save yourself some time and download my build which has a lot of systems set up and should work well with W10 and a 360 controller.
  5. Yeah that could be all manner of things from the controls not set up, Rocketlauncher still running in the sys tray, or the emulator still open.
  6. Get the games working in the emulator first and then set your paths and run them through Rocketlauncher. PPSSPP is pretty simple to set up. Also read the module notes.
  7. Version v1.0


    Pinball FX2 Main Menu theme.
  8. Version 4.3 Beta Final


    This is the final version of Don's HyperTools and I have added this as the honerbrink site is now gone. Thanks Gigapig
  9. The old version is still valid it has bugs yes but so does 1.4, (I still want Hyperspeech fixed.) This thread needs a tweak and as long as 1.3.3 is available to download then this thread will stay.
  10. First off I created the two preset builds for Platinum users, they should be pretty much ready to go other than adding your ROM path and setting your controls in Mame. So I'm confused why you are posting here, are you setting up from scratch or do you have issues with the build? If you have a problem with the build then please post on the thread for that particular build. Thanks.
  11. Version 2.1.0


    This xml version is required for the newer module which now supports command line loading of the tables. If you are still using the grid system you DON'T need this xml. Latest game to be added is Antman.
  12. Version 1.0


    Electronic Game & Watch XML
  13. At the moment you should follow this. http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2187-how-to-install-hyperspin/
  14. That is probably a question best asked at www.rlauncher.com. Please post as much detail as possible and maybe also the RLUI log.
  15. If want help firstly DON'T be rude. Secondly your post has absolutely no information on it and is quite pointless. Now you're going to spend more explaining yourself.
  16. If everything on your end is working then no, enjoy what you have created. However if you keep updating via GIT then i don't think you'll be able to keep up to date. If you get problems in the future and you ask for help then you'll probably be required to update and RocketLauncher won't be supported.
  17. http://www.howtogeek.com/96298/assign-a-static-drive-letter-to-a-usb-drive-in-windows-7/ I know we have discussed this over pm so if anyone has any thoughts please chime in. When you plug in any drive it will be assigned a drive letter so choosing one that is rarely used (lower down the alphabet ) would be a good idea. Have you actually tried HyperSpin on a flash drive if so what happened? HyperSpin does have any paths assign to it in any ini file that i know other than maybe RocketLauncher. All emulators can be relative so that shouldn't be a problem. The only issue i see is HyperSpin being really slow on a flash drive.
  18. Welcome to the forum Kakamingas. There have been some big changes recently and people are probably trying the catch up. HyperLaunch is now called RocketLauncher and the downloads you seek are here. You will need the RockerLauncher v1.0 full install and the Base Media Pack. The Transition packs are only for people who have HyperLaunch/RocketLauncher already installed.
  19. Nope, this one was put together due to the departure of HyperLaunch. There is no need for you to install it. @stucazzo Just hover your mouse pointer over the exe. The exe in the download is still 1.3.2.
  20. It appears that the version of HyperSpin is causing a few issues for our newer members. Version comes with the older version 2 of HyperLaunch in the root of HyperSpin and also contains the older modules. If you have an older set up or you know your way around this version, then please go ahead and use it. If however you've never used HyperSpin before and you want to be able to follow the new guides etc then here's what you need to do. Download HyperSpin from the downloads section. Download HyperLaunch from here. Follow a guide to install the software, either this guide or follow a video .If when you run HyperLaunch HQ you see no systems in the left pane, follow this .To keep HyperLaunch up to date follow this guide. Finally if when you run HyperSpin and launch a game you get a "cannot find HyperLaunch.exe" please change the path to HyperLaunch, you can do that by opening the settings.ini in Notepad. Navigate to the :HyperSpin\Settings folder and open the settings.ini file. You should see this. [Main] Menu_Mode=multi Single_Mode_Name=MAME Enable_Exit_Menu=true Enable_Exit=true Exit_Default=yes Exit_Action=exit Version= Last_System= [b]Hyperlaunch_Path=[/b]C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\ [Resolution] FullScreen=true Width=1024 Height=768 Scanlines_Active=true Scanlines_Image=scanlines_ag Scanlines_Scale=1 Scanlines_Alpha=0. Change the highlighted path accordingly to where you installed HyperLaunch which is normally, C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\ If I've missed anything or anyone has any additional info they would like to add, please post. Thanks.
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