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Kondorito last won the day on September 7 2019

Kondorito had the most liked content!

About Kondorito

  • Birthday February 7


  • Drawing Crowds

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  1. PM sent.
  2. Hi @Dualscreen how are you? Welcome to the forums Sent you a PM.
  3. Thanks for noticing it! It was not on purpose; seems that when I trimmed the scans, I inadvertently flipped that one. Here you go (also updated the Download file):
  4. Sorry ulao; I only know ulalá, fondue, and menage a trois Tell him to just type it all in French and translate it with Google translator; their tool has improved a lot and you will understand it all I'm sure.
  5. You are too kind Bungles. Nevertheless your reasons for sharing your creations have nothing to do with people stealing your hard work
  6. For real? What the hell is going on? Reuploading somebody else's stuff and no mention about reasons? I dont think so.
  7. @Bungles
  8. Here you go: https://hyperspin-fe.com/profile/87801-kondorito/?do=content&type=downloads_file&change_section=1 If you are still unable to get them from here, go to Emumovies as they are there as well.
  9. I would recommend my 3D set XD
  10. Keep up your awesome work ghost!
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This project along the Famicom clear logos one were the most intensive ones I have ever done, but still, it was a pleasure to make as the NES has a very special place in my heart and each cart I made brought me awesome memories. The entire set is 100% accurate to the original games (you will have grey, gold, green, blue, red, special, prototypes, unreleased; all types of carts made from real photos). There are some variations I made for some carts (as some games had more than one release/version). These are located in the Extras folder and labeled with an ALT/ALT2 at the end of their filenames. Surf around as maybe you find an ALT version you like more than the original one. Be aware though that I did not put too much effort on the alternate versions, so you might find low res stickers in there. The total pack goes over 1,000 carts! A special Thank You goes to: @juniorunderground for some of the FHD stickers I worked with @Wally Wonka for the special carts base pack @Aorin for the legendary task of scavenging HQ images for the latest badge! I put all my love into its making, so I hope you like it PS. Because of an issue there is when uploading files here related to its size, I had to split it into several parts (to not surpass the 100MB limit). This means that you will need all the parts downloaded before trying to extract the content from part 1. Once the issue is resolved I will reupload it in just one part or a couple.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This pack took more time that what I planned, but I am very happy with the final result! It has the entire USA set, plus PAL region locked games, plus Protos, plus Unreleased. The cart shapes, colors, and stickers are 100% accurate as the original games Thanks to @Yeuxkes for the SFC cart template I used as base for the PAL ones Enjoy! PS. Because of an issue there is when uploading files here related to its size, I had to split it into 9 parts (to not surpass the 100MB limit). This means that you will need all the parts downloaded before trying to extract the content from part 1. Once the issue is resolved I will reupload it in just one part or a couple.
  13. Hey disk how are you? Havent thought about it. Let me get to the office and I will pack it up for you.
  14. Not for the moment, sorry I am currently doing an FHD NES cart set and then I might do the same for the SNES. Will see later on
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