Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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you need to make sure config folder is pointing to your retroarch config folder. RetroArch doesnt show up in default emulator in rocket launcher anymore. Someone please help
Last reply by badboo, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I am using stella 4.7.3 for the atari 2600. When i am using the wireless X-box controler and in a game i use the D-pad up and down it opens the stella menu! I only configure the left analog stick for movement. How can i fix this "d-pad opens stella menu" problem Greetz Carlo
Last reply by Carlo, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, I've just downloaded the 50gig 0.182 mame rom set, after deleting about 30,000 files ive decided Ill only end up keeping about 500 roms. The CHD pack is 450gig which is huge and i we dont have the fastest net, is their a way to tell which CHD"s I need so I dont have to dowload the entire 450gig? Thanks heaps...
Last reply by nocajudo, -
- 0 replies
Can HBMame roms run in mame or do they only run in an hbmame emulator? if hbmame roms can run in mame, can or does hyperspin recognize the roms?
Last reply by angryfruitsalad, -
- 0 replies
Im interested in doing videos of playthru /walkthrus of games: I see Sega's Fusion emulator has a very good AVI capture, but not all emulators feature this. I may want to do live commentary with an external mic so what is best or easiest to get good quality? I could do an emulator + Audacity combo for separate audio/video or screen capture software. I am having a hard time with Cam Studio and OBS Studio but still testing. Any advice? Recording MAME and RetroArch would both be good. Here is a start: http://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Recording_Video
Last reply by phantasy, -
- 1 reply
I know a while back the light gun support was broken in the later MAME builds. Can someone tell me if the newer builds are worth wasting my time with (for light guns - Dual Aimtraks), or should I stick with my old MAME build for now? Any decent tutorials for the newer builds? Would I be better off asking over at BYOAC?
Last reply by jthompson, -
- 11 replies
Mame or Retroarch? I am thinking of using applying overlays, but when search on net everyone providing overlays only for retroarch / mame cores. Don't we have overlays for MAME? Overlays and Bezels are the same thing?
Last reply by jthompson, -
- 11 replies
Dear Community, i setup NeoGeo MVS in my HS Setup so far. Everything works well with this system over MAME. I started the First game, set the controls and it plays well. then I wanted to start the next game and wonder why the controls don't work, looked in MAME and there was nothing configured. Set the controls again and than tried the next game, nothing was set. back to the previous played and already setted games... the controls are there. do I have to set the control for each game separately? I guess not, but how can I manage this with MAME and NeoGeo MVS? thanks for help
Last reply by phulshof, -
- 9 replies
Hell I new to Hyperspin but have been building arcade cabs for over ten years. I gave up on hyperspin several time but always loved the way it looked and worked. So I had someone set it up for me. Regardless everything works great but I want golden tee fore complete to show up on my wheel. It is listed in my mame roms I have both the golden tee complete file the iteagle file and the chd file but it isnt on my games list in hyperlaunch HQ. I have a fast computer and a golden tee track ball set up just for this game and want to activate it. Yes I have searched for answers and watched many youtube videos on it and still kind of lost. Any help would be awesome, thanks
Last reply by Rackoon, -
- 0 replies
hi I am trying to set up Winuae with a 360 controller. When I map the thumb stick that works with joy to key but the fire button is the right alt key Alt Gr. If I map this then test it shows left alt as mapped but list clearly has right alt in the box. Any help as this is driving me mad now Andy
Last reply by Plastron, -
- 1 reply
Is there any way to get decent CRT shaders working with WinUAE? I'd like something to approximate the look of CRT-Geom or CRT-Easymode with Amiga/Amiga CD32 games. Are there any step-by-step guides or tutorials on how to do this? I'd also like to see WinUAE effectively integrated into retroarch someday just for the easy application of shaders. I use HyperSpin with Dark13's Aeon Nox theme in conjunction with RocketLauncher. My favorite shader of all time is the CRT-Geom port for DOSbox. Man, I love how that looks. Reminds me of my old excellent quality Mitsubishi SVGA CRT monitor. Here's a topic about it on another forum. Getting WinUAE, or frankly any other emula…
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 35 replies
Hey i have my hyperspin setup pretty much how I would like it (for now ;)) but was looking at running consoles etc so they look authentic. I was wondering if we could start a list with people's filters, cores etc settings to make the games look authentic. I play on a hd tv. This may help many trying to get the authentic feel like the old tub tv days etc. Thanks in advance!
Last reply by JackOfOwls, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone. I've created an updated module for Rocket Launcher which adds support for loading WHDLoad games. I'd really appreciate anyone who uses them to give it a try. I think that FS-UAE is a great emulator which has unfortunately been rather overshadowed. Link to Rocket Launcher thread. Any feedback, positive or negative would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Last reply by Tomkun, -
- 1 reply
I'm upgrading my hyperspin set up. I was using nestopia before to run nes games, but now im using rocketlauncher , I was told that retroarch with a nestopia core works better for nes . I got everything working on the emu like I wanted including full screen, I also setup fullscreen in hyperHQ but when I run hyperspin the emu is displayed in a small window. I have no idea what to do to fix this, any help would be great thanx in advance
Last reply by marquel2k69, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
I finally figured out how to setup retroarch emulators and roms of what i have tried so far But i have a question for setup controls Exampel, i set up NES and super mario world - it have 4 buttons select start jump speed/fire But if i setup nintendo 64 it have more buttons Should i have a seperate retroarch for each setup of emulator becouse of different button setup? Or if i set up NES and N64 are they having a seperate setup controller on same retroarch setup?
Last reply by Zeaede, -
- 14 replies
Hi Guys, I have a small issue with Dolphin, Everything looks great, except, In multiple games I have a strange issue where the text is messed up on screen, This happens in new super mario, Wii Sports and more, This issue only happens when using DX11, if I change to DX9 it dissapears, but the performance of DX9 is pretty bad for me, I have tried setting the resolution lower and texture cache to safe but no joy, If anyone knows how to fix this t would be great! Thanks! P
Last reply by pjbridger, -
- 0 replies
I am having some issues using Nestopia 1.42. Whenever I go to launch a game from Hyperspin, it loses focus and returns to the game select wheel with Nestopia running in the background. I've removed the "run in background option" with no effect. I'm thinking it has something to do with Fullscreen because when I have it run in a window, it loads just fine. I have tried other NES emulators, but Nestopia is the best for my setup. I wanted to try Retroarch but it is not compatible with Windows XP, which is what my cab is running. I am running the newest version of Hyperspin and the newest release of Rocketlauncher. If anyone has a workaround for this, it'd be greatly appreciat…
Last reply by flanx00, -
- 0 replies
Anyone tried it yet? wondering if it will be replacing the Dolphin Emu for Wii stuff?
Last reply by rastan, -
- 3 replies
Not sure what I broke or where, but I get the attached error when I try to launch and google doesn't seem to turn up anything relevant. Any clue how to fix this?
Last reply by BroodOvermind, -
- 0 replies
I tired the cheats in Nes all works. When I try them in sega genesis they refuse to work. Only thing I can think of is most games I have are USA versions and the cheats are often for world??? Is there a way to fix this issue? hanks to the forms on Retroarch I found a few that work but most games still do not work.... I had to download a new CHT set from the below some games work others many other still do not work?? anyone know why? https://forums.libretro.com/t/genesis-game-genie-cheats/5789 Is there an updated Cheat file that is proper?
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 1 reply
I can not for the life of me get this to work. When ever I load a game or exit I always see the command window. I have tried and tried to play with fade in and out to no avail. Is there some sort of trick to get this to hide? I also tried hide emulator setting too. thanks Jim
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi, I just updated from MAME 153 to MAME 172 (full update) and all the Neo Geo games are not launching in both HS and RL. I have the neogeo.zip file in the right place, and am frustrated as to why they are not launching. The screen just flashes for a second and returns to the game theme. Is there some new update of the neogeo.zip file that don't have? Any help is truly appreciated.
Last reply by Suhrvivor, -
- 1 reply
I cant seem to get this to operate through hyperspin or with the launcher. It works fine on its own but when i try to use it in hyperspin games wont load at all the program opens but the window for it is invisible.
Last reply by Jasonh1983, -
- 20 replies
Hi, I've tried everything I can think of and no tutorial or video has been helpful. I'm setting up the PSX (Playstation 1), or at least trying to, and was originally planning on using RetroArch since it is already installed for other systems, but it crashes every single time it tries to load a .ecm/.cue file so I downloaded epsxe to try it instead. After a few hiccups I was able to get the games to load from within epsxe directly, but when I set it up in RL it acts like it's going to load and there aren't any error messages, but I just get an endless black box centered between my bezels. It will sit there for hours if I let it, so there are no errors. …
Last reply by badboo, -
- 0 replies
Last 2 days ago I checked all my Taito X games they run via RL without issues. Yesterday I updated RL dont know if this is relation but suddenly I started to receive error of JVS ERROR or IO ERROR Whenever I launch SF 4 or BF and few other games. Very strange dont know why if anyone have idea? Games run fine via the game folders. Only problem when using RL. Here is my RL Log 00:53:45:291 | RL | INFO | +N/A | Main - RocketLauncher v1.2.0.1 (www.rlauncher.com) 00:53:45:317 | RL | WARNING | +31 | Main - Logging level is debug or higher and will cause slowdowns to RocketLauncher's performance. When troubleshooting is fin…
Last reply by shitoken,