Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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Hey! I've looked around at many videos to find a solution to this issue, but none seem to touch on the issue I am having. I have an Ultimarc trackball installed, using Windows10, Hyperspin, Mame .18X. Track ball is connected through iPAC board. The trackball is functional. I can scroll the pointer in Windows using the trackball. When I go to the MAME inputs to configure INPUT (General) or INPUT (this machine).. I can access the Analog X/Analog Y to reconfigure, but moving the trackball doesn't register. I see a pointer on the screen that moves with the trackball input, but the configuration screen isn't recognizing the input. I am assuming there …
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 0 replies
Bom dia pessoal, no Meu Hyperspin, o emulador Mame abre normal em tela cheia os jogos, porém, no outro emulador mame que rodo os jogos de neogeo, não abre em tela cheia só 4:3 como resolver????
Last reply by duindson, -
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- 2 replies
I got to see close-up just how good the Dragon's Lair 1, 2 and Space Ace remaster's look and to my surprise, they look amazing. I was able to get these remasters 1080p. I'd like to swap them with my older Dragon's Lair 1, 2, and Space Ace files. There's a youtube video about it but using a more current Hyperspin setup. I have an older system that I cannot upgrade due to the hardware I have. Has anyone worked with setting up these newer files with an older Hyperspin system?
Last reply by BlueGoblin, -
- 2 replies
When I go into my sega model 3 wheel and select Star Wars trilogy I get to the page where you select mission. Everything seems to be running good Until I choose a mission. The screen goes black but I can still here the game music. I have to hit esc. To back out to the model 3 wheel to end the emulation. Any help on what the problem could be. I am running hyperspin on a ryzen 5 512gb SSD running on a 55” Sony Bravia via hdmi.
Last reply by Bry, -
- 7 replies
Hi all Been away from here for many years now and just wondered if there is a list or any kind of resource about the best, current emulator for each machine? Ive seen some lists etc but they are years old. I guess things will have moved on since they were compiled. Can anyone point me in the right direction please? Thanks
Last reply by Harrisonm65, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone, I discover hyperspin and rocketlaucnher and I need your help. When supermodel starts, it is not displayed in full screen but remains in the windows taskbar. I have however set true in rocketlauncher in fullscreen specifically for supermodel and I have also tried to make the supermodel ini file read only by specify fullscreen = 1. if I do not go through rocket launcher but directly with surpermodel everything works perfectly. I did not find an answer on the rocket forum because the posts are at least 5 years old ditto with youtube. Can someone help me? Thank you to everyone who will take the time to read my message.
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone, I am new to hyperspin and rocketlaucnher and I need your help. I would like to succeed in leaving an emulator like sega model 2 or supermodel or even cemu with two buttons on my controller. For that I went to rocketlaucnher to configure the two keys, so far everything is fine but when I'm in the middle of games and I press both touch nothing happens. If a charitable soul could help me that would be great friendly. Thx
Last reply by Spawk, -
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- 10 replies
Hello , i've converted Cpcgamescd 20200330 for Amstrad CPC from MiguelSky to be fully payable through hyperspin , all what you need (Tuto,medias,databases & module) are free to download at http://r0man0.free.fr Enjoy ! 😀
Last reply by Creezz67, -
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- 8 replies
Ok so i have about 4 - 5 emus running properly and am now trying to get Dolphin 5.0 running. Games work fine in the standalone and Hyperspin gets me to a point where it has audited properly and only displays the games in the roms dir, it even launches dolphin but just sits at the populated rom screen without launching. Checked out the module specific notes and I don't see anything related to that topic. Any help/guidance is appreciated as always. Long live the HS journey!
Last reply by adrenachrone, -
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Hello , i've converted The Windows 3.x (eXoWin3x) version 2.0 to be fully payable through hyperspin , all what you need (Tuto,medias,databases & module) are free to download at http://r0man0.free.fr Enjoy r0man0
Last reply by r0man0, -
- 6 replies
I've reached a point after several days where I am completely out of ideas with this and looking for some help or suggestions. I am trying to get the gce vectrex overlay to align with what is on the screen. I have tried editing the {gamename}.cfg file in ..\config\VecX\{gamename}.cfg and this seems to adjust both the overlay and the lines for the vectrex...but not just the lines ...i don't know what else to try...help please. I feel like if i can get this worked out for one game, then i can repeat the process for all games. Right now I'm using Spinball to assess alignment. Lines need to move up slightly and to the right. Otherwise everything else appears to load and size…
Last reply by shredder, -
- 2 replies
I've tried both Mupen64 and Project 64 and both have the same issue. Set them up in RocketLauncher and move my content accordingly... wheel shows all art properly and game audit returns green everywhere. When clicked on from wheel, emulator launches to main emulator screen and displays roms to choose from..in other words, it does not boot into loaded rom. This of course causes hyperspin to throw back a standard aph error which eventually disappears and leaves me hanging at the emu window. I suspect my emu versions are off. Tried with Mupen64 v8.0 and Project64 v2.3.2. Windows 10. Thanks in advance for any and all assistance.
Last reply by adrenachrone, -
- 12 replies
I moved houses and my arcade as in pieces. Finally set it back up and it would seem that I missed a lot. Hyperspin wouldn't launch, rocketlauncher had updates, etc.. Nothing works except Hyperspin - I can see my databases and the artwork. Ok Decent. When I tried to set up Rocketlauncher new on the C drive, then move over the databases directory, that seemed to break it. 1) Is there any way to easily port a Rocketlaunch system setup over without breaking thew new version? Just the Global Emulator.ini? 2) When I try to set up a system manually such as Mame, I can launch the emulator but it doesn't find any roms despite me putting the directory in? Try to …
Last reply by adamg, -
- 2 replies
Hello , i've converted The ZX Spectrum - Gamebase SpeccyMania V5 version from Sparky & Manguan (December 2020) to be fully payable through hyperspin , all what you need (Tuto,medias,databases & module) are free to download at http://r0man0.free.fr Enjoy ! 😀
Last reply by r0man0, -
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- 3 replies
Hi All. I've got WinUAE (Amiga) working through Hyperspin. I can change/save the default WinUAE configuration (within the WinUAE emulator) to include 1MB RAM (necessary for some games to run at full speed) but when I open an Amiga game through Hyperspin RAM defaults to 512k. Anyone experienced this? Any solutions to getting 1MB RAM to load by default in Hyperspin? Thanks.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I have a lot of Roms for ZEMMIX. I would like to run them on Nvidia Shield. I check the .ini file and Hyperspin used retroarch "bluemsx_libretro_android.so", but it is not working 😞 ! I guess I have to add the BIOS in the Retroarch Directory, I tried some of them but it is not working ! Do you have an idea if the ZEMMIX can work on NVIDIA Shield ? Does someone know how to run it ? which setup is required ? [exe info] path=H:\hyperspin\emulators\FBA\ rompath=Roms/Zemmix Neo/roms/ userompath=false exe=com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture romextension=rom,zip parameters=cores/bluemsx_libretro_an…
Last reply by testudo, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone, I have an issue concerning Daphne, when I launch content using an higher resolution, image is out of scope, I mean it is not centred correctly, I only have a part of image on screen! Issue occurs using Hyperspin or not. Resolution can be set on batch file, when you use a non-conventional resolution, under daphne-log we can read : Well ok so let's use "normal screen resolution", so I tried using these resolutions, issue is the same from 1600x1200 to 1280x960 and start to work correctly at 1024x768 resolution. It is working fine using a 16/9 resolution too like 1280x720 so 720p(but again not centred using 1080p) but game is showing in 4/3 and so d…
Last reply by Kleyon, -
- 4 replies
hi guys ,can anyone help, i have demul working outside of rocket launcher, with the naomi games i am testing, but when i try them in rocket launcher i get splash screen below saying 1 demul unable to find epr22121.ic22 in rom set, i know this is a bios file and i have it (do i need to show rl where to find it ?) 2 unable to find gpu plugin gpu dx11.dll i am running demul v0.7 my default emulator is demul70 and i have my rom paths set up and bios paths set up in rl emulators tab thanks for your time guys
Last reply by Kleyon, -
- 1 reply
Bonsoir J’ai un petit problème J’ai installé hyperSpin sur un pc portable (en Windows 10)toutes mes roms marche impeccablement bien puis j’ai fait un copier coller sur une tour (en windows7) HyperSpin marche mais quand je démarre une roms elle ne ce lance pas Merci
Last reply by Kleyon, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, I'm a new Hyperspin user since some days, I am still learning about Hyperspin and all its great stuff but already succeeded in launching content. Before I explain my issue, I have to tell that I installed Hyperspin v1.5.1 on an up-to-date Windows 10, so I installed "Windows 10 2004 fix" too and to conclude I use RocketLauncher v1.2.0.0 that has been updated at first launch (I'm still not sure why I use it but seems like it is very common). I play using a Xbox360 wireless controller and I have a non-official receiver (official ones are pretty hard to find now), gamepad is working fine on PC games, on Hyperspin menu and on some emulators too. …
Last reply by Kleyon, -
- 2 replies
You guys have always been so helpful, I am coming to you again with, probably, an easy question, but I can't find it through searches. I am trying to add Kat5200 to my Hyperspin/Rocketlauncher setup. I am getting "green" matches for my roms when I run the audit on RocketLauncherUI, but I can't launch a game. I get the following error message: Kat5200 only supports extracted roms. Please extract your roms or turn on 7z for this system as the emu is being sent this extension: ".zip" So, my question is this: Extracting the roms just give you a .bin file. That doesn't seem to work, even if you set the extension in RocketLauncher to "bin", so what am I miss…
Last reply by fitz73, -
- 2 replies
I just installed RocketLauncher and am having issues with the Fceux emulator for the NES. When I select a game either through HyperSpin or RocketLauncherUI the game will load and I hear sound, but the screen stays black. I can exit the emulaor and hit buttons, but just can't see anything. I will continue to comb through other topics to see I can find an answer, but someone could provide some assistance that would be greatly appreicated. Thank you!
Last reply by Alpha C, -
- 1 reply
The "Esc" button doesn't exit the emulator when opened via HyperSpin. I have opened Fusion on it's own and when I hit "Esc" it just exits full screen mode. I can't find a keyboard shortcut to close Fusion in the emulator options or settings file. I have checked the HyperSpin AHK and INI files in hopes of finding a setting or something I could alter there to make it work but no luck. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Last reply by Alpha C, -
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Trying to get EDS and Hyper Marquee up and running. I've gone through every video, pdf, forum I can find, and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. If I test images in EDS, they display the marquee fine. If I run hyperspin, it just shows the static image that i've selected for my background, but no dynamic games marquees. omegle Can anyone lend some assistance? Trying to run this on a Win10 box xender with all the most current versions of Hyperspin/RocketLauncher and EDS/HyperMarquee
Last reply by gigapig, -
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- 5 replies
Hi forumfriends, Trying to setup Sinclair ZX Spectrum on HyperSpin/RocketLauncher (Win10 latest) but I need help as I am on my wits end. Googled and searched Youtube but I cannot find a working tutorial (Only people flashing their working installs with thousands of games) I looked at Romanos tutorial and got the triple zip with "Roms" divided in to subfolders but I can not get it to work, the Roms turn red in audit tab. I used Romanos ahk's for RocketLauncher/Modules and Hyperspin/Databases, folders are named "Sinclair ZX Spectrum" as from Hyperspin tutorials (Instead of Romanos/Speccys ZX Spectrum) However theres a lot of unused stuff in the Romano/Speccy…
Last reply by Silverbullit,