Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 7 replies
OK so this is more of an opinion thread. But I would like to know from people experienced what emulators are preferred for each system. So please LMK what emulators you like to use for each system you emulate. I found out I was using certain emulators that were making it more difficult for me to do things i wanted to do. Want to get a grasp on things early
Last reply by JoyStickKilla, -
- 0 replies
Hi I'm trying to set up a hyperspin cabinet and I don't know how to set up an Atari 800 or 8bit system in Htyperspin. What is the best emulator for the job and how is it set up. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The Atari 800 was y first computer and I really enjoyed some of the games.I would love to have them set up on my arcade cabinet. Than-you
Last reply by DESIGNONE, -
- 3 replies
I've been using Turbo Engine for TG16 and then I removed that system from my Hyperspin but lately I've been going back to certain systems and giving them a second chance as well as trying to tweak them up so that they look better than whatever crappy settings I had them at... for the hell of it I tried TG16 with Mame and it wasn't too bad.. actually looked a little better resolution wise but I guess I didn't play around with turbo engine too much. I probably have every single TG16 emulator in a archive file somewhere but right now I'm thinking about using mame. any opinions?
Last reply by bulbousbeard, -
- 9 replies
I just setup MESS 159 from Simply Austins video & downloads and have it setup and launching a couple SNES games from RL and from the HS wheel. However this version is ancient. I want to update it to the newest version so I can actually run up-to-date HLSL or GLSL effects. Problem is I've been searching and messing around with it for a couple hours and can find no instructions on actually updating it or what additional files/folders I need. I've tried replacing the MESS exe's with the latest version, deleting the ini's etc... but once I try to update it it stops working. The files at the actual MESSUI site seem to have nothing but the exe's and none of the ad…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 8 replies
I can go into Nestopia.exe and change my EXIT button from >esc< to >Joy 0 +9< It will save it if I run nestopia.exe again, or if I open up nestopia.xml. It shows that it is correct. I then open up Hyperspin (from there I went to check my nestopia.xml and it still good), and then I go and open up any NES rom, and as soon as the rom is open, it changes my nestopia.xml back to >esc< I can't figure this out. Changing arttributes on the file to read only, make a bunch of error codes when I am exiting a NES rom. custom DIY joystick and buttons with USB emulator. Working on MAME, SNES and Sega. Just not Nestopia for Exit?? I can p…
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 12 replies
I am new to the whole HyperSpin and MAMEuifx thing. Before I got involved in this, I was playing coin op games and using MAME on my original XBOX using CoinOPs 6. Everything works great. The original XBOX is over 15 years old. It is basically a Pentium III pc running at 733 MHz, and has only 64 megs of memory. Emulation works beautifully on this system. So, why do you guys think that you need such a powerful pc for emulation. If you are having problems with some games, could it be that just maybe your computer is too fast, too powerful. I still have my Pentium III pc that I custom built way back in the mid 90s. Helen's processor is only 600 MHz, her FSB is onl…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
When I launch any sns or genesis game the sound lags and skips. I'm using the [HS BUILD] HyperSpin 1.4 (51 Systems) v1.09 build (Much respect on this thanks) and all my drivers are up to date. The default LibRetro Core is genesis_plus_gx_libretro. i have tried to start RetroArch from the ...HyperSpin\Emulators\RetroArch folder and update cores or download additional one and for somereason that does not work. I switched the Emulator in RL to use fusion the sound is fine. I would like to use RetroArch though because i like the classic round TV look it give the systems. (i think thats what is giving that look) Anyway thanks for helping Chuck
Last reply by fecty, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Okay, so here she is CRT-ZERO shader for MAME. It has no curvature or shadows in the corners there are 2 versions. -CRT-Zero HQ (this one has no blur added to it) -CRT-Zero with blur -CRT-Zero HQ Vertical -CRT-Zero Vertical with blur CRT-Zero Shader i made this together with agent47
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 1 reply
The Playstation games load and run fine directly in the emulator, but not in HyperSpin. Error keeps popping up about a missing playstation.ahk file. I know this is probably a noob question, lol.
Last reply by DoomMaster, -
- 9 replies
A little while back I installed mame and the roms using the hyperspin project dump. It was working fine, but now any rom I try to load gives this error: 3.bin missing 4.bin missing 5.bin missing 1.bin missing 2.bin missing ERROR: required files are missing, the game cannot be run. This is with every rom. I've tried using different versions of MAME, thinking that at some point I updated to a newer version that could not play the roms, but I have had no luck. Honestly I don't know much about all this, so some help would be greatly appreciated. Anyone know why I'm getting these errors?
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
So I noticed MAME 170 roms and I just downloaded the 169 to 170 update.... I wonder if anything new has been added to MAME 170 (software). I guess I gotta get a no nag/direct input Mame 170 now......
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I seem to have steam and origin games start up and go directly to the game. However in Diablo III, which uses Battlenet, I have to press 'PLAY' on the battle net game screen to play/start the game. Is there any way around this? (still using hyperlaunchHQ) any info or suggestions much appreciated, thomas
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 0 replies
Turbografx-CD works perfect in retroarch, when i boot it in RL or HS i get this. ScriptError - RetroArch requires "syscard3.pce" for NEC TurboGrafx-CD but could not find it in your system_directory: "default" Thats weird because in Retroarch i don't get this error. I can play the games. Do i just do something wrong?
Last reply by trekdropp, -
- 2 replies
OK, so after searching online for the best way to configure a controller for a specific system and keep it that way for the rest of the time i play games with that system on RetroArch for awhile now and figured I might as well ask around here too. So what im trying to do is for example right now I have SNES Sega Genesis Both playing from RetroArch I want to be able to configure the controller when I go into a sega genesis game and press F1 and configure it and it stay configured. And then go to SNES game and pull up F1 options and configure that controller separately. Then if i closed down everything and start everything up i would like it t…
Last reply by kylecp1979, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys Using a HS ready tracker from PD for dreamcast. I audit the rom pack and everything comes back NO. Any ideas as to what's going on? I'm trying to use retroarch as my core but even HS doesn't see the "HS ready" romset. With dc, they can stay in 7z correct? Or is there a trick to these cd based setups?
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, Trying to get Mednafen controls configured for my arcade controller (acts as keyboard). I'm doing the Alt + Shift + 1 but all is says is Tsushin Keyboard : keypad 0 (1). Then it counts up from 1 as I press buttons. I've been all over the net looking for tutorials but nothing I understand. One says there will be arrow keys for direction inputs after Alt + Shift + 1, but I've never seen this. Any help for a newbie?
Last reply by kevinpo, -
- 2 replies
Hello, Been using SSF for a while no problems. Recently been getting black horizontal flickering lines. Only thing I can think of that's changed is I used to have win 7 ultimate 32bit and now have a clean install of win 7 ultimate 64bit. Also the lines as shown below aren't necessarily perfect horizontal...can be random and seems to be from the background image of a game. Here's a pic: Any help, input much appreciated, thomas
Last reply by Avar, -
- 2 replies
I know this is somewhere and I am just missing it. Is there a list of cores for retroarch and mess that are the best for a beginner and/or full emulators?
Last reply by m1000con, -
- 8 replies
Is there an actual build that has direct input? The ones on the site that say they are direct input, actually arent. Xpadder nor joytokey doesnt work with them. Is there another source?
Last reply by JoyStickKilla, -
- 11 replies
Is there a simpler way to run project64 as an emulator? I had to jump through serious hoops to finally get it working properly. Im launching a batch file which strips the quotation marks and then launches project64 with just the rom name. I also had to remove all the spaces from my rom filenames. I also had to unpack project64.exe and mod it to change the behavior of the esc key, so that it would exit on esc press. I feel like this should not have been so difficult?
Last reply by rastan, -
- 7 replies
hello , i am looking for some help setting up game and watch in hyperspin. i followed the guide on the other thread and did not get it to work. i hear some people have it working from retro arch , but i am not that experienced with that. there are 2 packs i think madrigalcd & Game & watch Collection 157games. i would like the game and watch selection. thanks for any advice
Last reply by spotUP, -
- 3 replies
PC - i5 3470 @ 3.2 ghz, windows 7, 4GB DDR3 ram. Small form factor case w-factory PSU and GPU Retroarch build - downloaded from Simply Austins youtube channel. I've never been able to get these emulators (SNES, Genesis, Game Gear, NES, SMS, N64, etc) to run properly. The sound and video is jerky and crackly. Some things I've tried are: VSync on and off (only works with it on) Audio Latency up all the way to 256 Shaders on and off, (no difference) Adjust screen frequency (my screen feedback is anywhere from 30hz to 62 hz depending on the time????) (no difference) Hard Sync (GPU?) only works with it off So I should have enough horsepower to run SNES, …
Last reply by AufZumAtem, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Is there anyway to get better resolution on this game? the pixels look very bad on this one.. i believe it's at 640 480... I know the gameres.dat can be edited.. not sure how it will apply to the actual emulation... anyone messed with it?
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 7 replies
Hey everyone, My question concerns RetroArch and the blissbox. I was able to set up each system with its specified controller. However, I used a 360 pad to navigate through HS's menus. When I load anything in RA, it autoconfigs to the 360 pad. I got this fixed, by assigning autoconfigs to the blissbox inputs. No problems there. However, I get a weird error. When my 360 pad shuts off automatically due to non-use, the other controllers stop working. Basically the ports get reassigned from what I'm gathering. If I turn my 360 pad back on, the controller works. I'm guessing my problem is that the 360 pad takes preference over the others, as it gets assigned to port #0, an…
Last reply by JoeC3109, -
- 1 reply
Weird. I cannot access any of the main menu items on M2. All drop menus are clickable, but I click them and nothing happens??? I've temp moved my old model 2 folder over but I just found it very weird??
Last reply by DR9,