Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 9 replies
Hi guys.. Hopefully someone can help me and point me in the right direction.. I am having trouble with Retroarch,for some reason it will not pick up my 360 controller. I am using the latest build,1.2.2. The yellow scrip shows up,once a game starts,but the controller doesn't do anything. I've tried running Retroarch outside Hyperspin and it's still doesn't work... It's been weeks now,with me trying different things,still now joy. Hopefully someone out there can help....
Last reply by bclout, -
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- 0 replies
I had a few versions of DEMUL and I kept getting a error! Failed create textureFormat The other day when I was looking for some Atomiswave stuff... I found a copy of DEMUL .57 and again I got the same error but this version had the pluggins gpuDXLegacy.dll & gpuDXv3.dll so I tried one and come to find out they both worked. gpuDX11.dll and 10 that I used on previous versions both gave errors. Next problem was DEMUL kept going back to gpuDX11.dll even when I manually edited the .ini file... so I just deleted gpuDX11.dll and copied/renamed gpuDXv3.dll to gpuDX11.dll and DEMUL works fine now. This was a pain in the ass searching for solutions I found that othe…
Last reply by rastan, -
- 5 replies
Specifically systems like Sega ST-V. I realize these systems have their own Emulators like SSF (which in most cases run the games better or at lest some people say they run the games better.. to each is own) but in most cases MAME seems to do a good enough job especially for someone like myself that truly believes in the part about "being able to play the games is a NICE side effect" I was breaking my neck trying to find Sega Titan stuff and finally got the idea to just download the XML from hyperlist and like I figured (as with ZINC) the stuff I was looking for was already in my MAME ROMSET.
Last reply by rastan, -
- 2 replies
MAME seems to be the top dog as far as ARCADES just wondering if there are any Arcade stuff that I'm missing... also perhaps a good console that I'm missing. I should note that I'm not interested in any more pre-1990 consoles/Computer Systems that were pretty much the same thing as they had the same games anyways... example A2600/Coleco/Intelivison/Nes/Fami/C64/Spectrum (if one had Congo Bongo they all probably had it, etc) Anyways if you can think of something that I should checkout let me know... I currently have these Emulators in my Hyperspin: MAME AAE Atari 2600 / 5200/ 7800 / Jaguar / Lynx Colecovision Daphne NEC TurboGrafx 16 NES / SNES / N64 P…
Last reply by rastan, -
- 7 replies
Hi guys, does anyone know what spec pc I would need to run mario kart arcade gp2? I read somewhere that I would need a Intel i5 processor or above, is this correct? Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
Last reply by rastan, -
- 3 replies
We have Time watch electronic games available already fpr HS. What about Bandai & Tiger Electronic Handheld game available? I used to have this and missing it alot , it was stolen away by my cousins. http://www.electronicplastic.com/game/?company=&id=107&skip=&filter=&search=year:1985
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 16 replies
Is the Cave database complete? I have 32 of 43 (missing mostly clones) just figured there were more cave games.
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 7 replies
So I obtained an awesome, awesome set of Neo Geo game bezels recently. They are the ones that involve two images: the background/L and R side art — and the separate, "screen-surround" bezel. I should mention I am using MAME to run Neo Geo games. And that I am using the "Normal," not "HyperLaunch" setting in HyperHQ for the emu execution. When I place the zipped Neo Geo bezel files in the same folder as the other MAME bezels I have used, they do not appear in-game, even when I "activate" them. The images are below... Anyone?
Last reply by AlexDC22, -
- 0 replies
Looking for a list of gun games that work with various systems.../pc etc.... any recommendations.
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 0 replies
Hey I got intellivison all set up I run it in Nostalgia itself and it works, however in HS, screen goes black to load but then kicks back to HS? any suggestions? I have Nostalgia 5 and bios are installed. [code] 23:07:13:498 | RL | INFO | +N/A | Main - RocketLauncher v1.0.1.4 (www.rlauncher.com) 23:07:13:498 | RL | WARNING | +0 | Main - You have "Logging_Log_Command_Window" enabled. This is only for logging errors being dumped to the command window from an executable. This may cause issues with running some executables and needs to be turned off when you are done. 23:07:13:608 | RL | INFO | +110 | Main - System Specs: RocketLauncher Dir: E:\Roc…
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 1 reply
I had about 12 or so full mugen games on a HDD I compiled a few years back. They all worked fine. After transfering all the files to a new drive....when I load the exe its just a blank window, some games I can hear the game audio but no video. They all played fine on this same system when they were on the other drive. The folder structure is the same. Any ideas what would of caused this? Its been years since I messed with mugen so Im like a noob again. Also.... Ive found it hard to find any replacement games. I figured they would be free to release or is it a copyrighted gray area because of the character sprites?
Last reply by Deezdrama, -
- 3 replies
hello guys somewhere in the past here had a hacked exe for this game whats hide the debug window on start and go fullscreen anyone knows if the is downloadable somewhere
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Ok, I've always been a bit funny when it came to mame CHD... for years I always wondered why my rom folder had additional folders for certain games.. for the most part I would keep them there but over the years I used to actually delete some of those extra folders.. not knowing I really needed them. Anyways I now know what the CHD are and what they are for.. my question is are people adding them on a per game basis or are people adding them in bulk? I have a mame 149 set and recently started getting mame 149 CHDs but I also noticed that some of the games I have CHD for actually run fine without even adding the CHD. so my next question is... why are so many games in m…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 14 replies
ELECTRONIC GAMES FOR HYPERSPIN HL2/3 Here steps to download and install the Electronic Games Package : 1)a-The Games Package - Electrogames ---- Flashplayer ---- Games ---- Java Download file : JEUX.zip 142.5 Mo https://mega.co.nz/#!NVg2BIpK!cVWxXlZ-xyfsxunuozdxZXnvKUJRIjAM4NFZy6r5-T8 UNzip into Emulators directory. 1)b- Install de Emulator Download https://mega.co.nz/#!ZZhATarC!PULLSAZus3LV676hBgiQ4T3TP2QT0ih433_3TVsxO3I put it into Emulators directory Therefore under Emulators you must have : ---- Electrogames - Electrogames.exe 2) Install Média Package MEDIAS.zip 48.2 Mo https://mega.co.nz/#!oAQl0DiR!PwejVx…
Last reply by osiris, -
- 8 replies
Hello, I've been trying to run Daphne via HyperSpin, after making it work completely I wanted to make it so Dragon's Lair and Space Ace could show the players' score, lives and credits, but I've been unable to activate it (I know the command is useoverlaysb, but I can't get HyperSpin to run Daphne with it) Any help?
Last reply by FlippyTheYoshi, -
- 1 reply
There are several roms I've noticed that have lengthy load times from either self-tests or initial region restriction warnings (e.g. "This game is for distribution in Europe only"). Is there a good way to jump past those into the game ready to play? I thought maybe save states would be a good method. Would that work and how would I set those up? Directly through MAME, HyperSpin, or RocketLauncher?
Last reply by rastan, -
- 0 replies
I'm running Mame .153 using an old CRT monitor and it looks like the laptop I'm using to run it does not support HLSL. I assume this is the case as when I turn it on there is no difference at all, but works fine on my gaming rig. Is there any way to get scanlines without using HLSL option? Any other tips and tricks I can use to get it looking better than the default?
Last reply by monza, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Ive got most of my wanted systems setup in rocketlauncher using retroarch , but just cant figure 3do, and turbografx CD out and been at it for days. I got a hyperspin ready tg CD set and a HS ready 3do set. The TG-CD games list shows up red in a audit , the 3do games just go to "insert disk" screen and the only info Ive found on this is that the iso,cue extension orders need to be changed but cant figure out if they mean in the folder/zips or if I set to look for iso/cue first in some settings somewhere in rocketlauncher or something. My 3do game list shows up in green with an audit, ive tried putting another 3do bios in the system folder, even unzipped a game…
Last reply by Deezdrama, -
- 3 replies
Hi All I have been away for a while. How do I setup SEGA CD now, do we still have to use shortcuts to the isos? Ta B
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 5 replies
Is this system already included in MAME? How about If I wanted to set up separately , do we have artwork and themes available? Any members can share some Info's. Million thanks Tapatalk を使用して私の A0001 から送信
Last reply by Javier, -
- 2 replies
How do you get project tempest to launch in a full screen? when I launch from RL/HS it loads in a small window and you can still see the emulator. I was using Virtual Jaguar but Project Tempest seems to run the games faster and looks better to me.
Last reply by OneBadVeggie, -
- 0 replies
MAME 0.167 NoNag v0.167 + Hyperspin Mame-ready build v1.5 (BETA) Below are direct download links for modified MAME versions (64bit) for MAME, MAMEUIFX, MAMEPLUS, GroovyMAME, and Hyperspin. MAME - Autofure, Direct Input, NoNag, Hiscore DL Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1zsiz9bznde1tqi/MAME_0.167_x64_NoNag%2BHiScore%2BAutofire%2BDirectInput.rar MAMEUIFX - Autofire, Direct Input, NoNag, Hiscore Description: MAMEUIFX is an unofficial version of MAME are bringing small batch of improvements and integrated basic functions compared to the official version. Large + is an interface (derived from MameUI) intuitive to configure the emulator and better m…
Last reply by lbiza, -
- 8 replies
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hey guys, I thought I'd start a new thread for this so I can keep the important information on the first post. I'm trying to get every Saturn game working with minimal emulator setups. My hope is this will eventually make setting this system up quite a bit easier. First, I'd like to get every game playing correctly, then I figure this could be turned into a guide. I can only work on this on certain nights, so don't expect miracles, but if other people chip in it'll go much faster. Also, I hit a major snag where now my Daemon Tools is acting really funny. I'm pretty convinced this is due too much mounting and unmounting too fast trying to get games launching. Or you kn…
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 1 reply
Does anyone know how to get Retroarch working with Intellivision? I can run it in Mess but was hopping to be able to use Retroarch instead. i have all other Mess systems working through Retroarch except this one.
Last reply by damtjern,