Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
2,051 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I'm building a cab to go in my son's room. Is there a way to disable the attract mode sound? I have an old Ultracade that is set to disable sound(s) when it enters attract mode. Any help will be appreciated!
Last reply by djvj, -
- 9 replies
So I'm having the same issues with my first two emulators I'm trying to install, nes and snes...I'm using jnes and znes. Does anything have to be setup in hyperHQ? I setup mame initially in hyperHQ just wondering if that needs to be done as well?? I can launch the emulator under the emulators tab in HYperlaunchHQ, yet can't launch it under the games audit screen although all my roms turn up green and there. Mame is working great but I'm having problems with the emulators, any guesses?
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 5 replies
This has been bugging me for a while now, and will get more annoying once I move my test system into the bartop I'm constructing. Every time I load a game from within Hyperspin that uses MEdnafen as the emulator, my PC jumps out of Hyperspin to display the 'User Account Control' message asking me if I want to allow Mednafen to make changes to my PC. IF I click yes it loads the game fine. So far I haven't found a way for it to either (a) remember my default setting so it doesn't keep asking, or ( for me to manually add Mednafen to an exclusion list. The only options in Windows 7 (64bit) seems to be to remove UAC for all programs or keep UAC for all programs. Obviously the…
Last reply by guyverjay, -
- 10 replies
Hellooooooooooo fellow gamers I've got the proper version of model 2 emulator setup. Looked at hyperlaunchhq notes, changed the directory of the roms in the config file Launch the game audit, all good everything there Launch game in the audit screen - no good. All my directories are good, but I can't even load a game outside hyperspin in the emulator. I've found I can't even select a lot of the options in the emulator...have you guys had this problem?
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys....I just wanted to check here before I go and create an account at the Dolphin forums and bother them, but I wanted to know how to load each game in dolphin with different video backends and also efb to texture options, lle audio, etc. Now in the loader screen you can right click properties on each game title and it gives you SOME options per game, but not all options that need to be tweaked for certain games TO GET THEM RUNNING 100%.... Anyone know? EDIT:Figured it out: https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/Thread-unofficial-howto-using-gameini-settings-per-game Basically what you do is when you right click on the game and go to properties, click edit config and …
Last reply by jeanvion, -
- 3 replies
If anyone can help me get one of these emulators setup I would greatly appreciate it. I have been trying relentlessly using magic engine fx and mednafen to no avail. Mednafen refuses to load at all. I actually got it working once with mefx, but when I went back the next day I couldn't remember what I did to get it working. First I mount using daemon tools, then when I open mefx if i click play I get a blank screen, if I click boot cd I get "no cd". The one time I got it working the game was listed when I clicked boot cd. I am not sure what is the correct way to launch a game, should I be using command line or just opening pcfx.exe after mounting in daemon tools. …
Last reply by boot_sequence, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys Going to attempt a harder console to get going in hyperspin and wondering if anyone has a detailed link of setup to share? Been reading a lot on here but can't find a tutorial..... Loud Of people posting about problems so I want to make due I understand everything Thanks in advance
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 6 replies
Hallo there. First of all, thx alot for HS, HL and HLHQ - I built a BarTop and love this Frontend. Today I updated the complete System via GIT, took care of the Path's, everthing works fine. I wanted to add a Playstation Emulator and after some Testing I choose ePSXe 1.9 - it worked best for me outside of HS. When I try to lauch a Game via HS, there is a huge Waiting-Time. Then HS freezes for some Secs, some more Waiting and an Error Message pops up. "There was an Error waiting for the window "ePSXe ahk-class EPSX". Please check you have the correct..." I checked the Notes within the 1.9 Module and couldn't find a Way to get past the Problem. DaemonTools is disabled…
Last reply by Goku17, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I have my setup done with the below: damon tools lite installed and mapped to a drive Q Emulator with Fusion 3.64 mapped to drive Q HQ set up with daemon tools exe, Enable true, SCSI true. When I go to Games in HQ and try to launch a game, HQ shows me the fusion.ini and gives me an error messages a minute later (There was an error waiting for the window "Fusion ahk_class KegaClass". Please check you have the correct version emulator installed for this module, followed any notes in the module, and have this emulator working outside your Frontend first. Also turn off Fade to see if you are hiding your problem.) Using Fusion directly, I have no pbl playing games. Pr…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys! My problem is once I have a Visual Pinball table open via Hyperlaunch exiting back to the hyperspin wheel. Even when you exit Visual Pinball it continues to run in the background. I need a fix so i can one key exit from Visual Pinball back to the hyperspin wheel without also needing a confirm exit window. Anybody out there that can help would be greatly appretiated.
Last reply by symplistik, -
- 4 replies
So I'm in the process of figuring out small bugs that have been really bothering me with my setup, and one of my problems is, it seems a couple of Taito Type X games have graphic issues with AMD GPU's/Video Cards? For instance, in Samurai Spirits/Shodown - Edge of Destiny, the characters hair and swords are 'transparent' (for lack of a better description). After searching around, it seems the issue is with all AMD cards? Also, I haven't confirmed it yet, but there seems to be an issue with BlazBlue Continuum Shift as well.. Can anyone with an AMD video card confirm or deny this for me? Any solutions or suggestions? Thanks!
Last reply by sneidder, -
- 11 replies
I've been trying without success for some time now to get Nestopia to save my controller settings. I'm running Windows 7, and I'm having the same problem most people appear to be having. I set up my controllers, works just fine until I exit and start up again, I have to remap them every time. I've checked that the files are not write protected. I'm also running the program as administrator. I've written about this in the Nestopia forum as well, but haven't received much help. The emulator rocks, all except for this problem. Help! If you can, and thanks
Last reply by ghutch92, -
- 7 replies
Hello, I'm a newbie, and I've read and tried to follow just about every post in this forum. I need your expert help! I got HyperSpin to open Future Pinball (the program only, then I have to hit File--Open--Select Table--Play Table), but I can't get it to open a *.fpt from HyperSpin. Here's my settings in the Future Pinball.ini [exe info] path=D:\Games\Pinball\Future Pinball\ rompath=D:\Games\Hyperspin Project - Arcade System Games\HyperSpin\Emulators\Future Pinball\ userompath=true exe=Future Pinball.exe /open romextension=fpt parameters= /play /exit searchsubfolders=false pcgame=true winstate=HIDDEN hyperlaunch=fals…
Last reply by rimini, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys, as stated in the title. I have successfully mapped my keyboard ESC key to my x-arcade dual stick thru the directions given on their website (LED blinked and i returned to its operating mode). But when i am in emulators that key still does not exit the emulator back to the hyperspin main menu.I still have to use the ESC key on the keyboard. any help would be appretiated!
Last reply by symplistik, -
- 5 replies
I have been having an issue with setting up NeoRaine. When I exit the emulator the Hyperspin window is only on 3/4 of my screen. I have had this issue before and since then have changed all my emulators screen resolutions to 1024X768, it seems to be the most common resolution. I could not find an area to change the screen resolution on the NeoRaine GUI, so I edited the config file, without luck either. So has anyone managed to change the resolution on NeoRaine? If not is there a way to force a resolution upon an emulator using HLHQ or another program? Or am I over looking something? Thanks.
Last reply by floatingyeti, -
- 10 replies
I tried searching for my issue with no luck. I followed the SNES set up and still have an issue. When I try to launch an SNES game in Hyperspin, the screen flashes black and goes back to the Hyperspin menu. Thoughts on my set up issue? Thanks
Last reply by WheezyE, -
- 4 replies
can someone tell me where the mame.ini file is so I can edit mt controller? I cannot find it and do not know how to get to it. Thanks I have mame 0.154
Last reply by chevyy57, -
- 7 replies
Hi Guys, I'm trying to edit the Mednafen config files to change the aspect to "Full" for Lynx and other emulators. I have tried editing the setting directly in mednafen-09x.cfg to: ;Stretch to fill screen. lynx.stretch full Nothing happens when I do this. The settings revert to default as soon as I launch a game. I have tried creating a lynx.cfg file with: <system>.stretch full OR ;Stretch to fill screen. lynx.stretch full Neither has any affect. What am I missing?
Last reply by newoski, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, I have been loading my roms for SNES in through Hyperlaunch HQ and testing each rom as I go and everything seems to be working out fine, games play well. Untill I start up HyperSpin itself and go through the wheel to the games I've loaded on and I keep getting "No Exe Path Defined". Am I doing something Wrong or missed some connection between the two programs? your humble servant. theguineaman
Last reply by Theguineaman, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I am wits end trying to figure this out. Hope someone can help! I recently installed Hyperspin, Hyperlaunch, HyperlaunchHQ, etc on my windows 7 pc with no problems. I'm using MAMEUIFX64 0.154 as my emulator. Made some modifications to my wheel, added some themes, video, etc. Very happy with it. Now what I'm wanting to do is install the same setup on a different pc running a clean install of Windows XP Pro. It's 32-bit so I'm installing MAMEUIFX32 0.154 instead. I have also installed Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 & 4.0. The problem I'm having is this. I cannot load any of my roms from any application, including from within the emulator. In fact, when I try and …
Last reply by Recordguy, -
- 8 replies
Hello, Can someone post a link to setting up Stella as an Atari 2600 emu? I've set up MAME but am having trouble with Stella. I'm sure there's a step-by-step somewhere but cant seem to find it. Thanks!
Last reply by Recordguy, -
- 5 replies
When I load the emulator outside of Hyperspin using command prompt it runs fine, however through Hyperspin I receive an error message and by looking at the logs, my Open GL is not compatiable at 1024X768.... However it runs fine at the default resolution of 496X384 and it looks fine. I think I am totally over looking it, but I cannot seem to change the resolution for Supermodel. I have read it is in the module, but I cannot find where. It loads as 1024x768, which is what I have everything (Hyperspin, other emulators, etc.) set to. Is the resolution being pulled from a global setting or another location? How can I specify this emulator to run 496X384? Thanks for your hel…
Last reply by Jon.Damico, -
- 6 replies
Nintendo Gamecube Hey Guys, I have currently added a new system to my database "Nintendo GameCube" . I have it all up and running, added the main menu wheel art ect. My problem is, The Main menu wheel Theme and system theme are not working. Both have been placed in the corisponding folders (renamed system theme to Default.zip and placed in the system theme) just like all my other systems ect. and renamed the main menu theme to "Nintendo GameCube.zip and placed in the Main Menu Theme folder. When opened in hyperspin both menus still just come up with a black screen.. any help or insight would be great!
Last reply by symplistik, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys Before I begin, a massive thanks to everyone helping me out while I performed CPR on this old shinobi cab. Here's a new issue. Mame is working good. Now I'm trying to run my emulators, first up Znes. I've ran it in clrmamepro, everything good. Set it up in hyperspin wheel, everything good. Set up in hyperlaunch hq, bad. I can launch the emulator by itself within HQ. I have correct rom paths and emu path setup. I go Games, audit my game list for Znes, all there and green. I launch the games at that point to make sure everything is good, znes launches with the rom (s) to a blank screen. I've tried a ton of the roms in the audit list and n…
Last reply by Fromlostdays, -
- 1 reply
I have USB Nintendo 64 controllers for use with Project64 that I plug into some external ports I built into my cabinet. I only want to plug in the controllers when I'm using the emulator, but I'm having problems with Project64 dropping the controllers from the config when I unplug them. Is there an easy way to make the config persistent?
Last reply by epicfail,