Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!
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- 1 reply
Hello, In my old hyperspin mame machine, i had a hot key combo to EXIT a ROM game. Does anyone have those instructions? It's not the one in the Controller Tab in HyperHQ. Thank you. -DE
Last reply by dedos, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with my Xarcade. I downloaded the xarcade config file from their site and selected it in MameUI64. I was able to play the games successfully in mame with all the appropriate buttons assigned. When trying to configure the buttons in HyperHQ, i assigned all the buttons I needed for player one (ex. num8,num2,num4,num6), closed hyperHQ, launched Hyperspin and none of my settings were retained. None of the buttons were assigned. Any idea on what I missed? What am i doing wrong, or is this a bug? Thank you.! -Dedos.
Last reply by dedos, -
- 6 replies
I know controller issues usually get ignored but here goes... My Xbox 360 wireless pad has stopped functioning after a recent windows 10 update (not upgrade) it seems as if the controller was migrated during the update whatever that entails as it says this in the driver settings. Since the update the controller has no function in hyperspin yet works fine everywhere else (Steam games, emulators etc) I doubt anyone has a fix but are there any steps people usually take with controller issues? remapping it does not work. For the record all has been well for years with my current setup (until windows 10). Thanks I have uploaded a pic of the message about m…
Last reply by CarloCGC, -
- 9 replies
when i view my game list at rlauncher, it is green but when i try to run my game through rlauncher, this error pops up. could not find "game" inside the archive with any defined rom extensions. check if you are missing the correct rom extension for this rom for retroarch's extensions, enable roms match extensions, or correct the file name inside the archive. please help! thanks a ton!
Last reply by ci2own, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I'm trying to solve an issue with Electronic Games. When i run a game, it shows my HyperSpin menu wheel as background and if i press out of the Game it hides behind the menu wheel. Is there a way to solve it? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by ci2own, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys. Recently I installed the windows 10 update to anniversary version, but when I finished my games were not being launched by Rocket Launcher, Rocket Launcher appears in the task bar, but doesn't start the game. Before this update Rocket Launcher was working very well. I need a little help!
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
Capcom and Mame plz 1 2
by GMT- 34 replies
Hello was wondering if someone could shed spome light on a little problem. Now from what i understand the capcom play roms run from mame ? Only my roms wont work with mame, i get dll and xml errors so im a little miffed and capcom 1,2,and 3 are they all seperate files or can i put all the roms together in 1 file ? Thankyou In Advance
Last reply by GMT, -
- 1 reply
I have everything set up with my x arcade tankstick. I can navigate through hyperspin and play mame roms. How in the world do I map a button to quit my Mame rom game back to the hyperspin wheel? I have to go to my laptop and hit the ESC key. Settings in hyper HQ don't seem to matter. Not sure where else I can change them as the new mame release has a bug that won't allow mapping of joysticks. I had to manually edit the mame.ini file to point to my xarcade.cfg file.
Last reply by Avar, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, When i use Hyperspin 1.4 with rlauncher and xpadder, my Hyperspin Locks (totaly bloqued). I can listen the sound but anything works (mouse click, 360 pad, or keyboard). Can you help me please? thanks you
Last reply by orphen92, -
- 3 replies
Hi all. I've just built a cab for the shed that's running hyperspin and mame. I also have a coinmech attached. It's all running sweet. Just wondering, Is it possible to change the number of credits received per coin? Say 1 coin= 3 credits I know i can change game info via dip switches but not all games have the same coin options. Some don't have any. So yeah, is there another way to do it? thanks steve
Last reply by ci2own, -
- 0 replies
I'm having issues with hyperspin which keeps spinning when I plug my x arcade tank controller into my laptop. Now, if I launch a game from rocketlauncher, my up and down on player 1 are screwed up. I can configure per game, but when I try to configure mame to map player 1 or any other player controllers. When I click enter on player 1, the screen drops so you cannot see it to adjust. You can see the border of the configuration screen, but not sure what to do at this point. I will worry about hyperspin later, but at least want to be able to get mame squared away.
Last reply by nbick, -
- 4 replies
I'm trying to set my rom path under the emulator setting in HyperHQ, but it keeps crashing. I'm able to map the executable, but when I click on the rom path folder, it stops working and crashes. This goes for all emulators. Anyone have any suggestions? I attached 2 images. I'm a noob.
Last reply by nbick, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys! I'm having the weidest issue with my HyperSpin setup.. It happens very randomly and I've tried different controllers (Xbox 360 and PS3). I cannot figure out why sometimes when I use the controller to launch a game through Hyperspin, it won't launch. It just sits on the screen and it basically stops responding to controller commands. If I grab the keyboard I can move and launch game after it basically "drops" the controller response inside Hyperspin. I have no problems launching the game through RocketLauncher, so it's a very odd issue. For some reason, it seems to happen with Super Mario World (USA) for Super Nintendo. I did pick RetroArc…
Last reply by snakey, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi! I'm having some issues with my controller: With a clean install of windows (it doesn't matter if is windows 7 or windows 10) my controller works flawlessly. It appears in Xpadder (or in device manager) as two "Howler Controller". But after no specified time or a reboot (i don't know exactly) it appears as three "Howler Controller" devices instead of two and one of them has two keys always pressed. I've been disabling one by one (in windows device manager) and it seems one of the three is the LED controller (When disable that, and try to edit light controls it says theres no LED Controller and when enable it i can edit light controls again). I asume windows is confus…
Last reply by ci2own, -
- 0 replies
I recently changed from windows 7 to 10 and I just recently realized that my nes games takes a long time to load! Using Hyperspin 1.4 latest version with RL, emulator used is standalone Fceux 2.2.3. WIndows 10 Any game I launch in Hyperspin starts the emulator right away, but it hangs for about 5-10 seconds and then it loads. I know it's only a couple of seconds, but it's the only emulator taking so much time, plus it's nes! I don't have that problem with other emulators like nestopia, but I prefer fceux over the others. Did any of you guys encountered the same problem when changing to windows 10?
Last reply by ZeroX9876, -
- 4 replies
Hi, Is there anyway I can set a default video for a specific system? I tried to put a Default.mp4 into HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Wii U\Video\ but that didn't work. What name should I use for the default video or it is even possible at all?
Last reply by user3000, -
- 1 reply
I have set up my first system in Hyperspin the snes with help from Simply Austin and it seems to be working perfectly. But as you can see in my attached foto some information are top of each other? Not sure how to fix this.
Last reply by ALIESSA, -
- 1 reply
Hi all. Just wondering if there's a way around the "roms only" option on the wheel settings in hyper HQ, I'm sure everyone knows that in 1.4 when you click it then run hyperspin it doesn't work... Or am I doing something wrong here? Is there any way around this? I've got quite a few wheels that show up but with no rom, without trawling through checking all of them it'd be handy if it worked.
Last reply by Martin0037, -
- 2 replies
So I wanted to play a little Mario Kart on GBA. When I try to get in the GBA Wheel it would crash. I dont recall changing anything. Any reason why it would crash? Any info is greatly appropriated 09:41:00 PM | HyperSpin Started 09:41:00 PM | Going FullScreen 09:41:00 PM | Checking for updates 09:41:00 PM | Update Check Complete 09:41:00 PM | Startup program unavailable 09:41:00 PM | Error intializing joysticks 09:41:00 PM | Menu Mode is multi 09:41:00 PM | Loading Main Menu.xml 09:41:00 PM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded 09:41:01 PM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully 09:41:06 PM | Loading Nintendo Game Boy Advance.xml 09:41:06 PM | roms_on…
Last reply by mrid269, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Seems like a dumb ass question but I've been searching online and even went into a local game stop and asked them if they had any wireless USB controllers for PC and they said no. Online I haven't truly done a deep search but just hitting google and ending up on websites like Target or Best Buy and they have wireless usb game controllers but the descriptions mention they are compatible with apple devices (no mention of PC) perhaps I haven't looked hard enough for PC wireless USB controllers? I currently have a 360 Wireless controller that I haven't even used yet because I didn't order my microsoft (or knock off) wireless usb adapter yet.. most likely this will be all …
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 0 replies
Hi Guys, I am reasonably familiar with AHK and have created several scripts without issue, I am trying to set up a script so that MUGEN games will launch into fullscreen, It essentially is just supposed to press alt+Enter after the game has started, I have this set to Post Launch, Can anyone help? #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. winactivate, ahk_class SDL_app WinWaitActive, ahk_class SDL_app sleep 1000 send {Lalt down}{enter}{Lalt up} ExitApp
Last reply by pjbridger, -
- 2 replies
Recently hyperspin has been giving a popup every few seconds saying "Current Genre: All Games" when from what i remember it's only supposed to show once when you switch genres or first open a system, but now it shows it every few seconds... Its kinda annoying and not sure why this recently started happening. is there a way to make it go away? I've attached a screenshot.
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 1 reply
Well, apparently I can't do anything on this site until I make a post. So here I am, posting something totally useless to anyone else. On the other hand, I am excited to dive in with Hyperspin and see where it takes me. Best, a noob
Last reply by rastan, -
- 3 replies
hi im not sure if its allow to post it so sorry for that.My friend ordered from a site of hyperspin systems the 5tb ready system .Is it safe the site(you will find it if you type it at google) i know its a lot of money i told him but some reason i believe its fake so anyone knows to help me??
Last reply by tsoumak, -
- 0 replies
Hello! First time poster here looking for some advice. I have followed the guide in these forums to set up HyperSpin and RocketLauncher, but I have an issue when loading the ROM. It's worth noting that in RocketLauncherUI I manually changed the path of the MAME emulator to ..\Hyperspin\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe. I have also tried the 32bit version (..\Hyperspin\Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe) When I select a ROM it brings up a message saying "Loading Machine 46%", Hyperspin flashes off the screen the reappears. Sometimes the percentage changes, but the outcome is the same. Have I done something wrong? I've attached a log file to this that may help. …
Last reply by LGShepherd,