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Hyperspin 1.4.16 enhancement request


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***3rd party bugs since 1.3***


1. Hyperspeech support again. Since adding hyperspins script folder intro and system names bios are messed up. Boogieman_NL made it and the problem may also be relating to something Bill did regarding LEDBlinky I think in the previous update


***Minor hyperspin Enhancements***


1. full letter jump support for multiple numbers not just one number

2. Add two more layer support to themes

3. Hevc video support

4. Ability to display letter jump when wheel has fewer than 24 games

5. Add 3rd and 4th special layer artwork support - layer d and layer e

6. Letter jump in main menu if xml is alphabetized

7. Main menu wheel description/year display

8. Allow for special art c to display custom favorite genre art. Ie when you select a genre you can display special genre art. However when you select favorites, you are unable to have favorite png art as "genre"

9. Control the text that is displayed in the information section of hyperspin- pick and choose year, description, manufacture etc

10. When letting hyperspin sit for a long time in attract mode (hyperspin freezes) can't remember if this got fixed yet

​11. hyperspin to be window 10 compatible. Running in compatibility mode for windows 7 ensures that main menu video does not stutter. Note video card is radeon hd 4200 series. Videos work great outside of hyperspin but in it they stutter until compatibility mode is updated. There is a memory leak when hyperspin attract mode is on for some time

12. Swf pointer support

13. Ability to grey scale hyperspin wheels by a setting so that the wheel is black/white EXCEPT the currently selected where the pointer is pointing

14. Ability to run Hyperspin for long periods in idle mode. Seems to be a memory leak?


***controller issues***


1. fix for the bug that causes the scrolling for player 2 to skip the small pause that you get when you start scrolling. This bug makes it very dificult to scroll only one step using the player 2 controls

2. Multi control per key in hyperhq. It would be great if you could set multiple butttons for the "select" or "enter" button

3. Better joystick control within hyperspin. (Joystick control is irregular- xinput available?)


***BIG picture hyperspin enhancements***


1. 3rd wheel layer or more: Select Group (wheel 1) > select System (wheel 2) > select Game (wheel 3). Add an optional 3rd Wheel or more to Hyperspin UI that allows users to group their systems into Arcade, Consoles, Handhelds, PC Games, Pinball, etc

2. Wide screen support for wheel/theme/hyperspin

3. Ability for multiple favorite files and name each one so mom and dad can have there own

4. Ability to scrape info and graphics from mobygames

5. Allow themes to shift so that the wheel art doesn't overlap it at all so wheels have there own real estate

6. Use global genre wheel art and genre background art

7. Global hyperspin/hq settings like for special art, font, themes, genre art etc

8. Universal theme at two levels- one for main menu level, and one for game menu level. This would allow for unified looks across the front-end

9. configurable media paths or a "Use media from xx system" to eliminate the need for symbolic links or duplicating media for derivative systems (ex. MAME media for Cave, CPS)

10. Ability to see game info when you click a assigned button, like Triagle or Y and press "Game Info" option, as I believe not everyone likes to see all that info in a theme.

11.Ability to add "Finished Stamp" to a finished game.like display somehow that the game has been "played"

12. Rate game 5 star system

13. High score display for all systems

14. Ability to randomize game themes and videos (ability to have alternate themes, videos)

15. Vertical mode option much like we would have the option for wide screen

16. Loop reoccurring music regardless of wheel you are in

17. Baked in hypersearch. Ability to search by genre, name, favorites across systems

18. Baked in hyperspeech. Speech system name, game name, game bios, system bios based on what you put in text. Ability to toggle on or off

19. Display recent list across all systems and launch from selection

20. Favorites only wheel- aggregates all system favorites

21. Ability to have a custom pointer per genre. When you select a genre from the wheel, would be nice to have a different pointer than the default


***Hypertheme enhancements***


1. Swf support and MP4 in hyper theme

2. Theme background image smoothing

3. Ability to theme the genre background also use video on genre wheel

4. Ability to have a 4th and 5th layer within themes so it could hold text etc related info

5. Ability to have background layer globally for a system so that you can place the system logo behind the video as it waits to start

6. Ability to resize images after selecting them. Rescale images in app rather than refacing image

7. Ability to choose what layer videos hide behind. There must always be a blank background at least it seems


***Hyper hq enhancements***


1. Ability to control spacing within wheel and speed of fade per wheel

2. Hyper hq Option does not work to show Roms only in the wheel. Selections like wheels only and themes only work great

3. Windows 10 hyperhq path field crashes exe

4. Global settings for all wheels

5. Allow to say display only wheels that have a video or png in the video folder




The ability to run multiple Global or custom themes all setup then switch between an active on.

So i can add all the settings for art location and wheel orientation and switch them up when a new aewsome theme is created that I want to try out but not loose all the hard work of getting my default one setup


Nice list Ninja2bceen, Number seven would be amazing (scrapping media from the internet), that alone will make HS miles better.


Some things I would love to see, don't seem to be too hard to implement and would make a big difference IMO:


1. Image smoothing: some themes effects seem to smooth images and some don't, background images also seem to lack proper filtering.  People had to use swf for that reason.

2. HEVC support: Would be great and will reduce frontend size to ridiculous amounts (four to five times smaller video folders with the same quality at the low cost of a little more processing power).


I would like to suggest an key combination that allow us to delete a game / rom.


What I mean is imagine that I'm navigating on my Hyperspin MAME menu, exploring the games, but then I found that I didn't like that game and I want to remove it from the wheel.

It would be great that we had an hot key (it has to be a key combination like Ctrl + Shit + Del and also a confirmation window, something like that to prevent from accidents).

I'm suggesting only that the game / rom would be deleted but you can also add an option to delete the corresponding media.


For safety it could move rom and media to a backup folder instead of deleting the data.


Of course that for this work you have to have "Roms only" option activated.



I don't know It's an idea that I had needed and it took me some time to do it because when you are talking about consoles, It's almost direct the corresponding rom name to the game name, however when you talking about arcade roms it's not so direct and you have to check the rom name vs game name and with this option it would be easy to manage your wheel having the games that you really want and saving HDD space.


That issue windows 10 users have that crashed hyperhq would be nice for them. I see people post alot about that.

If there was a way to not have av flag hyperspin as a virus too I am sure would help others out.

Edit . Ha hyperhq was fixed 3 days ago nice!


You missed my default themes request from the other thread.



Basically - it would be great if we could have default themes, which pick up art work from the folders.  So I would end up with only 2 theme zips for the entire system - one for main menu level, and one for game menu level.  This would allow for unified looks across the front-end - without the need for hundreds of theme zip files.


*Letter jump in the main menu!

The main menu follows the order of the XML and isn't sorted alphabetically (I like it this way)

Letter jump has no meaning if it's unsorted


Ninja is list number 3. The same as this?

3 layer wheel system instead of 2

Layer 1 = groups of systems like arcade, console, computer, handheld, best of etc..

Layer 2 = (as we have now) systems like, MAME, Playstaion 1, MS-DOS, Pinball Arcade etc..

Layer 3 = Games

Selectable in HyperHQ


I hope Bill has seen knewlife's dynamic bezel system and will do something similar to support a mixture of 4:3 and 16:9 themes on the same wheel.


HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/


That issue windows 10 users have that crashed hyperhq would be nice for them. I see people post alot about that.

If there was a way to not have av flag hyperspin as a virus too I am sure would help others out.

Edit . Ha hyperhq was fixed 3 days ago nice!

so what all was changed in hyperhq? That upload had me confused but it all makes sense now. Did that fox the Windows 10 bug?

so what all was changed in hyperhq? That upload had me confused but it all makes sense now. Did that fox the Windows 10 bug?

Based on a post in that thread looks like it. My cab is sitting at upgrade to 10 screen with no monitor so cannot finish my 10 upgrade to test..

I hope Bill has seen knewlife's dynamic bezel system and will do something similar to support a mixture of 4:3 and 16:9 themes on the same wheel.



I would rather have an always on wheel like lunchbox and have the theme fill up the remainder portion of the screen. I hate having the wheel constantly disappear and reappear. Plus if it's going to support 16:9, everyone will want higher res themes. I predict a lot of them will be redone.


I would rather have an always on wheel like lunchbox and have the theme fill up the remainder portion of the screen. I hate having the wheel constantly disappear and reappear. Plus if it's going to support 16:9, everyone will want higher res themes. I predict a lot of them will be redone.

I know you can adjust the level of "wheel fade". So I bet you can adjust it so that it never fades at all.


I would rather have an always on wheel like lunchbox and have the theme fill up the remainder portion of the screen. I hate having the wheel constantly disappear and reappear. Plus if it's going to support 16:9, everyone will want higher res themes. I predict a lot of them will be redone.

cant you make the wheel always there using the alpha adjustment using the slider in hyper hq per wheel?



I know you can adjust the level of "wheel fade". So I bet you can adjust it so that it never fades at all.

I know that but then the theme is behind it and it doesn't look good. What I meant was to have the theme just moved to one side. I guess if we get 16:9 support, making themes that don't show under the wheel can be done easily. It can already be done but it's a pain. Not that i use a lot of themes anyway. I don't like stuff flying around.


I would rather have an always on wheel like lunchbox and have the theme fill up the remainder portion of the screen. I hate having the wheel constantly disappear and reappear.

Well perhaps we could have a choice to do either?

Plus if it's going to support 16:9, everyone will want higher res themes. I predict a lot of them will be redone.

Hey, that's progress for ya! [emoji1]

HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/


That doesn't seem to be an official release, just one uploaded by a random member.

Correct, unless BBB is undercover.



I know that but then the theme is behind it and it doesn't look good. What I meant was to have the theme just moved to one side. I guess if we get 16:9 support, making themes that don't show under the wheel can be done easily. It can already be done but it's a pain. Not that i use a lot of themes anyway. I don't like stuff flying around.

Fine if it's an option, but I'm the opposite as I don't like how the wheel and theme separated like Launchbox. Like you said though with 16:9 support it wouldn't really matter anyway as people can make them how they want.

Personally though if I just announced that HS was back in development and then immediately saw a thread full of things people want added, I'd probably just say "screw that and screw you" and un-announce it being back in development. Ha!


Is jsinn the only one that can remove it? It needs to be done asap I think it's likely not safe

Calm down, I've dealt with it.



I posted this in the other thread so I thought I would post it here.


(1:) Proper joystick use would be great so we can get away from using xpadder and the hyperspin script to control HS. I know joystick support was partially added in 1.4, but it is still not correct especially if you are using hyperspin on a 1080P monitor


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